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  1. #2321
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    Instead of asking for a build, I ask advice for my build.

    Right now I have a Soc6/Pal4 Eldritch Knight with 2Handed weapons having some fun. As time goes by, I think I could try to do a lesser reencarnation (I still have a lesser wooden hearth) and try building it toward a tank.

    I have 2 real questions. First, I'm using the dragonmark of finding, as it seems cool on theory. Is it actually worth it? It means 1 feat and 7 enhacement points, only for the +1lvl to treasure thing, and sometimes for the knock thing.

    Second, can an eldritch knight work as a tank? It seems likely, IMO. Also, what should I aim as a tank? I know HP, AC, saves and threat creating are my focus. Being paladin helps me with saves a bit, but I don't know what should I aim at lvl 10 or 15. Right now I'm between 24 (Fort) and 19 (Ref), but I'm not quitted as a tank (besides the +5 resistance items i wear). I could get more getting some enhacements from the paladin tree, maybe I could get a feat (Force of Will will (sic) skyrocket my Will save). AC can be worked with expertise and Improved mage armor, and by getting some enhacements and action boosts. Threat generation seems easy as I will have high S thanks to divide might, and doing some nasty damage through eldritch knight anyway (also, sacred defense will boost my damage a bit more). HP could be solved by high cons (20-22 with tomes and +6 enhacement bonus, 24-26 with Tenser transformation). If I get some fighter levels, I will be able to get a couple of Thoughness too. False life is also an option (the item bonus, not the spell).

    Now, knowing that, could I work this out while still being 2 handed? It's shield a must? It's actively blocking with shield a real need at higher levels? 2 Handed allows me to go high on DPS and it doesn't ask me for that many enhacement points. Maybe some kind of off-tank? Is that a thing on DDO? Should I stick to shield+1h weapon, and go 2 handed when the dungeon allows me? Either way, is cleave+greater cleave usefull? If I could go 2 handed tank, are 2 Handed Fighting feats useful?

    I'm aiming to 6Pal/6Sor/8Fighter, changing fighter levels for pal/sor as needed, as I don't know if I really need LVL4 spells, as I'm going full boosts from spells instead of damage, nor If more paladin levels work on me, and extra feats are always a good thing.

  2. #2322
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrederickVael View Post
    Instead of asking for a build, I ask advice for my build.

    Right now I have a Soc6/Pal4 Eldritch Knight with 2Handed weapons having some fun. As time goes by, I think I could try to do a lesser reencarnation (I still have a lesser wooden hearth) and try building it toward a tank.

    I have 2 real questions. First, I'm using the dragonmark of finding, as it seems cool on theory. Is it actually worth it? It means 1 feat and 7 enhacement points, only for the +1lvl to treasure thing, and sometimes for the knock thing.

    Second, can an eldritch knight work as a tank? It seems likely, IMO. Also, what should I aim as a tank? I know HP, AC, saves and threat creating are my focus. Being paladin helps me with saves a bit, but I don't know what should I aim at lvl 10 or 15. Right now I'm between 24 (Fort) and 19 (Ref), but I'm not quitted as a tank (besides the +5 resistance items i wear). I could get more getting some enhacements from the paladin tree, maybe I could get a feat (Force of Will will (sic) skyrocket my Will save). AC can be worked with expertise and Improved mage armor, and by getting some enhacements and action boosts. Threat generation seems easy as I will have high S thanks to divide might, and doing some nasty damage through eldritch knight anyway (also, sacred defense will boost my damage a bit more). HP could be solved by high cons (20-22 with tomes and +6 enhacement bonus, 24-26 with Tenser transformation). If I get some fighter levels, I will be able to get a couple of Thoughness too. False life is also an option (the item bonus, not the spell).

    Now, knowing that, could I work this out while still being 2 handed? It's shield a must? It's actively blocking with shield a real need at higher levels? 2 Handed allows me to go high on DPS and it doesn't ask me for that many enhacement points. Maybe some kind of off-tank? Is that a thing on DDO? Should I stick to shield+1h weapon, and go 2 handed when the dungeon allows me? Either way, is cleave+greater cleave usefull? If I could go 2 handed tank, are 2 Handed Fighting feats useful?

