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  1. #3101
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    Default testing old builds

    Hi guys;

    In an old post,, I could see various build that I want o test.

    Drow Warchanter Bard16/Fighter2/Rogue2 TWF by Alizee8a
    Tempest Trapmonkey
    Healing marked 28pt Ranger/fighter

    In the forum says are good builds for soloing, and requires no tomes (or at least, few of them) but I can´t find the builds in the forum. Any idea

    Sorry for my english


  2. #3102
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    That's a pretty outdated thread; most of those builds (including my own!) were rendered obsolete ages ago.

    I suggest you bookmark this thread instead:

    To get you started, here's the current Tempest Trapmonkey thread.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  3. #3103
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    That's a pretty outdated thread; most of those builds (including my own!) were rendered obsolete ages ago.

    I suggest you bookmark this thread instead:

    To get you started, here's the current Tempest Trapmonkey thread.
    Thx a lot u are the boss

  4. 10-11-2016, 05:47 PM

  5. #3104
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    Default time to try the bow build

    hey guys,

    i would like to request a build that is going to be running around with bow equipped most of the time.
    i would prefer it being monk or fighter heavy to add another class to my completionist.
    i am sitting at 10~ heroic past lifes which aren't really relative to ranged, got all EDs unlocked with colors of the queen PL up to lvl 3.
    i've colledcted few bows over the time so leveling shouldn't be problem, for epics i have pinion.
    my main goal is to do 2-3 epic lifes getting the double-shot PL to lvl 3, then stick at max lvl for some raiding and to get to know the new content.

    ps: i am vip so any race, class is available
    pss: also little explanation how the build works and what gear to aim for at epics would be appreciated.


  6. #3105
    Community Member Klazan's Avatar
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    Default EPL Warlock Farming Build?

    Hi all - looking to farm out some more EPLs on my completionist (36 pt build) and was going to try another Warlock life to do so for speed purposes. Was looking at running a fiend pact build since I ran a couple other warlock lives when they first came out and tried the other packs.

    Currently have the following:
    PLs: Warlock x2, Paladin x2, Fighter x2, Wiz x2, Sorc x2, Rogue, Art, Druid x2, Monk, Barb, Fvs, Cleric

    Iconic PLS so far:
    PDK x3; BF x3; ML; SK

    EPLS so far:
    CoTQ x3; Brance x3; DoubleStrike x2; EnergyCrit x2

    +3 tomes on all, +4's on Cha and Int

    Was reading about the other eld blasting locks and such but didn't find any real fiend builds.

    Fine going with any race on the build.

    Lastly - Figured go Max CHA, next Con, and Int and rest can be dump. Get as many metamagic feats, Force of Personality, Mental Toughness, and then for enhancements go mix of of the trees as necessary.

    Anything I missed other than full breakdown on enhancement trees/skill points/feats?

  7. #3106
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ramichi View Post
    i would like to request a build that is going to be running around with bow equipped most of the time.
    i would prefer it being monk or fighter heavy to add another class to my completionist.
    A full-time archer who isn't a pure ranger still sounds like "monkcher" to me. See my build thread; also the Kighter. For a shuriken / bow hybrid build, see jakeelala's thread.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  8. #3107

    Default New Player Help Needed

    First, please forgive my lack of knowledge (and wordiness)... character building is still non-obvious to me. I'm new and I know at this point I should probably stick to established builds... So far, I've started playing a Sacred Knight for New Players mostly solo and in PUGs, and a Vanguard for New Players in a static group once/week. I really like the static groups, so I wanted to join another, but want something that's not a Paladin and was thinking a different flavor of melee, something with a darker attitude and preferably retaining some self-healing capabilities...

    So, considering I currently only have access to F2P races/classes (Drow and FVS not unlocked yet, yes, I'm new, though almost have Drow so that's not totally out), only have 28 pt builds, and pretty much run what ya brung (or find on the way) for gear... I was looking at the Elf Tempest Trapmonkey and Trapper Bard for New Players, but the group already has traps covered by an Arti...

