I'm sure this would be a very simple change to take care of. Reason I bring it up is an AH posting I saw since the merge.
Under the Gem category someone had a Bloodstone Gem for sale for 1mil. minimum bid, 3 mil. buyout.
Now, most of us here on the forums know the difference between the gems and the sought-after trinket. But, how many people in-game here chatter about Bloodstones, check the AH, and are duped by swindlers looking to capitalize on the similar name. The potential is there.
I know some might respond and say "Buyer Beware", etc., but wouldn't it be easier to simply change the name of one of these items to something like, "Bloodgem" or "Bloodtrinket" or whatever.
Thing is, I'd hate to hear about someone getting completely hosed simply because they didn't know every little detail of the game and had to pay dearly for a case of mistaken identity.