    I'm aiming to 6Pal/6Sor/8Fighter, changing fighter levels for pal/sor as needed, as I don't know if I really need LVL4 spells, as I'm going full boosts from spells instead of damage, nor If more paladin levels work on me, and extra feats are always a good thing.
    1. I never have tried the dragonmark of finding but it seems not worth the cost of a feature and enhancements because no matter what treasure you get, you can easily buy what you need in the auction house with not much cost.

    2. An eldritch knight can work as a Tank in most situations (even as a THF) as long as you have the gear to do it, with enough intimidation, HP, fortification, hate generation, saves, damage mitigation and self heals.

    Another important question is the race, are you Warforged or Bladeforged? or are you a Fleshie? that matters because if you are warforged you will want to have at least 12 sorcerer levels for reconstruct. If you are Bladeforged you can reconstruct yourself from enhancements so you can make your splash without self heal problems (although the monk splash is better than the fighter splash for a tank because of evasion and master of stone stance). But if you are a fleshie race, your splash will not give you good self heal unless you can use heal scrolls or silver flame pots.

    Since you are talking about Dragonmark of finding, I guess you are Human or Half orc race, in that case I think you are better splashing with rogue for full umd for wands and heal scrolls (for that will need at least a +1 lesser reincarnation and get the rogue at first level) could be something like Sorcerer 12/Paladin 6/Rogue 2. Sorcerer 12 to get greater heroism and enough extended displascement and haste, Paladin 6 for Defender stance (can work even with THF) for extra saves, hate generation and saves), 2 rogue for evasion and umd.

    If you can't afford the lesser reincarnation for rogue, can change those rogue levels for Fighter or monk and do a 12 Sorcerer/6 paladin/ 2 fighter or monk, and still get some useful umd with high charisma and umd/cha skills gear.

    Another viable splash could be mostly paladin for cure moderate wounds with a Paladin 11/Sorcerer 8/Fighter 1, Sorcerer 8 for displacement and haste but make sure to get the extended feature.
    Last edited by elcagador; 02-24-2014 at 08:27 PM.

  3. #2323
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    Quote Originally Posted by elcagador View Post
    1. I never have tried the dragonmark of finding but it seems not worth the cost of a feature and enhancements because no matter what treasure you get, you can easily buy what you need in the auction house with not much cost.

    2. An eldritch knight can work as a Tank in most situations (even as a THF) as long as you have the gear to do it, with enough intimidation, HP, fortification, hate generation, saves, damage mitigation and self heals.

    Another important question is the race, are you Warforged or Bladeforged? or are you a Fleshie? that matters because if you are warforged you will want to have at least 12 sorcerer levels for reconstruct. If you are Bladeforged you can reconstruct yourself from enhancements so you can make your splash without self heal problems (although the monk splash is better than the fighter splash for a tank because of evasion and master of stone stance). But if you are a fleshie race, your splash will not give you good self heal unless you can use heal scrolls or silver flame pots.

    Since you are talking about Dragonmark of finding, I guess you are Human or Half orc race, in that case I think you are better splashing with rogue for full umd for wands and heal scrolls (for that will need at least a +1 lesser reincarnation and get the rogue at first level) could be something like Sorcerer 12/Paladin 6/Rogue 2. Sorcerer 12 to get greater heroism and enough extended displascement and haste, Paladin 6 for Defender stance (can work even with THF) for extra saves, hate generation and saves), 2 rogue for evasion and umd.

    If you can't afford the lesser reincarnation for rogue, can change those rogue levels for Fighter or monk and do a 12 Sorcerer/6 paladin/ 2 fighter or monk, and still get some useful umd with high charisma and umd/cha skills gear.

