Nothing really impressively new about this build, especially since he is a 28-point founding character. But, I've wanted to reference him often enough that I'm going to post him.

And, the fact that he is a 28-pointer makes him a good starting cleric for someone new to the game.

I'm pretty happy with the fact that I've been playing him for over a year now, and really have very little that I would change on him.

Basically a fairly decent balance between Battle Cleric, Offensive Caster, and Nannybot. A cleric focused on one of these areas will out perform him in that area, but he can do pretty much everything across the board.

Primary Stats:
STR: 16/Base+4/Item = 20 (Need a +6 and a tome)
DEX = 9/Base+3/Item = 12
CON = 9/Base+5/Item = 14 (Looking for a +6 item to go with a +1 tome)
INT = 8/Base+6/Item = 14
WIS = 16/Base+3/Level+3/APs+2/Tome+6/Item = 30
CHR = 14/Base

Secondary Stats:
HP: 200
SP: 1201
Saves: 11/9/16
AC: 38 before buffs (Need the reaver shield and black dragon armor)

Empower Healing
Mental Toughness
Improved Mental Toughness
Extend Spell (May swap out, possibly for Spell Pen)
Improved Critical: Bludgeoning

Cleric Wisdom II
Human Wisdom I
Improved Empower Healing II
Prayer of Life III
Prayer of Incredible Life II
Life Magic IV
Energy of the Zealot IV
Divine Vitality II
Extra Turning II
Wand Mastery III