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  1. #1
    Community Member Ralmeth's Avatar
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    Default LFM Suggestion: Zerging vs. Normal Speed

    I've been playing DDO for quite a while now, and I have a suggestion for the LFM. Let's have a box that the leader of a group can select that indicates that your party will either be zerging through the adventure or running at a normal pace.

    I am very much a casual player so I don't know all of the quests inside and out, especially the higher level quests as I haven't done a lot of them. It is very frustrating to go into a quest where everyone already knows it and zergs through at breakneck speed, and then you get the annoyed comments that you couldn't keep up because you didn't know exactly where you are going. On the other hand, if I run a low level adventure that I've done a ton of times (ex. Durks), then it is nice to zerg through and not take twice as long.

    For every quest in the game, everyone has their own experience level with every quest, and their expectation of whether you want to rush through for the end reward, access to the raids, etc. I love to do this in POP and other quests I've run a lot. On the other hand you may not be too familiar with a quest and you would prefer to not just be running behind the group just to keep up...that is no fun at all, either for you running to keep up or for the rest of the group because you keep lagging behind. I think It would be kind of nice when you are joining a party if the adventure will be run at a normal or zerging pace, so you can decide if you want to join or not. In any event, it's just a suggestion. What does everyone think?
    Last edited by Ralmeth; 08-07-2007 at 10:40 AM.

  2. #2
    Founder Girevik's Avatar
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    Unfortunately, I think Zerging through IS the Normal Speed.

    From my experience, the public LFM system is not set up for players who want to actually "experience" a quest. You will almost invariably get someone who knows the quest and ways to speed through it.

    If you are after fast experience and quick loot, that is great.

    If you want to actually "solve" the quest, not so good.

    You can use the grouping message to state what you are looking for and hope for the best.

  3. #3
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    While it would be a good thing, not many party leaders will worry about this. It is a good suggestion for party leaders to consider though.

  4. #4
    Community Member Ralmeth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Girevik View Post
    Unfortunately, I think Zerging through IS the Normal Speed.

    From my experience, the public LFM system is not set up for players who want to actually "experience" a quest. You will almost invariably get someone who knows the quest and ways to speed through it.
    Good point. I suppose my suggestion would be for a better LFM system that helps to put people together who want to actually "experience" the quest, or to zerg through.

  5. #5
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    I have always had good luck posting info like this in my LFMs. Try short descriptors such as:
    • First time doing quest
    • All bonuses for XP
    • NO XP, quick run
    • Taking our time
    • Normal, Fast for end reward (for quest chains)
    When a zerger sees "Taking our time" he usually won't bother to join. In the rare case that he does, finish that quest, tell him sorry, and dismiss from group.

  6. #6
    Founder akla_thornfist's Avatar
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    when i set up an lfm i put a little note, no zergers or bring your running shoes thata the best way to get the prper folks in your group.
    akla thornfist lev 17fighter- healalot thornfist lev 19cleric- aklasek thornfist 13fighter 4 paly- healthis thornfist lev 17 32pt cleric- seakla lev 8 rogue, proud member of unbreakable

  7. #7
    Founder Fallout's Avatar
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    Its a fundemantal flaw in the game. Its the same reason why they will never crank out enough content.

    Because things are static, people can master a quest in a short amount of time. Simply because there's no suprises, mobs are the same. Maybe trap move around. After X amount of time, you just want to beat it as fast as you can.

    Also unless there's an artificial mechanic like levers/runes, also why people can figure out soloing raids

    Thus zerg.

    Why spend 20 mins in a quest you done many times when you can do it in 5?
    Fallout, Unforgiven, Skyline, Radient, Tenken, Sagat (first name not Bob).

  8. #8
    Community Member Bobbyd's Avatar
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    Default I Can

    I can complete that quest in 10 minutes....

    and takers.....

    I thought that there was only one speed? 1st one to the end wins right..
    The Last Heros
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  9. #9
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fallout View Post
    Why spend 20 mins in a quest you done many times when you can do it in 5?
    Because, believe it or not, there ARE new players in the game. Not everyone has done the quest 100 times before. And even if we have done it before, sometimes we run a quest with a new character class and see it from a different perspective.
    Last edited by Mad_Bombardier; 08-07-2007 at 05:25 PM.

