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  1. #1
    Community Member Rindalathar's Avatar
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    Default Devs, please change name for either Bloodstone trinket or Bloodstone gem

    I'm sure this would be a very simple change to take care of. Reason I bring it up is an AH posting I saw since the merge.

    Under the Gem category someone had a Bloodstone Gem for sale for 1mil. minimum bid, 3 mil. buyout.

    Now, most of us here on the forums know the difference between the gems and the sought-after trinket. But, how many people in-game here chatter about Bloodstones, check the AH, and are duped by swindlers looking to capitalize on the similar name. The potential is there.

    I know some might respond and say "Buyer Beware", etc., but wouldn't it be easier to simply change the name of one of these items to something like, "Bloodgem" or "Bloodtrinket" or whatever.

    Thing is, I'd hate to hear about someone getting completely hosed simply because they didn't know every little detail of the game and had to pay dearly for a case of mistaken identity.
    The Leper Squad - Ghallanda

  2. #2
    Community Member Harbinder's Avatar
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    Point 1. Good idea, there's no reason two items should share the same name.

    Point 2. Anyone who spends 3 mil on a Bloodstone that really isnt a Bloodstone is an idiot...especially when the item description is right in front of them. We all know what happens to a fool and his money. Why bother making a post about it?
    ~A few unintelligible words and fleeting gestures carry more power than a battleaxe when they are the words and gestures of a wizard~

  3. #3
    Community Member narizue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harbinder View Post
    Point 2. Anyone who spends 3 mil on a Bloodstone that really isnt a Bloodstone is an idiot...especially when the item description is right in front of them. We all know what happens to a fool and his money. Why bother making a post about it?
    QFT. QFE. And quoting simply because I am still ROFLMAO.

    I have to say that I don't think there is any need for the name change for the exact reason that Harbinder outlined. If someone can't take a second to make sure that its the item they want before spending their play, quite frankly they are better off without it IMO.
    Archangels - Thelanis

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  4. #4
    Community Member Rindalathar's Avatar
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    [Point 2. Anyone who spends 3 mil on a Bloodstone that really isnt a Bloodstone is an idiot...especially when the item description is right in front of them. We all know what happens to a fool and his money. Why bother making a post about it?[/QUOTE]

    So you agree that there should be a name change, but then ask me why I made a post about it. Hmmm... I'm I the only one that caught this contradiction? Hey, if someone bought it, yes, perhaps they should have taken a closer look. That's not my entire point. Why add un-needed confusion to the game when you could simply change a name? It's the point that some jerk is trying to lure someone into paying for something that it really isn't. Yes, yes....I hear you. It's their fault, blah, blah.

    It just seems like a dev. slip-up that has a ridiculously easy solution. Why not simply change the name?
    The Leper Squad - Ghallanda

  5. #5
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Personally, I'm okay with the same name for two things.

    You can tell the difference if you hover over it, even in the AH. Now if they both appeared under the jewelery section of the AH I would have a problem but the auctioneers are nice enough to put one in gems and the other jewelery to help you out.

    Anybody who would get confused is unlikely to even understand the value of bloodstone let alone be able to afford 3 Million GP for one. Like the reporter who wrote the article in the newsletter about the guy looking for a bloodstone. He seemed to be confused but I doubt he does any adventuring .

  6. #6
    Master Cryptologist Wulf_Ratbane's Avatar
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    The only people who are stupid enough to spend 3 million gold pieces on a bloodstone gem are people who BOUGHT 3 million gold pieces from a plat seller.

    And frankly I don't give a **** if they get ripped off.

    You learn a thing or two on the way to EARNING 300,000 plat.

  7. #7
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    If the bloodstone (item) wasn't under 'Trinkets' and the bloodstone (gem) wasn't under 'Gems' then there might be reason to rename them .. heck, even the icons are different between the two.. The saying "a fool and his money are soon parted" applies here pretty well, I think. As has been stated, if you have 3mil gp, then you should know how to hover over an item (whether in trade or AH) to verify that what you're getting is what you think you're getting.

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