True story, just happened like an hour and some change ago. I got the screenies to prove it. I just had the great pleasure of grouping with a complete artard and I'm pretty sure he's from Xoriat as I do recall grouping with this guy BEFORE the merge. However I could be way off base and he could be from a different but who cares, either way I had a pretty good chuckle about it.
Getting ready to run VON 2-4 Elite, have one spot open for a healer type.
'tard: "Hey guys, I got a lvl 2 cleric that'll run with us if we run part 1 over again."
Me: "lvl 2?"
Party Member: "Yeah I'm not too comfortable with that one"
'tard: "*12"
Me: "Oh, well that makes a world of difference."
Party member: "Oh hell yeah, we'll redo part 1 again, it's fast anyway."
'tard: "No, screw you guys, nm. Find your own healer."
Rest of party: "What?!?"
'tard: "You guys were jerks so I'm not bringing him."
Me: "did I just miss something?"
Party member: "*** is going on?"
**About a minute of silence**
Party member: "let's just run it, and get a healer on the way"
Me: "bah, screw it"
'tard: "Yeah lets just go."
Me: "I still don't understand why you won't bring your cleric friend."
'tard: "b/c you were a d**k."
Party member: "What are you smoking dude?"
Me: "You do realize that I'm the only arcane here and you're a WF, right?"
**'tard drops group**
I get a /tell about 20 min later, same guy, and my new partners and I are now well into part III.
'tard: "You just can't handle my greatness."
Me: "That's why I'm 3 man'ing VoN on Elite and yer still LFG, dumb@**."