Is the kukri a martial or exotic weapon?
Is the kukri a martial or exotic weapon?
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Yaha- lvl 16 fight/pally Yahajc- lvl 16 sorc Yahaa 16 cleric Clous 12 Rogue/Bank .........Ghallanda
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"And I say I'm dead, and I move."
~Brandon Lee, The Crow
Yes, a kukri is a worthless exotic weapon that nobody uses. It's the same damage as a dagger 1d4 with an 18-20 crit range so its only benefit I would see is if you had a bunch of stat damaging kukri's along with improved critical slashing. The logic would be that since scimitars and rapiers have the same base d6 damage and 18-20 crit range, why would anyone waste a feat to get some exotic weapon with less damage and same crit range.
And yes, being an exotic weapon, you have to burn a feat on it no matter what race/class you are.
Got PNP mixed up with DDO again. Kukri is exotic in PNP but treated as martial in DDO. Either way, kukri is still pretty worthless since a short sword or rapier has better damage d6, same 18-20 crit range and both are light weapons and finessable in your off hand. I have seen a LOT more magic rapiers and short swords with nice elemental and special effects in this game than ever with kukris. The only kukris that I use are the giant stalker knives since a greater giant bane effect is very nice.
For some reason my ranger Thujone has been cursed/blessed with pulling bastard swords and kukris from chests, not many rapiers or shortswords even. I have gotten some good kukris actually
+3 seeker of deception (IIRC)
and a +2or3 crippler of shatter.
so it can be things other than the giant stalkers
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Last edited by Laith; 08-07-2007 at 03:39 PM. Reason: sigh, forgot the sickle
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Kukri is an awesome off hand weapon, the other two you listed are piercers, kukri being a slasher. Most melee types are slash spec'd, and as such kukris are the far superior choice for an offhand weapon.
Also available in vorpal, paralyzing, smiting, disrupting.
Oh and its martial. The only other offhander available with these nicities is the sickle *bleh*
Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ YndrofianPlook~Squidgie~Eyern~Irnbru~Grotesque
Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
Wow, if you're going to answer a question with authority you may wish to check your sources. If you read near the bottom of the thread all the details are there, but there were multiple very wrong answers near the top stated as fact.
Don't speak as if you're sure... if you're not.
That greenblade puts out some nice damage in the right hands.
its martial, if you don't believe me spend 10 gold and buy one from a vendor and look at the description, or better yet, just read the description of the item
Khyber- Xoren rog 12, Gritzik sor 11, Riezak pal 9, Litchbane brd 10, Maha clr 10, Grimmace bbn 5
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