I am finishing up the moving process, and should be on a permanent connection within the next couple of days.
I know many lists were lost with Operation: Thread-Stoled, and the master list needs an overhaul. In addition, I need to extend an accomodation to all Mabarians that may be interested in posting a trade/sale list, and having it posted on the master sticky.
I have recieved several PMs lately concerning trade threads, but seeing as I was mid-move, I didn't have the time to address it. I ask now that everyone who is interested get your lists posted/updated, and PM me with the thread name and a link to the url, and when I get settled in Thursday/Friday, I will spend a little time getting that list back in order for us all to have easier access to the goods of the server.
I apologize for my absence, and lack of time to update the list, and I will address it asap when I am back on a constant connection in my new house.
I will be erasing the entire list, and starting fresh, so be sure to PM me if you would like your list to have the benefits of the easy access, and the shopper-friendly master list.