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  1. #21
    Community Member Raithe's Avatar
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    Alarming results. The difference between great axes and one-handers can be excused. The slow rate of attack with greatswords and falchions needs fixed.

    No ifs, ands, or buts.

  2. #22
    Community Member Scrion's Avatar
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    My results, oddly enough I got almost identical results from a 14 bab and an 8 bab, even though the 8 has only the 3 swing chain.

    Id say this is accurate for me to within 1-2 swings per minute:

    Falchion and Great Sword = 86 swings per minute
    Great Axe, Maul, Quarterstaff = 96 SPM
    All* 1 handed weapons with a shield in off hand = 100 SPM

    * I tested Dwarven Axe, Battle Axe, Club, War Hammer, Khopesh, and Longsword.

    The difference betwwen a Falchion/Great Sword and the Great Axe is so big it truly does make a normally worse GA dps higher than the GS.
    Scriondar DeTriole - Fighter/Paladin
    Member of The Hand of the Black Tower

  3. #23
    Community Member
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    Maybe they didn't like the fact that the mauls average damage is so close to the falchion, knowing full well everyone would prefer the extra crits.

    But this *does* mean that my mauls dish out superior DPS then the falchion. I'm more then happy to accept that.

  4. #24
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    EDIT: So, it seems the greataxe is the most superior weapon ever? Considering DPS, at least? It tops all other weapons by a significant margin.
    Last edited by Ironik; 08-26-2007 at 09:48 AM.

  5. #25
    Community Member Raithe's Avatar
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    I ran some tests of my own to confirm that the attacks being counted were from the combat log, and not just simply the rounds of animations. I came up with similar numbers for a rapier and a greatsword as has been listed (84/93 were my rough extrapolations).

    This is quite frankly game breaking.

    Knowing what I would find, I also ran an extrapolation for greater two-weapon fighting. As I suspected, it too does not meet the D&D standards. I came up with a rough extrapolation of 144 attacks per minute, while 96 * 1.75 = 168 (even 86 * 1.75 = 150).

    So GTWF is less than 150% the DPS of sword and board, especially when you take into account the to-hit penalty.

  6. #26
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    Really I couldn't care any less. I picked my weapons based on how I liked them, not specifically for thier stats. Then, later, I was forced to defend my choice and it turns out I picked weapons that do just as well or better in some cases. But whatever.

  7. #27
    Founder Sojourner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raithe View Post
    So GTWF is less than 150% the DPS of sword and board, especially when you take into account the to-hit penalty.
    I do remember some time ago there was a huge thread about how TWF were getting screwed because they weren't getting the 1.5x attacks per round that they were supposed to be getting.

    But, I appear to have failed my search roll, because I can't find it (more likely - too old and aged off the forums)
    Thelanis, The Band of the Shifting Sands:
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  8. #28
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sojourner View Post
    I do remember some time ago there was a huge thread about how TWF were getting screwed because they weren't getting the 1.5x attacks per round that they were supposed to be getting.

    But, I appear to have failed my search roll, because I can't find it (more likely - too old and aged off the forums)
    No, they were lost in the "Great Purge."

    Indeed, at level 11+ TWF gets their full 1.75x attacks (4 mainhand, 3 offhand). But the TWF animation is longer and the net result is only ~1.5x attack speed.

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