    I thought about switching the trapping/locks from the Elf version of tempest trapmonkey out for some hide, move silently, and bluff to take more advantage of sneak attack tactics, but I don't know if it's worth keeping the rogue levels (since DWS has some sneak attack and not sure if it stacks w/ rogue sneak attack dice?) and going that route without investing more into it (rogue 3+ for more sneak attack dice and putting AP into assassin?) and I'm not sure where to juggle the AP... but maybe a different combo or just pure ranger makes more sense if the traps aren't needed? Another question I had was, Why isn't the damage boost from DWS tree used? It was mentioned in the post that no human dam boost was available so the build gave up the tempest haste boost, but to me it looks like it's there... Can you not use DWS damage and Tempest Haste boosts together?

    My other thought was changing the Bard Trapper around to DEX based Swash, but I think DEX to hit and damage would need 1 feat and 3 Rogue levels (for Weapon Finesse and Dagger in the Back) and I'm not sure if you can make up for giving up Roll w/ Punches by putting AP into Assassin and using Shiv/Bluff and Sneak Attacks (Is that even a good tactic anyways?)

    Anyways, much respect to all of you that figure all of this stuff out and make it look easy, it definitely isn't when you're new! Hopefully I'll learn in time... And, thanks in advance for any help/advice!
    Last edited by Strigidae; 10-18-2016 at 04:43 PM.

  9. #3108
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Welcome to DDO. Recommend you bookmark the Build Repository for future reference.
    Quote Originally Posted by Strigidae View Post
    since DWS has some sneak attack and not sure if it stacks w/ rogue sneak attack dice?
    They do.
    just pure ranger makes more sense if the traps aren't needed?
    If you don't care about trap skills, pure rgr is better DPS and simpler to build, IMO. See my elf ranger thread, as well as Strimtom's thread.
    DEX based Swash, but I think DEX to hit and damage would need 1 feat and 3 Rogue levels (for Weapon Finesse and Dagger in the Back)
    If you want a DEX-based Swashbuckler, you don't need Dagger in the Back; you can take the Swift Strikes enhancement from Swashbuckler instead. Alternatively, there are a few named weapons which provide DEX to dmg natively. This would let you stick with bard 18 / rog 2 split if you wanted; or use a bard 10-12 / ftr 6-8 / rog 2 split similar to this build. The fighter lvls boost both defenses & DPS with handaxes or light picks.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  10. #3109
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    Default 36 point arty/repeater

    recently returned to game after five years and never made an Arty...repeater user..race not important..eaten +7 supreme tome

  11. #3110
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chynum View Post
    recently returned to game after five years and never made an Arty...repeater user..race not important..eaten +7 supreme tome
    If you really want an arty, no reason not to stick with the classic. But if what you really want is a ranged DPS build using repeaters, you're better off with a Mechanic or maybe a Mechanic / Kensei hybrid.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  12. #3111
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    Default thanks (:

    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    If you really want an arty, no reason not to stick with the classic. But if what you really want is a ranged DPS build using repeaters, you're better off with a Mechanic or maybe a Mechanic / Kensei hybrid.

  13. #3112
    Community Member Nico42's Avatar
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    Default ADvise on a fighter build

    About to TR3 this toon (if I don't stuff it up again) from L30 Shadar-Kai Arti to a Fighter. Still humming and haring on the best build to go with Hoping some one on Forum will suggest something Awesome

    So past lives on this toon is 1x Dwarven tempest Ranger (So have GS D-Axes I'd like to reuse) ... and 2 x Shadar-Kai Arti (splash of Rogue). For what it's worth I found I really liked the iconic Shadr-Kai build as the splash of rogue with Arti sort of works well with the racial enhancement tree for trapping, and the Arti's rune & repeater is nice to have in fights. Anyway enough reminiscing time to TR

