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  1. #2241
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    Default Baaaarb

    Is there a dwarf thf barbarian build up? If not, I would like to request one

  2. #2242
    Community Member MagicalDad's Avatar
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    Question PDK Short Sword Wolf?

    So, I have seen a mention of a PDK Wolf build, being able to use both Stunning Fist and Quivering Palm while in beast form while getting CHA to atk/dmg and 1/3 CHA added to SF/QP dc's due to Cormyrian Training. So, trying to suss out a complete build, or at least an outline of one.

    Basic constraints:

    16 Monk / 2 Fighter / 2 Druid. So you have 16 feats to play with (7 base + 1 Human + 3 Monk + 2 Figher + 3 Epic). Would love to get as deep into the TWF chain as possible, PA/Cleave/Great Cleave, Stunning Fist, and then anything that helps survivability (Dodge, Empower Heal, w/e, would welcome suggestions here). Overwhelming Crit is obviously not an option, but Grandmaster of Forms is a possibility - probably be in Water Stance

    Maxing Wisdom, but would like to get Charisma into the 30s for Cormyrian Training, tactical DCs and Kukan-Do.

    Base enhancements would be Dmg Boost + Corm Training + Healing Amp from Racial, Haste Boost + Tactics from Kensei, Tier 5 Ninja Spy to get to ToD, and Double Strike boost from Nature's Warrior.

    This would be a 36 point build for me, +4 tomes across the board (+5 Strength), past lives are Monk, Rogue, Ranger, Artificer.

    Thank you for your help!
    Khyber, Dragon Order of Arcanix (Elsir - Heroic Completionist running Racial TRs, Veryunique, Skullcrshr, TheMadness - fun builds for duo play w/ my wife)

  3. #2243
    Community Member WuChildNZ's Avatar
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    Default 12 fighter/6 monk/2 Pala

    Looking for a build that uses 12 fighter/6 monk/2 Pala or any mix of those three classes. - This will be first life. Wondering if this was possible using Drow?
    Last edited by WuChildNZ; 01-15-2014 at 08:14 PM.

  4. #2244
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WuChildNZ View Post
    Looking for a build that uses 12 fighter/6 monk/2 Pala or any mix of those three classes. - This will be first life. Wondering if this was possible using Drow?
    First up, apologies for the poor formatting, this is a cell phone post.

    Yes, it even has a bit of synergy if you go shortswords, theyre the racial drow weapon, and centreable with monks.

    Stats (assuming no tomes)
    16str, 17dex, 12con, 10int, 8wis, 14cha

    All level ups go into strength

    1 monk - feat power attack, monk bonus 2wf
    2 monk - monk bonus feat dodge
    3 fighter - feat cleave, bonus feat mobility
    4 paladin
    5 paladin
    6 monk - feat, great cleave, path light.
    7 monk
    8 monk
    9 monk - feat i2wf, monk bonus feat deflect arrows
    10 fighter - feat improved critical piercing
    11 fighter
    12 fighter - master of forms, bonus feat weapon focus pierce
    13 fighter
    14 fighter - bonus feat greater 2wf
    15 fighter - feat weapon specialisation pierce
    16 fighter - bonus feat greater weapon focus pierce
    17 fighter
    18 fighter - feat improved sunder, fighter bonus feat greater weapon specialisation pierce
    19 fighter
    20 fighter - bonus feat power critical

    If you prefer to fight unarmed (I do) take stunning fist instead of dodge at level 2, swap the pierce feats for bludgeoning feats, and take dodge at 20 instead of power critical.

  5. #2245
    Community Member WuChildNZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fTdOmen View Post
    First up, apologies for the poor formatting, this is a cell phone post.

    Yes, it even has a bit of synergy if you go shortswords, theyre the racial drow weapon, and centreable with monks.

