No offense, but is there anything you
don't want this build to be able to do?
Wraith form req's at least 12 wiz lvls; but good AoE CC on a caster usually requires maxing your caster lvls, ideally with Mass Hold Monster. "TWF+ranged" makes me think of hvy rgr splash for feats & Manyshot. Trap skills require rog or arty splash. "Tank" implies "draws aggro without dying," which makes me think ftr or pal for Sacred / Stalwart Defender.
So it sounds to me like you want a quadruple-class build (when 3 is the max) with about 27 class lvls (wiz 17 + rgr 6 + ftr 4 + rog 2) when 20 is the max. And you want all that on a first-life build without any tomes or special gear?
What I'm suggesting is maybe you should narrow your build's focus to something a little more realistic.