How is this not clear by now?
well i didnt mean the whole guild should of worded it differently, but there are several so will just leave it at that, i dont know why i stuck my foot in this **** but i have seen lots of nasty pm's sent by both sides and im tired of the whole mess.
akla thornfist lev 17fighter- healalot thornfist lev 19cleric- aklasek thornfist 13fighter 4 paly- healthis thornfist lev 17 32pt cleric- seakla lev 8 rogue, proud member of unbreakable
Sigh.. I guess the latest "thing" for some of the faces to do is accost random aum members with tells letting them know how much better than aum tinted faces people are, and how much aum people suck.
I can only hope that some people will eventually grow up, but I'm not holding my breath.
Osharan, Esharan, Osharina, Usharina, etc... I'm the 'sharans. Epoxy. Notverysexy.
I've taken the craft disturbing mental image feat... You have been warned!
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Someone is...they had a guild name up in gianthold last night saying something of that sort -- how Tinted Faces are better than AUM.
My kick-ass group of ladies:
Prentiss -- Tyf -- Cayrie -- Treena -- Karri -- PeaEmEss Meltdown -- Chayste
Archmagi -- Argonessen
Heh.. That's what my impression was when the gf told me about the tells she was getting today. After talking to her a bit more, they weren't saying that aum people suck. Just that the tinted faces and everyone in it were better than aum people.
At this point I'm more amused by the whole thing than anything else. Heck, she doesn't even notice what guild people are in most of the time. And she's definitely never gotten involved in any of the cross guild rivalry stuff.
I'm also hoping(at this point its more of a hope than an expectation) that no one on the aum side is helping keep this **** going. Most of them don't read the ddo forums, and have to get these things explained to them when they run into random acts of hostility and/or "roleplaying" or whatever it is that some of the people are doing to keep themselves amused.
But some of the ones that do read the forums are getting pretty tired hearing this stuff on a regular basis, and are no longer "tolerant" of the other people's foibles.
And the newly created guild "tinted faces are better than aum", or something along those lines, was definitely proof that some people have too much time on their hands.![]()
Osharan, Esharan, Osharina, Usharina, etc... I'm the 'sharans. Epoxy. Notverysexy.
I've taken the craft disturbing mental image feat... You have been warned!
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Well, I can certainly sympathize with the OP, that some situations in these types of games just make the entire game no longer fun to participate in. I have run into a few similar situations in the past myself, and leaving pretty much became the only option. Usually the situations are personal and not really a global issue though, and generally not an issue with the game itself.
Granted, I do not know the OP (at least I don’t think I do, as I don’t know what character(s) he plays. However, I don’t think I have a problem with him, and have probably played with him before, but my do-not-play-with list consists of about 2 people.
Anyways, I cannot argue that leaving is his only option, that is for him to decide. Of course options exist but even those options become limited depending on the player. You can always switch servers, or create a new character, or simply ignore those you have a problem with. All such solutions have caveats which make them not work so well at times. For me, making a new character doesn’t usually work as I make odd characters and my play style is not difficult to figure out if you pay attention. My means of chat will also give me away at times, so simply hiding isn’t always a viable solution when personal problem get mixed into the situation.
Under most situations, problems are avoidable or can be left behind, leaving one able to continue playing with little problem, however some players just make it a point to try to destroy the fun of playing for others and in some cases they specifically pick out players to do this to, which it sound like has happened to the OP. The only times I found it necessary to leave a game was basically due to personal issues (bordering harassment), from certain male types who play and determine that I have somehow become their girlfriend and they wouldn’t leave me alone and spend a lot of time trying to track me down when I tried to go away and play new characters. Some players are just hell bent on driving others nuts. There’s no escaping those kinds of players once they get started other than to leave the game. Sometimes harassment can be claimed and you can get them removed but that usually causes other problems of other people having it out for you for causing a friend to be banned, even though they never understood or believed the situation that was happening. The simplest solution to cause the least problems is to leave.
I am sorry for the OP finding himself in such a situation in a game, especially a game he enjoyed, but it happens. Hopefully he will find something more suitable and fun again.
Proud Officer and Forum Voice of the Tinted Faces, Root of all Evil, to blame for starving babies in Africa and tsunami's in India.
I knew it
My kick-ass group of ladies:
Prentiss -- Tyf -- Cayrie -- Treena -- Karri -- PeaEmEss Meltdown -- Chayste
Archmagi -- Argonessen
Cool new sig bro.
Saw the newly created guild last night, and there was another lvl3 in a guild called " The Tinted Faces ". I asked if it was a splinter of TF, and got no reply. Thought maybe you guys could use a heads-up, in case someone is attempting to throw a little mischief your way.
Now bringing the sexy back to AoK!!!
Ashamed officer of : My Little PWNY
Proud officer of :Archmagi
Last edited by Osharan Tregarth; 08-15-2007 at 06:55 PM.
Osharan, Esharan, Osharina, Usharina, etc... I'm the 'sharans. Epoxy. Notverysexy.
I've taken the craft disturbing mental image feat... You have been warned!
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Madmardigan-Greatest swordsman that ever lived
Vohnkar-Best warrior in the village
Siiru-Wildcat cleric.
Proud Cancer of the Tinted Faces