    Stats (assuming no tomes)
    16str, 17dex, 12con, 10int, 8wis, 14cha

    All level ups go into strength

    1 monk - feat power attack, monk bonus 2wf
    2 monk - monk bonus feat dodge
    3 fighter - feat cleave, bonus feat mobility
    4 paladin
    5 paladin
    6 monk - feat, great cleave, path light.
    7 monk
    8 monk
    9 monk - feat i2wf, monk bonus feat deflect arrows
    10 fighter - feat improved critical piercing
    11 fighter
    12 fighter - master of forms, bonus feat weapon focus pierce
    13 fighter
    14 fighter - bonus feat greater 2wf
    15 fighter - feat weapon specialisation pierce
    16 fighter - bonus feat greater weapon focus pierce
    17 fighter
    18 fighter - feat improved sunder, fighter bonus feat greater weapon specialisation pierce
    19 fighter
    20 fighter - bonus feat power critical

    If you prefer to fight unarmed (I do) take stunning fist instead of dodge at level 2, swap the pierce feats for bludgeoning feats, and take dodge at 20 instead of power critical.
    Awesome. What are the Skills I should put into? I was thinking after I get this up IM going to reincarnate to PDK.

  6. #2246
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WuChildNZ View Post
    Awesome. What are the Skills I should put into? I was thinking after I get this up IM going to reincarnate to PDK.
    My priority, 1 tumble

    Then : umd, heal, concentration, spot.

  7. #2247
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    Default Build Request

    I've been trying to find a solo Shadar-kai Mechanic build (probably a bit of Arty splash for conjure bolts and Rune Arms), since I feel that repeater Xbows have good synergy with Shadar-kai chains (enemies getting too close for comfort? Knock 'em down, back off, turn 'em into a pincushion)... I don't really care if groups will laugh at me, since this is primarily a solo character to play when I get bored with my 3xCompletionist project.

    Speaking of which, are there any decent completionist frameworks that I could use that are easy and not particularly gear-reliant (since I'm starting in a new server, I don't have anything from higher-leveled alts... Unless I use the Shadar-kai as a way to get gear)

    EDIT: Just realized why I'm not finding many of these sorts of builds (I think): Spiked Chain relies on DEX, Mech Xbows rely on INT. Might be a little bit problematic there, unless I use STR and CHA as dump stats. Someone more experienced could probably make a more refined guesstimation, of course.
    Last edited by AielloAA; 01-17-2014 at 04:27 AM.

  8. #2248
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    im looking for a monk build splash rog or fighter i want to use an iconic race.Its a first life i dont have any tomes yet but i was hoping for atleast 18 monk lvls i prefer fist wraps.trap skills as well please ty in advance i have no xp about building classes

  9. #2249
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    Hi all. I was wondering if I could get some kind of warchanter build. Me and my friends are going for completionist and we're randomly deciding what our next primary class is. I got bard, my friend got wizard.

    This is my second life. I"m a VIP and I got a supreme Tome the other day. I really know nothing about bards. I just want him to be able to be self-sufficient. The character I'm about to TR is a Monk 20, but I have enough lesser hearts to make it any class if some other past life feat would be better for the build.

    Thanks for any help!

  10. #2250
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aziraphale88 View Post
    Hi all. I was wondering if I could get some kind of warchanter build. Me and my friends are going for completionist and we're randomly deciding what our next primary class is. I got bard, my friend got wizard.

    This is my second life. I"m a VIP and I got a supreme Tome the other day. I really know nothing about bards. I just want him to be able to be self-sufficient. The character I'm about to TR is a Monk 20, but I have enough lesser hearts to make it any class if some other past life feat would be better for the build.

    Thanks for any help!
    I have a Warchanter build that is 16 Bard/2 Fighter/2 Rogue (2 monk works too). You focus mainly on Strength and Constitution with third choice points going into charisma. It works great as a 2hf and I am very self sufficient with skill points going into UMD, Perform, Jump, as the main ones then what ever you want to put the remainder in to round your character out.

  11. #2251
    Community Member whereispowderedsilve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krontan View Post
    I have a Warchanter build that is 16 Bard/2 Fighter/2 Rogue (2 monk works too). You focus mainly on Strength and Constitution with third choice points going into charisma. It works great as a 2hf and I am very self sufficient with skill points going into UMD, Perform, Jump, as the main ones then what ever you want to put the remainder in to round your character out.
    Don't take this the wrong way, but just pointing out you can't splash 2 monk with bard due to those silly alignment restrictions :P :P! *just saying*

    Otherwise very solid advice! Cheers! :P! ! ! Sign this!!!:

    DDO toll free support phone#: 855-WBGAMES (855-924-2637)

  12. #2252
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    Thank you! Do you have a more detailed build?