    Another viable splash could be mostly paladin for cure moderate wounds with a Paladin 11/Sorcerer 8/Fighter 1, Sorcerer 8 for displacement and haste but make sure to get the extended feature.
    Thank you.

    I don't quite get the self-heal thing. I usually play with friends, so I have a dedicated healer in the party (a favored soul/rogue, heal and disable traps). Should I still be casting spells to heal myself even when having another healer nearby?

    I'm not a fighter yet, I was just thinking about being one. I can see the extra sorcerer levels, as I could get some better buffs. I thought about fighter so I can get more feats. Is cleave and greater cleave a good idea, or should I go only with eldritch strike and the last enhancement from the eldritch tree?

    Anyway, I'm glad it can works. I'm going 6 sorc 6 paladin before I do a lesser reincarnation to change my stats and feats, though I could wait to lvl 13 so I can get 1 rogue level for skill points.

  4. #2324
    Community Member Cardtrick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrederickVael View Post
    I don't quite get the self-heal thing. I usually play with friends, so I have a dedicated healer in the party (a favored soul/rogue, heal and disable traps). Should I still be casting spells to heal myself even when having another healer nearby?
    Many posters here solo frequently, or join PUGs or guild runs that are "BYOH" (which means "Bring Your Own Healing"). Casters in particular are usually expected to be able to heal themselves, since most of them have good options for doing so (palemaster wizards, any warforged arcane, any divine). When soloing, non-self-healers can often get by with a hireling cleric; but in BYOH groups, that's generally not an option, since hirelings take up a slot in the group and also annoy many players.

    If you're always running in a group with a dedicated healer, then a lot of the "self sufficiency" advice you'll see in build posts on these forums will apply less to you.

    That said, being able to self heal is always useful, even when there is a dedicated healer, and especially if you're a "tank." At higher levels and difficulties, a healer often can't keep up with the level of incoming damage, and other characters have to help out by healing themselves. Or your healer might go down -- either just knocked down temporarily from a Cometfall, or actually dead. Being able to keep yourself alive until the healer can get back on their feat is invaluable in that situation.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wizard_Zero View Post
    One day I just wrote "Why Do I Die So Much?" in party chat, and that is how I learned about fortification.

  5. #2325
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrederickVael View Post
    Thank you.

    I don't quite get the self-heal thing. I usually play with friends, so I have a dedicated healer in the party (a favored soul/rogue, heal and disable traps). Should I still be casting spells to heal myself even when having another healer nearby?

    I'm not a fighter yet, I was just thinking about being one. I can see the extra sorcerer levels, as I could get some better buffs. I thought about fighter so I can get more feats. Is cleave and greater cleave a good idea, or should I go only with eldritch strike and the last enhancement from the eldritch tree?

    Anyway, I'm glad it can works. I'm going 6 sorc 6 paladin before I do a lesser reincarnation to change my stats and feats, though I could wait to lvl 13 so I can get 1 rogue level for skill points.
    Cardtrick pretty much said why self healing is important in DDO, but if you always play with a healer or a hire healer on the party you really don't need to be much self suficient (but always is good to be able to hold your own in case the healer dies and be able to raise him).

    At least 1 fighter level of splash is very good to get Haste Boost enhancement and a extra feature, 2 Fighter levels would give you another martial feature, more reflex saves from enhancements and more action boost uses. So you can make for example a 12 Sorcerer/6 Paladin/2 fighter splash, getting enough invest on the Eldritch knight tree for tensers, getting haste boost, reflex saves and extra action boost from kensai tree and some deep invest on Sacred defender for defender stance with extra saves, PRR, few extra ac, hate generation and no movement penalty in stance, and enough enhancements for Divine might. If you are a Human can take some enhancements there as action boost damage, healing amplification, some con, cha or str and extra saves boost.

    About level order I would get first 8 sorcerer levels for Eldritch knight enhancements with extended haste and displacement, then take 1 fighter levels for extra feat and haste boost, then I would take the 6 paladin levels for stance and saves, then the second fighter level, leaving the remaining 4 sorcerer levels for last.