    Basically I'm after something that is not overly complicated to build and kit, can deal out truck loads of DPS (especially in Legendary Shrouds against portals and Lieutenants), and survivable enough not to need a Cleric to patch me up every 5 seconds (in any of the legendary raids)

    So I'll end up Cannith crafting most of my kit till L16, at which point I'd love to reuse those twin D-Axes again, but if it's a lot better to ditch them and go down a different path I'll not be obstinate. At Epic I've got the Necro gear I can swing into play at the appropriate ML. So from my tone I'm leaning towards TWF although might be nice to have S&B as a back up.

    Not fussed about going Pure or Multi-Classing, and was thinking "1 with blade" and Monk for the AC boost, but then I'd have no armor and I suspect the Heavy Armour with the PRR boost is really handy. Same with the Evasion gains from Monk or Rogue .. nice but again no armor. Was think a splash of Arti for ranging opponents whilst closing distance and then switching to D-axes (I think the Dog only advances with the number of Arti levels, so will probably be useless after L5, other than may be as a box smasher). At the moment I'm thinking a Fighter-14/FvS-6 mix for self healing .. but sure I'm being short sighted.

    I'm sure there is a build out there ... and I'm still sifting through the reams of pages, but if someone knows a build that would work ... I would appreciate the assist !

    Many thanks in advance ... catch you in the Codex sometime
    Last edited by Nico42; 10-22-2016 at 03:19 AM.

    Nick C.
    (Trap Monkey)

  14. #3113
    Community Member Nico42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nico42 View Post
    ... and I'm still sifting through the reams of pages, but if someone knows a build that would work ... I would appreciate the assist !

    Many thanks in advance ... catch you in the Codex sometime

    ... am beginning to like the sound of this one. Any thought on Dwarf instead of Human? ... Also considering less Cha and more Wis

    Nick C.
    (Trap Monkey)

  15. #3114
    Community Member gode_b40's Avatar
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    Default Need Help - 32 Pt - Half-Elf rogue build w/ Harper Enhancement available

    Just looking for ideas and help with the tree on how to make this work.

    Thanks all!

  16. #3115
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Any of the existing rogue builds can be adapted easily to half-elves, but is there any particular reason for using HEs? Humans get an extra feat and cheaper access to Dmg Boost & heal amp; other races have higher base DEX and/or INT, the key stats for most rogues. Some of the HE dilettante feats are okay but cost too many APs to upgrade, IMO. I guess Diplomatic Immunity is kinda useful?
    Last edited by unbongwah; 10-27-2016 at 03:54 PM.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  17. #3116
    Community Member gode_b40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Any of the existing rogue builds can be adapted easily to half-elves, but is there any particular reason for using HEs? Humans get an extra feat and cheaper access to Dmg Boost & heal amp; other races have higher base DEX and/or INT, the key stats for most rogues. Some of the rogue dilettante feats are okay but cost too many APs to upgrade, IMO. I guess Diplomatic Immunity is kinda useful?

    Thank you so much! The reason for a HE is it was my first every character when I started playing tabletop. A bit nostalgic.

  18. #3117
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    Default Various characters?

    Hello, I am just now returning to DDO after a leave of absence for a while... and while I currently have a number of characters, I am considering deleting and starting mostly fresh. Most of what I have are low level, or a few iconic level 15's, with only one currently at 24..

    The level 24 is a bladeforged 2/6/12 pal/fight/sorc EK S&B style..

    I'm not sure if the characters I am aiming for have already been listed in this thread, or elsewhere in the forums.. - if they have, could someone please refer me to them?

    While the races/classes in general can be subject to change, I am looking for something that would fit along the lines of the following for each character..