  13. #2253
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    Hi all!

    I've not played in a while. I'd like to start a new character (tonight) to get going again. (My other characters are max level 13, so I'm not really looking to continue on with them.)

    I am currently f2p (premium) with access to Drow, but could be convinced to sub (and/or buy points to unlock something) for char creation IF it makes a huge amount of sense to my goals. If I'm having fun I plan to sub VIP next month. (Read as: I'd rather not spend money today, but I have money to spend if I absolutely *need* to for the start or low levels of a build.)

    PRIORITY NUMBER ONE: I'd like the ability to solo well. I've got kids and they demand that I stop everything at a moment's notice extremely often. I don't want to wind up ****ing people off because I'm hanging about doing nothing. (If hirelings are reasonably available and affordable with in game currency, I don't mind using them. I've used them extensively in EQ2 recently.)

    2) I vastly prefer not to be stuck with complex farming for specific gear or the need to buy tomes that are unreasonably expensive or anything like that. My goal is to play the game, not pay to farm incessantly. Minor repetition is fine, and expected. (Though it is bad that repeating things for exp is so prevalent. That's why my wife won't play with me anymore. )

    3) I don't mind challenging gameplay, so if a build isn't strictly "easy" to use, but is absolutely *viable*, I'm good with playing it. (I don't need the ability to faceroll, I've been playing MMOs since UO, and before then it was MU*s.)

    Some ideas:

    I had the idea of a stealthy Drow rogue type, but wasn't sure how viable that was solo with sneak attack mechanics and the like. If doing stupid damage with sneak attacks IS somehow viable I suspect I'd enjoy this.

    I found a human paladin build that's noob friendly that I was tempted to roll as, but I found myself looking at my Drow (which I obviously paid to unlock many moons ago) and wondering if there wasn't a "better" paladin build for it. (Like focused on TWF.)

    I am amused by the artificer, but not sure if it is really worth dropping 10 or 20 bucks on. (Speaking of which, do the turbine points hit your account from a month immediately?)

    I played a wizard extensively and enjoyed it. I might be interested in playing one again if they are decently soloable. [Scratch that, really. I have a +20 Heart of Lesser Wood, and I suspect my spells aren't that horrible. If I feel like re-rolling her I can.]

    So, please, help?
    Last edited by Corwynn_Maelstrom; 01-26-2014 at 09:38 PM. Reason: Wizard edit.

  14. #2254
    Community Member Nodoze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corwynn_Maelstrom View Post
    Hi all!

    I've not played in a while. I'd like to start a new character (tonight) to get going again. (My other characters are max level 13, so I'm not really looking to continue on with them.)

    I am currently f2p (premium) with access to Drow, but could be convinced to sub (and/or buy points to unlock something) for char creation IF it makes a huge amount of sense to my goals. If I'm having fun I plan to sub VIP next month. (Read as: I'd rather not spend money today, but I have money to spend if I absolutely *need* to for the start or low levels of a build.)

    PRIORITY NUMBER ONE: I'd like the ability to solo well. I've got kids and they demand that I stop everything at a moment's notice extremely often. I don't want to wind up ****ing people off because I'm hanging about doing nothing. (If hirelings are reasonably available and affordable with in game currency, I don't mind using them. I've used them extensively in EQ2 recently.)

    2) I vastly prefer not to be stuck with complex farming for specific gear or the need to buy tomes that are unreasonably expensive or anything like that. My goal is to play the game, not pay to farm incessantly. Minor repetition is fine, and expected. (Though it is bad that repeating things for exp is so prevalent. That's why my wife won't play with me anymore. )

    3) I don't mind challenging gameplay, so if a build isn't strictly "easy" to use, but is absolutely *viable*, I'm good with playing it. (I don't need the ability to faceroll, I've been playing MMOs since UO, and before then it was MU*s.)