    About features I would take, toughness, power attack, extend spell, cleave, great cleave (they are good for aoe damage and also for overwhelming critical if playing at epic levels), Improve critical slash (if using great axe, falchion or greatsword), Two handed fighting, Improved two handed fighting or maximice spell or evocation focus or mental toughness or intimidate skill. At epic levels I would take overwhelming critical at level 21 (requires 23 base str and great cleave) and at level 24 I would take Bulwark of defense or epic toughness.

    About stats, Strength and Charisma would be your main stats, followed by constitution, maybe a few dexterity but that can be totally dumped, so as the rest. (I would try to get just enough strength to be able to get 23 base str (tomes included) for overwhelming critical at level 21 so I could get as much Charisma as I can get while leaving at least a 16 base constitution). Important skills: intimidate, concentration, Umd if going for it and some jump or balance/heal.

    With 12 sorcerer levels you will have acces to some useful damage spells at high levels that you can combine with your meele damage so could be useful to look for some spell power items you can equip without changing your main Two handed weapon (impulse and fire/electric spellpower could be useful). (Firewall, magic and chain missiles eladar electric and niac cold are some good damage spells to complement your meele damage, (web could be useful sometimes for cc) but you have to play it and decide if wanna help your damage with those spells)
    Last edited by elcagador; 02-26-2014 at 05:27 PM.

  6. #2326
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    Unhappy No takers or build suggestions? Really?

    Hmm... no takers? I'm surprised. Honest.

    In what way is this type of build (Arti rune arm + melee/glancing blows with Bastard Sword/Dwarven Axe) not interesting enough for anyone to attempt? As far as I can tell, there's nothing like this out there. That at least qualifies the idea as being rather unique...

    Quote Originally Posted by ThunderCraft View Post
    I'd love to see a build that combines glancing blows with Rune Arm Imbue damage. (Starting at level 15, Rune Arm Imbue IV can do 2-12 extra damage. And starting at level 19, Rune Arm Imbue V can do up to 2-16 extra damage.)

    Specifically, the rune arm page states that properties include "Imbuing magical weapon damage to the main hand weapon attacks (and glancing blows with proficient Dwarven War Axe or Bastard Sword use)." So this build would need proficiency in either Bastard Sword or Dwarven War Axe. (Honestly, I have never seen a melee-centered build with rune arm use! They must be rare!)

    Two levels of Arti are required to use rune arms. However, I'd give bonus points for going three levels Arti so as to be able to reach level 2 Arti spells. This would allow casting Elemental Weapons, which adds another 1d6 damage of either acid, shock, fire, or cold.

    Suggested feats (just suggestions):
    * Two Handed Fighting (Prereq: 15 STR)
    * Improved Two Handed Fighting (Prereq: 17 STR, Two Handed Fighting)
    * Greater Two Handed Fighting (Prereq: 17 STR, Improved Two Handed Fighting)
    * Power Attack (Prereq: 13 STR)
    * Cleave (Prereq: Power Attack)
    * Great Cleave (Prereq: Cleave, BAB 4+)

    And, probably, one would have to save a feat for Dwarven War Axe or Bastard sword (unless one made a Dwarf Warrior). That might be as much as seven feats right there.

    I know it seems weird to buy all these Two Handed Fighting feats when the plan is to wield a one-handed weapon and a rune arm. However, the wiki explains:

    Other Build Requirements:

    I want something that has at least decent (passable) trapmonkey skills. Must be able to handle the majority of traps and doors on at least heroic levels.

    Aside from that, I suppose the goal should be to make the DPS as high as possible. Either that, or able to escape most damage (via good hide/sneak + Ethereal via PM Wraith Shroud... or something).

    Other ideas/suggestions:

    * I'd prefer something that's iconic, so it'd start with level 15.

    With that in mind, I see both the Purple Dragon Knight and the Bladeforged have the "Great Weapon Aptitude" enhancement, which improves glancing blows. The Purple Dragon Knight has the nice bonus of coming with a bonus feat + extra skill points. (And I have a + heart of wood to remove the 1 Pally level from a Bladeforged.)

