I had my first D&D monk named Thelonious over 20-25 years ago.

I was a part of the DDO Head Start and on the first day I created a character on Fernia named Thelonious.

I've had several posts over the last 18 months about how excited I was to have this character. Some may have been purged off due to age, and others lost in last weeks forum merge. Here is the only one I could initially find:

So now after the server merge I don't have a character named Thelonious any more. I have Thelonious-Fernia. None of my other characters are named xxxxxx-Fernia.

I think I know why - over the last 18 months I've dropped the name only to pick it up immediately as I experiment with a couple character rerolls. So me not having the name for 10 minutes dropped me in the seniority rankings apparently.

I want a character named Thelonious on the same server as all my other characters/friends/guildies. I've held that name for 18 long months - just sitting there. No one else has ever held that name on Fernia.

Do I have any recourse? If I am missing something obvious I apologize in advance.