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Thread: Guilds

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Guilds

    I dont know about the rest of you, but here are some things I would like to see done with the Guilds.
    A new member ranking system.
    Maybe somthing like this.

    Senior Member

    Also Have an offical Spot for like Guild Banker or Tresuere.

    What do you all think of this. Everyone Give em your feed back.

    Thank you all and have a good day.

  2. #2
    Community Member Knightrose's Avatar
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    Oh man I can't agree to this enough. Or at least some taste of a new guild system.

    I'm telling the world of MMO creators right now. The best guild system is one that the member and officer can use to create their own reward systems. Whether its just ranks or something more direct like XP pass-up (ala Asherons Call). Now don't go flaming on a hinge. I'm not asking for XP Pass-up.

    But for the love of god Turbine please tell us you are working on SIGNIFICANTLY enhancing the guild system!
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  3. #3
    Founder KaKa's Avatar
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    All I gotta say is whats the point? Does having an extra rank give any sort of benefit besides something different next to your name? The system now is fine, anything else is pointless.
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  4. #4
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    Default It would add a little bit more flavor to the game

    Quote Originally Posted by KaKa View Post
    All I gotta say is whats the point? Does having an extra rank give any sort of benefit besides something different next to your name? The system now is fine, anything else is pointless.
    Some people also aspire to reach new hieghts and i think that this would help to acomplish that. It would also hopefully do away with annoying training guilds.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Draclaud's Avatar
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    Default No Need

    Not nessisary. I'd rather not have them waste time on this, as it would not effect gameplay one bit. Rather I'd like em to focus on making koo quests, and items, instead of fluff and taking the big ol' nerf bat to us (raid loot anyone?).
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  6. #6
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    Go join the Army, this is a game and we really don't need a rank system.

  7. #7
    Community Member Morgoth_the_Enemy's Avatar
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    Definitely adding a little bit more customization to guilds would be nice, regardless of it's importance to gameplay.

  8. #8
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    Default Wow

    A lot of hate here about this one. . No i just thought that it would be cool thats all, and I don't think it would really be all that hard to do anyway.

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  9. #9
    Founder Ziggy's Avatar
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    There need to be more the member, officer, and leader.


    second in command(we already have this by the way, its an officer who has the right to take over the guild if the leader is gone for 30 days)

    You need something more then 4-10 officers who can invite people into the guild.

    You need to have anyone over "member" able to invite people to the guild, and only the leader/second in command able to boot people out.
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  10. #10
    Community Member Klattuu's Avatar
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    Supposedly titles are coming soon if the interviews at the beginning of the year is any indication. They don't necessarily seem to be tied to guild status but instead what you do in game. Probably something similar to what is in Asheron's Call and Lord of the Rings Online.

  11. #11
    Community Member DemonMage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ziggy View Post
    You need something more then 4-10 officers who can invite people into the guild.

    You need to have anyone over "member" able to invite people to the guild, and only the leader/second in command able to boot people out.
    These sorts of variable permissions become more important as/if they add more guild features in.

    I'm pretty fond of the EQ2 approach where you can rename each rank, and there are 10? different ranks, and then you can set the permissions by rank. Able to talk in guild chat, officer chat, access guild banks, withdraw items, withdraw coin, withdraw up to X coin/day, invite people, kick people, promote, alter guild message of the day, etc.
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  12. #12


    Speaking as a guild leader, I could really use about one or two more officer levels, with the ability to set the level's permissions myself.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Taur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DemonMage View Post
    These sorts of variable permissions become more important as/if they add more guild features in.

    I'm pretty fond of the EQ2 approach where you can rename each rank, and there are 10? different ranks, and then you can set the permissions by rank. Able to talk in guild chat, officer chat, access guild banks, withdraw items, withdraw coin, withdraw up to X coin/day, invite people, kick people, promote, alter guild message of the day, etc.
    I also like what sony did in EQ and EQ2 with the guild roster being available outside of game with the ability for guild websites to link to this information instead of having each individual player update his/her info on their guild website guild roster.

    Blizzard did this with WoW as well. While i'm not a big EQ, EQ2, or WoW fan, this functionality would be awesome, especially for a guild leader/guild webmaster.