    »A half-elven Swordmage, using one-handed sword + spell.. or in the case of DPS increase, TWF + buffing spells. Something kind of along the lines of a Kensai/Mage in the Baldur's Gate series.
    »A drow shadowcaster, using TWF small blades + spells, or an arcane assassin type character. With thrown daggers in the mix somewhere for a lil added range support?
    »A human chi monk, pure or multi.
    »A dwarven defender, axe and shield tank
    »A human TWF fighter, dual longs
    »A half-orc THF great axe barbarian
    »A halfling rogue with daggers, pure or multi.
    »A sword and shield paladin with some spellcasting
    »A mace and shield cleric with a combination of casting + melee
    »A good archer ranger build, using bow and possibly a mix of TWF with swords for some melee action.
    »A good pure archmage build
    »And a good spell based druid build.

    In addition to posting this here, I'll continue to look through various forums/threads to see if I can find some along the lines that I would like. I figure that the first 2-3 might be the hardest to find exactly as I would like, while the others are most likely pretty much a straight forward type of build. But again, the first two are the main ones that I am looking for..

    I haven't done anything with my current EK sorc since I got back, but when it boils down to it, I'm not much of a fan of using a sorc with a sword + shield... EK bladeforged or not.. On both the swordmage and shadowcaster builds, looking for something with high dps, that combines different types of melee with magic... Swordmage is a straight up fighter + wiz/sorc/lock or other build combos.. The shadowcaster.. Idk, possibly a combination of rogue/monk/wiz?

  19. #3118
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Welcome back, MagicBlade.

    Your best resource for finding builds IMO is the Build Repository. Also see the build index in my signature. As for some of your specific requests:
    Quote Originally Posted by MagicBlade View Post
    »A half-elven Swordmage, using one-handed sword + spell.. or in the case of DPS increase, TWF + buffing spells. Something kind of along the lines of a Kensai/Mage in the Baldur's Gate series.
    This is THF but easy to convert to SWF or TWF (requires Harper):

    That thread should also give you ideas for your BF ftr/sorc.
    »A dwarven defender, axe and shield tank
    See my Dwarven Defender thread.
    »A human TWF fighter, dual longs
    Dwarf but easy to convert:

    Strongly recommend khopeshes instead of longswords, though. Fortunately, if you take Heavy Blades Kensei + Exotic Mastery + khopesh prof, it covers both.
    »A half-orc THF great axe barbarian
    Swap this to HO:
    »A halfling rogue with daggers, pure or multi.
    Slarden has both DEX- and INT-based options.
    »A good archer ranger build, using bow and possibly a mix of TWF with swords for some melee action.
    Pure builds:
    18/1/1 splashes for trap skills:
    »And a good spell based druid build.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  20. #3119
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Welcome back, MagicBlade.
    Hey Unbongwah, thank's for getting back to me so soon, I'll certainly take a look at each of those builds and see if they are what I might be interested in. I also just re-downloaded a character planner and considering trying to do my own build and see if I could get something to work. I wasn't even aware of the new SWF feats until last night after i posted that, and I think that'll be good to use with a sword + orb, rather than sword + shield as my current character is.

    Though, on the half-elf you linked for the Arcane Warrior, I'm wanting robe/light armor, using spells for the AC, as a true swordmage, rather than a battlemage (heavily armored mage).. I know this kind of limits my char to more or less requiring a group to be effective rather than full solo, since will end up with a lower AC

    I have one other question...

    My character is a 12 Sorc/6 Fighter/2 Pal/4 Epic.. if I wanted to TR to remake, would I have to wait til cap, or be able to go ahead and HTR?
    Last edited by MagicBlade; 11-03-2016 at 03:21 PM.

  21. #3120
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MagicBlade View Post
    My character is a 12 Sorc/6 Fighter/2 Pal/4 Epic.. if I wanted to TR to remake, would I have to wait til cap, or be able to go ahead and HTR?
    You can LR any time you want, but Iconics can't HTR; they need to level to cap so they can ITR or ER.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

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