    * The Barbarian's Frenzied Berserker path has several enhancements that improve glancing blows.

    * The Fighter's Kensei path has several enhancements that bolster melee damage. Perhaps "Reed In The Wind" and "Weapon Group Specialization" (tier 2 and/or tier 4)?

    * Another idea is to, perhaps, splash some Rogue for Evasion, Dodge, and Sneak Attack damage. (The Evasion is nice for a trapmonkey, too.)

    * Or, maybe splash some Wizard for some combination of Pale Master enhancements for survivability + the Eldritch Knight enhancements Eldritch Strike, Spellsword, Improved Mage Armor, and Improved Shield.

    (Yes, I'm having a hard time deciding...)

    But anything is good. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

    Oh, and if anyone has seen a build even remotely like this, I'd love to see a link!
    KHYBER toons: Erelda, Kadreya, Phalla
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  7. #2327
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThunderCraft View Post
    In what way is this type of build (Arti rune arm + melee/glancing blows with Bastard Sword/Dwarven Axe) not interesting enough for anyone to attempt? As far as I can tell, there's nothing like this out there. That at least qualifies the idea as being rather unique...
    1H+RA builds have the same DPS problem as S&B builds, but w/out the defensive benefits of the latter. The extra dmg from RA imbues is trivial compared to the extra DPS a good 2H or TWF build puts out, particularly in epics. Plus targeting Runearms at close range is wonky.

    You might find a few INT-based arties who focus on melee rather than ranged DPS; but they're still leaning heavily on caster DPS and RAs for dmg.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  8. #2328
    Community Member Cardtrick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThunderCraft View Post
    Hmm... no takers? I'm surprised. Honest.

    In what way is this type of build (Arti rune arm + melee/glancing blows with Bastard Sword/Dwarven Axe) not interesting enough for anyone to attempt? As far as I can tell, there's nothing like this out there. That at least qualifies the idea as being rather unique...
    That kind of build used to be posted pretty frequently back a couple of years ago when artis first came out. It's a cool flavor build. But the reason it died out is that it's just not that effective -- one-handed weapons just aren't as deadly as TWF or THF, and runearm use doesn't fit nearly as well with melee as it does with ranged.

    If I were going to make a melee artificer, I'd rather go for the survivability and DPS capability of the THF Juggernaut build, forgoing the runearm use.

    That's not to say you can't make one if you find it fun, but my feeling is that it's not going to end up with much more DPS capability than a sword-and-board build, but with far less survivability. If you put one together and find it fun, by all means post the build!

    (The other reason I think your post didn't get many responses is that you had already laid it out and pretty much made the important decisions for the build. It looks like, if you want to build one, you just need to toss that in the planner and then go create the character.)
    Quote Originally Posted by Wizard_Zero View Post
    One day I just wrote "Why Do I Die So Much?" in party chat, and that is how I learned about fortification.

  9. #2329
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    Default 36 pt + 5 tome completionist build options?

    Is there a build that only becomes viable after you have 36 pt with +5 tomes(throw in completionist if that matters)? I would like to play an Iconic(need the 15 levels to catch up with my group) with 12 cleric/6 ranger/2 monk or 8 cleric/6 ranger/6 monk archer that will NOT be a weak link in EE content.

    If you have an suggestions for a build completely different then this type that becomes viable due to tomes and 36 pt with completionist I would love to hear of it.

    Also the preferred character planner at the moment? Does it have iconics with 36pt completionist option?

  10. #2330
    Community Member mlhammerdown's Avatar
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    Default helpppp

    Im stuck on barbarian.... and not because I enjoy it. Hes a level 16 pure barbarian +4 tome on con and +3 to the rest. The problem lies that i hate being the mana sponge for healers. And jugging 80 pots a quest... is there a way to get in some self heals without ruining the dps i did the dwarven throw your weight around and sand every level up into con for damage im willing to do a +5 wood if needed.