    Some ideas:

    I had the idea of a stealthy Drow rogue type, but wasn't sure how viable that was solo with sneak attack mechanics and the like. If doing stupid damage with sneak attacks IS somehow viable I suspect I'd enjoy this.

    I found a human paladin build that's noob friendly that I was tempted to roll as, but I found myself looking at my Drow (which I obviously paid to unlock many moons ago) and wondering if there wasn't a "better" paladin build for it. (Like focused on TWF.)

    I am amused by the artificer, but not sure if it is really worth dropping 10 or 20 bucks on. (Speaking of which, do the turbine points hit your account from a month immediately?)

    I played a wizard extensively and enjoyed it. I might be interested in playing one again if they are decently soloable. [Scratch that, really. I have a +20 Heart of Lesser Wood, and I suspect my spells aren't that horrible. If I feel like re-rolling her I can.]

    So, please, help?
    One of my favorite characters is my Artificer and I run a 32 point variant of the following build:

    Very soloable and can do pretty much everything including all traps and UMD almost anything without special gear. I have solo'ed most everything on EH with minimal grinding. I personally like to solo in Shadow-Dancer for the Evasion with Insightful reflexes and 25% Incorporeal. You have great quickened self-heals and Improved-Percise-Shot & Blade-Barrier tear though EH mobs and if things get too hot you can Crowd-control & slow things down with both 'Tactical Detonation' & 'Prismatic Strike'. I highly recommend it and think it is money well spent just to try it. As a side-benfit I used to easily get 20 minute buffs from all clickies and wands but now you have to spend AP for it and I really miss that... You can still do it but have to make hard choices on APs and thus far I haven't done it but I certainly miss that...

    If you don't like that you could also try:

    Lastly, if you liked your wizard and are focused on soloing there are likely multiple options there. If you were a Wizard-18/Rogue-2 you could get Evasion with Insightful Reflexes and inexpensive UMD & traps with multiple options for great self-healing. I don't play arcanes much but you may be able go Arch-Magi & Shiradi Champion and still get good DPS in places where your DC's don't scale. Offhand I don't have an 18W/2R build book-marked but will look for one if you are interested and no one else posts it before I do.

    EDIT: Lastly, I personally would bank your LR+20 as they may be a one time gift & I bank them till I get a real use for them (if anything they could give you an easy past life for a class you don't want to play if you TR). Personally I would use a regular LR or LR+1-5 unless you really need to use the rare LR+20....
    Last edited by Nodoze; 01-27-2014 at 02:11 AM.

  15. #2255
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    Thanks for the suggestions. I was looking stealthy, stabby drow so I ended up rolling a Mechassin (one of them, anyway) and discovering that the tome requirement (+5 dex) is pretty unfriendly. I suspect I'll abandon that character. It's a shame, but I just haven't been able to find a single assassin type rogue build that was built with noobs in mind.

    For the record, this is the Wiz/Rog build you mentioned (as with the other three, also by EllisDee):

    I'll sleep on things. Maybe my path will be clearer in the morning.

  16. #2256
    Community Member pradofamyli's Avatar
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    Default Help me with a new build.

    Hey guys, im coming back to DDO, and i wish a Monk/Ranger/Pal or Fighter, Archer build. I've seen the Sestras Build and the Sithalis, but i dont have a 36pt toon only 32.
    Can u guys recommend one build? TYVM

  17. #2257
    Community Member Nodoze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corwynn_Maelstrom View Post
    Thanks for the suggestions. I was looking stealthy, stabby drow so I ended up rolling a Mechassin (one of them, anyway) and discovering that the tome requirement (+5 dex) is pretty unfriendly. I suspect I'll abandon that character. It's a shame, but I just haven't been able to find a single assassin type rogue build that was built with noobs in mind.