  10. #10
    Community Member Mirta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bobbyd View Post
    I can complete that quest in 10 minutes....

    and takers.....

    I thought that there was only one speed? 1st one to the end wins right..
    Yes, but you forgot to account for time penalties from low kill count. Unless you're a cleric, cuz they always win.
    Quote Originally Posted by Combat Log
    Crippled. Crippled. Crippled. Crippled. Harried. Crippled. Harried. Triple Harried. Triple Harried, Crippled, Exhausted, Fatigued, and Enfeebled. Crippled. All effects removed by lag wipe! Would you like to buy a Siberys Spirit Cake from the DDO Store?

  11. #11
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fallout View Post
    Its a fundemantal flaw in the game. Its the same reason why they will never crank out enough content.

    Because things are static, people can master a quest in a short amount of time. Simply because there's no suprises, mobs are the same. Maybe trap move around. After X amount of time, you just want to beat it as fast as you can.

    Also unless there's an artificial mechanic like levers/runes, also why people can figure out soloing raids

    Thus zerg.

    Why spend 20 mins in a quest you done many times when you can do it in 5?
    I agree. The static nature of the quests has lead to "Mastering the Content" which was the original design idea and a huge flaw in my opinion. It severely impacts replayability. Now blindly random content becomes as much a blur as static content so somewhere in the middle is probably a good mix.

    Even so, there are quests I have never done even on my character with 1750. I hate to say it, but the first time through a quest I like to experience it and most people do. There are some who don't mind being lead by the nose through a quest, but some of us don't.

    I went through Proof is in the Poison yesterday with my level 11 Rogue. I solo'd it because I didn't want to get a PuG for what I heard was a difficult and long quest and have them guide me through it. Yes it WAS more fun to solo it than to group with people who are going to play tour guide even if my character got NOTHING out of it. Now I can PuG it with a lower level character and not worry about missing anything.

    I also have to state, that there are quests I have done a coupe dozen times that are still fun to run nice and slow. Some people look at quests, not as a chance for enjoyment, but a job they need to go do if they want their characters to be what they want.

    I duo'd something with a friend the other day and he commented, "Um... I've never actually gone down this hallway. I've always PuGged this and they skip this part." He had fun on that run of the quest, more fun than the zergfest.

    I agree, the flaw is in the design. It encourages people to run it quick and become jaded by the idea of looking around. If it was important someone would have told them about it.
    "Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
    -Barry LePatner

  12. #12
    Stormreach Advisor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralmeth View Post
    I've been playing DDO for quite a while now, and I have a suggestion for the LFM. Let's have a box that the leader of a group can select that indicates that your party will either be zerging through the adventure or running at a normal pace.

    I am very much a casual player so I don't know all of the quests inside and out, especially the higher level quests as I haven't done a lot of them. It is very frustrating to go into a quest where everyone already knows it and zergs through at breakneck speed, and then you get the annoyed comments that you couldn't keep up because you didn't know exactly where you are going. On the other hand, if I run a low level adventure that I've done a ton of times (ex. Durks), then it is nice to zerg through and not take twice as long.

    For every quest in the game, everyone has their own experience level with every quest, and their expectation of whether you want to rush through for the end reward, access to the raids, etc. I love to do this in POP and other quests I've run a lot. On the other hand you may not be too familiar with a quest and you would prefer to not just be running behind the group just to keep up...that is no fun at all, either for you running to keep up or for the rest of the group because you keep lagging behind. I think It would be kind of nice when you are joining a party if the adventure will be run at a normal or zerging pace, so you can decide if you want to join or not. In any event, it's just a suggestion. What does everyone think?

    I would suggest starting your own groups and putting exactly what pace you want to play in your comments. This way you can control the pace, since it means alot to you, and you have the authority to remove people from your group that can't adhere to your desired speed.

    Not sure why we'd need to ping the devs for something you can do yourself right now.
    Argonnessen | Legendary Knights of Mabar | Couresan | Courage | Plat | Torgo

  13. #13
    Community Member Laith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oronisi View Post
    I would suggest starting your own groups and putting exactly what pace you want to play in your comments. This way you can control the pace, since it means alot to you, and you have the authority to remove people from your group that can't adhere to your desired speed.

