Right now, one of the best DPS+self-healing combos is, ironically, a Swashbuckling bard: have a look at the Count and Jack Dancer for examples of what you can do with pure & MCed bards, respectively. Cetus is the go-to build for anyone looking for a self-sufficient monk / kensei, although it you don't have Bladeforged unlocked you lose one of its best aspects, the BF Reconstruct SLA.
When U23 rolls out, a pure or mostly-pure pally is gonna be a much better DPS choice, thanks largely to the buff to Holy Sword (equipped weapons gain +1 crit range & multiplier). The downside is you don't gain lvl 4 spells until pal lvl 14 and the other DPS boosts in KotC are welcome but insufficient on their own, IMHO. Plus ofc U23 hasn't hit live yet; you might be done with your next life by the time it rolls out, for all I know.