    For the record, this is the Wiz/Rog build you mentioned (as with the other three, also by EllisDee):

    I'll sleep on things. Maybe my path will be clearer in the morning.
    Yeah EllisDee37 is one of the most helpful people on the forums and I like his builds (note some of them are updated versions of unbongwah builds and he is also very helpful). That build you linked is a Human Pale-Master build though the build I played was a WarForged 18/2 and I used the Repair line to self-heal but I don't know if that build has been updated for u19+. I remember seeing some builds that were WF and still went Pale-Master and had 2 options for self healing. Personally I like and am used to the timing on the repair line for healing and use it on my Artificer, my melee BladeMasters, & Sorcs/Wizards (though I can't really get into Arcanes that much and my Artificer is the closest to an Arcane that I have been able to enjoy playing). I typically play solo or group with my kids (I have 4+ accounts and leave extras at the entrance to buff/rez if I get over agressive and wipe). When I play with guild-mates they are all multi-TRs and zerg through the dungeons and my Artificer is the favorite character to play in group as I can mana-free hit all the mobs even when people are ahead of me and I can rez/heal as needed and people appreciate the buffs (Artificer ones are great and when we are light on Arcanes/Bards I can give 20 minute Blurs, Good Hope, Stone Skin, etc) and my pet can actually debuff and trip pretty well. I pretty much pop clickies for mana-free Haste/Rage and when they stop for a trap I run to the front and get the traps for safety and the XP bonuses (Shadow-Dancer Technician & Skill Mastery helps with traps also).

    Quote Originally Posted by pradofamyli View Post
    Hey guys, im coming back to DDO, and i wish a Monk/Ranger/Pal or Fighter, Archer build. I've seen the Sestras Build and the Sithalis, but i dont have a 36pt toon only 32.
    Can u guys recommend one build? TYVM
    I would study this Ranger/Paladin/Fighter build and some of the videos:
    Last edited by Nodoze; 01-27-2014 at 12:02 PM.

  18. #2258
    Community Member Hathorian's Avatar
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    Default Build request

    I'm looking for a Bladeforge version of the Sithali/Sestra build with /2 pally. I love the self healing of a bladeforged and the /2 pally would help a bit for saves (and save money not having to buy LR+1). Can you help me with this build please? Stats would be stretched super thin....would it be too gimp?

  19. #2259
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corwynn_Maelstrom View Post
    PRIORITY NUMBER ONE: I'd like the ability to solo well.
    Pretty much any build with "good DPS + self-heals" can solo well. Apart from the builds already linked, have a gander at the Tempest Warpriest in my sig and Noyellowbar (I posted a rog-splashed drow variant here).
    Quote Originally Posted by pradofamyli View Post
    Hey guys, im coming back to DDO, and i wish a Monk/Ranger/Pal or Fighter, Archer build. I've seen the Sestras Build and the Sithalis, but i dont have a 36pt toon only 32.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hathorian View Post
    I'm looking for a Bladeforge version of the Sithali/Sestra build with /2 pally. I love the self healing of a bladeforged and the /2 pally would help a bit for saves (and save money not having to buy LR+1). Can you help me with this build please? Stats would be stretched super thin....would it be too gimp?
    You'd probably both be better off asking for help in Sestra's thread. Nevertheless, the main issue you'll both have will be hitting DEX 21 for Combat Archery; that's extra-tough on a BF than a halfling (-2 DEX vs +2 DEX). Fortunately, there aren't really any other stat pre-reqs on Sestra, since it doesn't take e.g. Power Atk or Vorpal Strikes; so it's mostly a matter of spreading your stats as best you can. Or you can drop CA and only take IPS; that reduces the DEX pre-req to 19. And naturally a BF version would drop the halfling DM for something else.

    EDIT: another option is rgr 12 / monk 6 / pal 2: you lose Imp Evasion & Imp Martial Arts and have to take Master of Forms as a regular feat; but gain GTWF & IPS free, so you only need DEX 13 for Precision if you drop CA. Plus the halfling version can add Emp Heal to boost the DMs, since rgrs get Cure spells @ lvl 8.
    Last edited by unbongwah; 01-27-2014 at 12:51 PM.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  20. #2260
    Community Member Hathorian's Avatar
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    Yeah, that would be very difficult Unbungwah.

    What about a PDK 12 monk/6 ranger/2 cleric (using LR+1 to get rid of the fighter level). This would give you divine might, free magical training and more spell points, positive spell power and allow you to take empower healing for rejuv cacoon. Could you come up with a build for that?
    Last edited by Hathorian; 01-27-2014 at 03:04 PM.

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