  14. #14
    Founder Ziggy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DemonMage View Post
    These sorts of variable permissions become more important as/if they add more guild features in.

    I'm pretty fond of the EQ2 approach where you can rename each rank, and there are 10? different ranks, and then you can set the permissions by rank. Able to talk in guild chat, officer chat, access guild banks, withdraw items, withdraw coin, withdraw up to X coin/day, invite people, kick people, promote, alter guild message of the day, etc.
    Aye CoX had the ability to rename the 5 different types of members.

    and they could each level could do different things.
    R.I.P. Xoriat 8/2/07 ______________[]Ninja Posts:726.5 bunninja is watching
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  15. #15
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by negative View Post
    Speaking as a guild leader, I could really use about one or two more officer levels, with the ability to set the level's permissions myself.
    A la CoH Supergroups? Yes please.

    Leader can set X groups and give them permissions. Permissions include: Promotion (up to one rank below yours), Demotion (only of people below your rank), Removal (only of people below your rank), Addition, and more if they are necessary.
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  16. #16
    Community Member Sheckky's Avatar
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    Being a member of a relaxed-anarchy guild, I can't wrap my head around the idea of needing more guild ranks. Leader, Successor, Officer and Member aren't enough? I'm not criticizing - I'd just like to see an explanation.

  17. #17
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheckky View Post
    Being a member of a relaxed-anarchy guild, I can't wrap my head around the idea of needing more guild ranks. Leader, Successor, Officer and Member aren't enough? I'm not criticizing - I'd just like to see an explanation.
    Sometimes the leader isn't on to promote Officer alts to Officer. It's just kind of a pain to be like "Yeah, I can invite you to our gu -- dammit I'm not an Officer yet, hold on, let me get on one that is."

    And also being able to change the MotD on the fly on any character that's got Officer status is nice.

    Removal, too, in the case of members who are causing too many issues and should no longer bear your guild name.

    Numerous reasons, not just "fercuz more ranks are gooder".
    Person Æ, Sarlona
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  18. #18
    Community Member Sheckky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanka View Post
    Sometimes the leader isn't on to promote Officer alts to Officer. It's just kind of a pain to be like "Yeah, I can invite you to our gu -- dammit I'm not an Officer yet, hold on, let me get on one that is."

    And also being able to change the MotD on the fly on any character that's got Officer status is nice.

    Removal, too, in the case of members who are causing too many issues and should no longer bear your guild name.

    Numerous reasons, not just "fercuz more ranks are gooder".
    Not being argumentative here...
    1) We just send a tell or guild chat to an officer and ask them to recruit X. Extra step, true.
    2) Same as 1.
    3) Removal is something that really should be discussed among the active guildies; in that case, shouldn't it be the leader who does the removal anyway? I guess we're all about making as certain as possible before making such a decision.

    Just to reiterate, I wasn't being critical or argumentative - I really am interested in hearing how more ranks help in more ways than just cutting out a short step. To be clear, I'm NOT opposed to it. I only want more information.

  19. #19
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheckky View Post
    Not being argumentative here...
    Lies! Dirty li -- oh, OK.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheckky View Post
    1) We just send a tell or guild chat to an officer and ask them to recruit X. Extra step, true.
    If no Officers are on?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheckky View Post
    2) Same as 1.
    Same as number one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheckky View Post
    3) Removal is something that really should be discussed among the active guildies; in that case, shouldn't it be the leader who does the removal anyway? I guess we're all about making as certain as possible before making such a decision.
    And sometimes it is, and sometimes it falls to the person that is on best terms with the player to show "hey, no hard feelings, but you just don't fit our guild, man".

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheckky View Post
    Just to reiterate, I wasn't being critical or argumentative - I really am interested in hearing how more ranks help in more ways than just cutting out a short step. To be clear, I'm NOT opposed to it. I only want more information.
    Oh, no worries. Friendly discourse is a good thing!
    Person Æ, Sarlona
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  20. #20
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    Default Ok

    Im not saying that it is neccesarry or needed. It is just a nice little extra. That is all. Not only that but i would like to be able to single out people in the giuld who are not quite officer matrial but still do so much for the guild and deserve to be more then just a member.
    No! You can't GREASE a Beholder!!

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