  11. #2331
    Community Member Nodoze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mlhammerdown View Post
    Im stuck on barbarian.... and not because I enjoy it. Hes a level 16 pure barbarian +4 tome on con and +3 to the rest. The problem lies that i hate being the mana sponge for healers. And jugging 80 pots a quest... is there a way to get in some self heals without ruining the dps i did the dwarven throw your weight around and sand every level up into con for damage im willing to do a +5 wood if needed.
    Once you get to 20 and can open your Epic Destinies you can do an easy Tier 1 Twist to use Cocoon regardless of what ED you are leveling against. Since you are a Barbarian you should be able to start in Primal Avatar and build up a fate point to be able to twist it before you move on to other destinies...

    In the meantime you have many options but I am not an expert on Barbarians & what is synergistic to splash with them so I will defer to others. Unless you have some capstone that you will sorely miss if you can splash a class that gives you the Magical Training feat you should be able to power Cocoon with just echos of power if needed due to a small mana pool.

    Hope that at least gives you something to look forward to in a few levels if you don't find an answer you like before then.

    EDIT: The following is a link to mostly Barbarian build that adds in Evasion and mana free healing that you could be leveraging right now:

    I haven't played it but MaddMatt has and obviously likes it and it sounds like fun. While I don't consider myself an expert on Barbarians I have played with dual-proc ameliorating strikes extensively and they are very nice and you can read more about them here:

    Thread: Best Righteous Ameliorating Strike builds

    With a LR+5 at level 16 Barbarian you could exchange one level with Rogue at level 1 for the skills, 4 to FvS per the build for the healing & other benefits, and be 11 Barb out of the chute as is now. In one more level you can either get your 2nd level of Rogue for Evasion or your 12 the level of Barb depending on what you would find more useful and then finish out the rest... As a side note the build recommends "Axe of Adaxus" which you can use now (there is a ML: 14 version) and then upgrade at 23 and should fit withing your Dwarven "Throw your weight around" theme. When you get to 20 you can still look to twist Cocoon.
    Last edited by Nodoze; 03-06-2014 at 10:02 AM.

  12. #2332
    Community Member Caprice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonhiglord View Post
    Is there a build that only becomes viable after you have 36 pt with +5 tomes(throw in completionist if that matters)? I would like to play an Iconic(need the 15 levels to catch up with my group) with 12 cleric/6 ranger/2 monk or 8 cleric/6 ranger/6 monk archer that will NOT be a weak link in EE content.

    If you have an suggestions for a build completely different then this type that becomes viable due to tomes and 36 pt with completionist I would love to hear of it.

    Also the preferred character planner at the moment? Does it have iconics with 36pt completionist option?
    AFAIK Ron's is still the gold standard for character builders. The external link is here, and there are DDO Forum threads on the release version and plans for a major rewrite. I do my builds on a spreadsheet I created for myself so I do not use it extensively, but I try to keep an up to date copy installed and dabble with it sometimes I am pretty sure that it provides all of the above.

    As for 36-pt builds with all +5 tomes, I'd say that there are plenty of builds out on the forums that are designed around that. I certainly seem to trip over them every time I research something new, no matter what class split. I'd say that of the ones I have seen, the Cetus BF build is probably one of the strongest builds I have seen that requires 36-pt all +5s Completionist to work out, and it does meet your Iconic requirement. If you really want a Divine-based character then look through this thread that collates info on some of the better-regarded divine melee builds (some Iconic, some not). AFAIK none of those requires 36-pt w/all +5s, but certainly none of them will be worse off for having it and you can probably squeeze a bit more onto one of the builds by applying those extras (e.g. shoehorning in UMD)

    DC casters also benefit greatly from Completionist and +5 tomes in their casting stat and CON, but that is quite different from what you appear to be looking for.

    Edit: I am amused that Nodoze posted about his/her divine thread shortly before I did in response to a different request.
    Last edited by Caprice; 03-06-2014 at 10:19 AM.