    Not sure why we'd need to ping the devs for something you can do yourself right now.

    during the "class-less LFM crisis" i managed to fit every party members class in the comments, you can certainly fit your desired speed in there.

    if it becomes widely used enough, the devs'll probably add it anyway.

  14. #14
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oronisi View Post
    I would suggest starting your own groups and putting exactly what pace you want to play in your comments. This way you can control the pace, since it means alot to you, and you have the authority to remove people from your group that can't adhere to your desired speed.

    Not sure why we'd need to ping the devs for something you can do yourself right now.
    True... having a toggle for zerging/normal/slow doesn't mean anyone would use it. I saw a LFM last night with levels 1-14 and all classes listed with the note, "11+ level Cleric only!" Um... so set the LFM correctly, right?
    "Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
    -Barry LePatner

  15. #15
    Community Member Talson's Avatar
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    This group might be zerging LFM guide: (You might meet a zerger)

    10. If the LFM is for Giant caves or Beyond the Grave the group might be zerging....

    9. If the words flagging for dragon or demon queen are present in the LFM text box the group might be zerging…..

    8. If the group is advertising level 1-14 favor runs they might be zerging....

    7. If you join a group that is discussing XP or loot per min they might be zerging....

    6. If the group is advertising running Tangle Root or Co6 in an hour or less they might be zerging….

    5. If the the group is advertising Gianthold Tor scale runs they might be zerging….

    4. If level 14’s are recruiting for Xorian Cypher they might be zerging…..

    3. If the group is advertising as only looking for level 14 characters they might be zerging…

    2. If the words trial by fire the fast way are present in the LFM text box the group might be zerging…

    1. If the words loot run are present in the LFM text box the group might be zerging….

    Take it easy
    Last edited by Talson; 08-07-2007 at 01:50 PM.
    If whisperdoom wasn't an exploit what is one.....
    Nexiv lvl 14 (8 Fig/3 Pal/3 Rog) & Selgar lvl 14 (8 Fig/3 Pal/3 Rog)
    Zexiv lvl 14 (9 Rog/3 Pal/2 Fig) & Talson lvl 14 (13 Cleric/1 Sorc)

    Ordos Draconum

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    Because, believe it or not, there ARE new players in the game. Not everyone has done the quest 100 times before. And even if we have done it before, sometimes it's run to see a quest with a new character class and see it from a different perspective.
    One of the issues I have is my inability to keep up.

    This was very apparent when I joined a run through Madstone Crater. Was my first time. They had done it many and knew where they were going.

    I felt completely and totally lost. I couldn't keep up and felt like I was a hinderance to the party.

    Give me deleras or any quest I have done 20 zillion times and I can do the same zerg LOL. But going into Madstone on elite for the first time, i just felt lost LOL. I felt bad cause I couldn't keep up with anyone.
    Hands you a Cupcake One of Many of the O'Rum Ferretus's

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Mercules View Post
    True... having a toggle for zerging/normal/slow doesn't mean anyone would use it. I saw a LFM last night with levels 1-14 and all classes listed with the note, "11+ level Cleric only!" Um... so set the LFM correctly, right?
    Ditto. Hands you yer cupcake.
    Hands you a Cupcake One of Many of the O'Rum Ferretus's

  18. #18
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    No! Too many silly little customizations that everyone wants. There is a text area that leaders can put something like that in (and I see it frequently). No further work necessary, just start asking leaders to make use of the text box.

    I even saw a guy with an LFM up last night that said "I'm still new!" doing Harbor quests.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cupcake View Post
    One of the issues I have is my inability to keep up.

    This was very apparent when I joined a run through Madstone Crater. Was my first time. They had done it many and knew where they were going.

    I felt completely and totally lost. I couldn't keep up and felt like I was a hinderance to the party.

    Give me deleras or any quest I have done 20 zillion times and I can do the same zerg LOL. But going into Madstone on elite for the first time, i just felt lost LOL. I felt bad cause I couldn't keep up with anyone.
    The thing I do in situations like that (assuming the group isn't repeating the quest) is stick around in the quest and poke around some. It should be mostly empty. You might die if there's a creature left somewhere, but the knowledge gained is worth the xp cost.

  20. #20
    Founder PurdueDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    Because, believe it or not, there ARE new players in the game. Not everyone has done the quest 100 times before.

    If I was on a 10-day trial, I'd hate this game.

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