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  1. #1
    Founder Tehran_Adinson's Avatar
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    Default Transmutation/Evocation Bracers...bug?

    Pulled bracers as an end reward that were listed as "Trasmutation Bracers" yet they had Transmutation focus AND also listed Evocation Focus in the description but not the name.

    Another Guildmate pulled out an item on the same run that also had 2 effects.

    Anyone else getting things like these? Is this a bug or are we actually getting more useful items?
    Tehran Adinson
    Officer of Burning Legion

    "I live in America...why the HELL do I have to press 1 to continue in English?"

  2. #2
    Founder Drider's Avatar
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    Those are nothing new, I've had sets for months like that.

  3. #3
    Founder Tehran_Adinson's Avatar
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    Do both the effects actually work? This is actually the first time I've seen it.
    Tehran Adinson
    Officer of Burning Legion

    "I live in America...why the HELL do I have to press 1 to continue in English?"

  4. #4
    Founder Drider's Avatar
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    yep they do.

    I think all the named bracers.. Bracers of Transmutation, Necormancy, etc. All have 2 different abilities.

  5. #5
    Founder Tehran_Adinson's Avatar
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    Ahhh...good to know! Thanks Drider
    Tehran Adinson
    Officer of Burning Legion

    "I live in America...why the HELL do I have to press 1 to continue in English?"

  6. #6
    Founder Drider's Avatar
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  7. #7
    Community Member
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    I think I have a staff or two like that also. I think that makes good sense though...let staves have two abilities on them (since you can only hold one) and have sceptres have one ability on them (since you can hold two).

  8. #8
    Community Member flowmaster's Avatar
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    Has the server merge forum transmuted into general discussion? I must have missed the memo.
    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." --Albert Einstein

  9. #9
    Founder Cendaer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flowmaster View Post
    Has the server merge forum transmuted into general discussion? I must have missed the memo.
    ummm... you're actually in the Development Discussion forum, NOT the Server Merge forum.

    Just thought you might like to know that.

    Well, it's been moved now, so no big thing, right?
    Last edited by Cendaer; 08-08-2007 at 01:50 AM. Reason: thread moved
    (¯`·._.·[ The Truth of the Draconic Prophecy will be revealed in time. ]·._.·´¯)

  10. #10
    Founder Tehran_Adinson's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by flowmaster
    Has the server merge forum transmuted into general discussion? I must have missed the memo.
    I actually thought this may have been a bug that happened during the merge. Thus I posted it in the server merge area. Since it wasn't a bug it was moved correctly by the devs.

    Thanks for pointing that out tho. I don't know what the servers would do without people that point these things out! Great to know there are forum police trolls. How much do they pay you for that btw? Or do you do it just for the forum count? Keep up the good must be very rewarding and you are doing such a fine service for all those that read the forums.
    Tehran Adinson
    Officer of Burning Legion

    "I live in America...why the HELL do I have to press 1 to continue in English?"

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Drider View Post
    I think all the named bracers.. Bracers of Transmutation, Necormancy, etc. All have 2 different abilities.
    Not quite. The lower level bracers (as in min level requirement) only have the listed effect.

    The lowest 've seen on bracers so far are min lvl 7s. And you only get the listed effect on them.

    But it is nice. Between the scepters and bracers Iv'e got most of my major schools, so I haven't been extreamly worried about the napkin out of stormreaver.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by rimble View Post
    I think I have a staff or two like that also. I think that makes good sense though...let staves have two abilities on them (since you can only hold one) and have sceptres have one ability on them (since you can hold two).
    *grumble* actually per PnP this is wrong (the staff part). I'll be posting about that at some point soon in a more massive comments post.

    The reason why it is wrong is that EACH end of a staff must be enchanted separately if used as a weapon. With the way the game works we should be allowed say, if you were lvl 14, superior potency 6 on one end, and two schools of focus on the other. Granted this would cost about 200k gold or so.

    This is why spell casting staffs in the game are so under powered, but at least they cost the correct amount.
    This is also why combat staffs in the game are so uber powered technically. (if they actually did two weapon fighting correctly with them, they would be no doubt) because you are paying only for 1 weapon when you should be paying for 2.

    Letting the scepters, clubs, etc. hold two school foci is not over powered for DDO. The mobs are so over powered this is an attempt to compensate. Now if it were PnP, yeah.. that would be rather over powered.

  13. #13
    Community Member The_Hoff's Avatar
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    Default bracers

    have several bracers like that

  14. #14
    Community Member Tavok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rimble View Post
    I think I have a staff or two like that also. I think that makes good sense though...let staves have two abilities on them (since you can only hold one) and have sceptres have one ability on them (since you can hold two).
    Scepters can have 2 also. Its a bit buggy, sometimes you will see a +1 enchanment bonus, a masterwork enchanment bonus, and a spell focus bonus on one item, its kinda weird lol.

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