  13. #2333
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    Default trying to find the drow version or sun elf version?

    These are great ideas thank you.

    I am trying to find the drow version or sun elf version of the divine battle priest, and cant seem to find it.

    I am not sure of the changes coming in 4 days, but being as how great the arcane archer works at the moment, I would go with an archer version as first choice, drow or sun elf(do I need ranger for best dps? Obviously I could be much better support healer(the guys I run with all are self healers except one is the 8 fighter/6 ranger/6 monk dwarf axe version who needs some assistance on quite a few occasions) if I could use those levels to get more fs or cleric levels. ALSO: I think evasion is must if not improved evasion for EE stuff.

  14. #2334
    Community Member mlhammerdown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nodoze View Post
    Once you get to 20 and can open your Epic Destinies you can do an easy Tier 1 Twist to use Cocoon regardless of what ED you are leveling against. Since you are a Barbarian you should be able to start in Primal Avatar and build up a fate point to be able to twist it before you move on to other destinies...

    In the meantime you have many options but I am not an expert on Barbarians & what is synergistic to splash with them so I will defer to others. Unless you have some capstone that you will sorely miss if you can splash a class that gives you the Magical Training feat you should be able to power Cocoon with just echos of power if needed due to a small mana pool.

    Hope that at least gives you something to look forward to in a few levels if you don't find an answer you like before then.

    EDIT: The following is a link to mostly Barbarian build that adds in Evasion and mana free healing that you could be leveraging right now:

    I haven't played it but MaddMatt has and obviously likes it and it sounds like fun. While I don't consider myself an expert on Barbarians I have played with dual-proc ameliorating strikes extensively and they are very nice and you can read more about them here:

    Thread: Best Righteous Ameliorating Strike builds

    With a LR+5 at level 16 Barbarian you could exchange one level with Rogue at level 1 for the skills, 4 to FvS per the build for the healing & other benefits, and be 11 Barb out of the chute as is now. In one more level you can either get your 2nd level of Rogue for Evasion or your 12 the level of Barb depending on what you would find more useful and then finish out the rest... As a side note the build recommends "Axe of Adaxus" which you can use now (there is a ML: 14 version) and then upgrade at 23 and should fit withing your Dwarven "Throw your weight around" theme. When you get to 20 you can still look to twist Cocoon.
    Thankyou ill look into your link... i guess im just so use to being a wf sorc or wizard with the repair abilities that playing a non healer just seems like such a drag... however the first 15 levels i was dominating and not really even in a need for heals but now that im getting higher its starting to become a bit stressful searching for a group lol

  15. #2335
    Community Member VampirePrintzess's Avatar
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    Default looking for a fun build :)

    Looking for a fun build for a 6th life

    Lives already played Arti - 2x, Monk, Bard, fighter

    have all +5 tomes

    not looking at getting into epics, just wanna get to 20 so I can tr again, hopefully looking for a druid or barbarian builds, however all suggestions are welcomed just looking for something fun

    Thank you

  16. #2336
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    Apr 2013


    So I'm looking for a build whose primary purpose is to tank raid bosses + difficult red names, with that said, we all know that tank builds are more or less only useful in a handful of circumstances (although I am open-minded on this topic, so feel free to enlighten me if I am wrong).

    This will be a fresh toon, so 32 pt and no tomes to start, will probably cycle it through a few lives:

    paladin, barb to name a few.

    A few things I'm looking for in this build:

    - Self-Healing (via cocoon or BF reconstruct)
    - Able to endure long fight
    - Ability to maintain aggro (even over a monkcher)
    - Capability to mitigate or prevent CC (like enchant / stuns / etc.)
    - Be able to fulfill some additional roles when not tanking.. ie: some dps

    - Evasion?
    - Self-casting extended displacement ?
    - Ranged? (for flavor, not necessary)?
    - permanent fom / knockdown immunity?


    - Looking for gear ideas / setups for at least epic levels..

  17. #2337
    Community Member
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    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by RoguemcStabby View Post
    So I'm looking for a build whose primary purpose is to tank raid bosses + difficult red names, with that said, we all know that tank builds are more or less only useful in a handful of circumstances (although I am open-minded on this topic, so feel free to enlighten me if I am wrong).

    This will be a fresh toon, so 32 pt and no tomes to start, will probably cycle it through a few lives:

    paladin, barb to name a few.

    A few things I'm looking for in this build:

    - Self-Healing (via cocoon or BF reconstruct)
    - Able to endure long fight
    - Ability to maintain aggro (even over a monkcher)
    - Capability to mitigate or prevent CC (like enchant / stuns / etc.)
    - Be able to fulfill some additional roles when not tanking.. ie: some dps

    - Evasion?
    - Self-casting extended displacement ?
    - Ranged? (for flavor, not necessary)?
    - permanent fom / knockdown immunity?


    - Looking for gear ideas / setups for at least epic levels..
    This post should help you, at the end It shows a revised build with some gear for epics

    Another good tank build here
    Last edited by elcagador; 03-18-2014 at 02:11 AM.

  18. #2338
    Community Member
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    Apr 2010

    Default Help with a Repeater build

    So heres the deal:
    Returning player after about 4 years
    VIP Account so have access to 32 point builds
    Have access to Shadar-kai Assassin and Artificer
    This will be my first life
    Dont care if it is a pure build
    Dont have any tomes but willing to buy a few if needed
    Looking for a ranged toon that utilizes a crossbow or especially a repeater
    Would like some trap monkey skills

    So freely admit I feel overwhelmed trying to sort out custom builds on the web or come up with my own, almost to the point of not starting up the game again. Would appreciate any help with a build that comes close to my needs and actually lays it out well.
    Last edited by Steelmoon47; 03-18-2014 at 03:04 PM.

  19. #2339
    Community Member Nodoze's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Steelmoon47 View Post
    So heres the deal:
    Returning player after about 4 years
    VIP Account so have access to 32 point builds
    Have access to Shadar-kai Assassin and Artificer
    This will be my first life
    Dont care if it is a pure build
    Dont have any tomes but willing to buy a few if needed
    Looking for a ranged toon that utilizes a crossbow or especially a repeater
    Would like some trap monkey skills

    So freely admit I feel overwhelmed trying to sort out custom builds on the web or come up with my own, almost to the point of not starting up the game again. Would appreciate any help with a build that comes close to my needs and actually lays it out well.
    Welcome back!

    The following is an Repeater-based Artificer build that I have played and like very much for utility and self-sufficiency:

    In the Initial Post there is link to a post further down in the thread that gives the options for making it a 32 point version (I play a 32 point version). There are likely other Artificer builds out there but this one I have played and can say that it rocks solo with great Crowd Control on EH and below and can contribute in EE parties. In EE content my DC's aren't high enough but mine is a 32point first lifer & I haven't invested in them like the OP has but I can still do well in EE supporting a party. I tend to play it safe in EE and with such a high UMD I can rez/heal others when things go south.

    The build has a character planner section laying out the decisions level by level so it will help if you have been away for awhile. I can also attest that the build has been kept updated over multiple updates spanning multiple years now (the Original Poster updated it after U20 in November and has been responding to posts through February though there may be slightly better gear now that U21 has been released).

  20. #2340
    Community Member SSFWEl's Avatar
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    Apr 2011



    Need an idea and build for a gearless, cashless char on an alt server I once made on a whim, and now want to play with.
    She right now is lvl 5 halfling, 4 cleric (1-4), 1 monk, Lawfull good. Start from here. Can be melee or caster.
    ~~ Adrunil - Rogue. Halfling, big guy you can't miss him. ~~
    ~~ Adrunel - Monkcher. (Moncher?) ~~
    Robodoc - FvS Evoker-Healer. Post 19: Ended up LRing into 13/7 forc
    Orien server.

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