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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Clerics and Charisma

    With every stat in the game, as the number increases to the next bonus level, players are awarded the benefits of the new bonus - as strength increases, your bonus to hit goes up, as con goes up, you get more hit points, etc. I was wondering why as clerics increase thier charisma...they do not get the corresponding increase in turn undead based on the new charisma bonus. Now while I realize that using turn undead to actually turn undead is relatively rare, the game added new enhancements based on this number, so it becomes even more important to the Cleric...and to the party. I suggest allowing the base number of turn undead to increase along with an increase in Charisma...

  2. #2
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    It should... the calculation for # of Turns is 3+Cha Mod... if it is not then it should be bug reported and fixed

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  3. #3
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aesop View Post
    It should... the calculation for # of Turns is 3+Cha Mod... if it is not then it should be bug reported and fixed

    it is in the works.
    Clerics of Fernia
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  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Default Thanks

    I was wondering if that was being looked into...I now have a 14 Charisma (+4 item) for a total of +2 modifier. I also have the feat "extra turning for +4" and 3 enhancements for 3 more extra turning. My total should then be: 3+2, +4, +3 for 12 total turns. I have 10. When I remove my Charisma item...I still have the extra Charisma has no effect.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by robval1 View Post
    I was wondering if that was being looked into...I now have a 14 Charisma (+4 item) for a total of +2 modifier. I also have the feat "extra turning for +4" and 3 enhancements for 3 more extra turning. My total should then be: 3+2, +4, +3 for 12 total turns. I have 10. When I remove my Charisma item...I still have the extra Charisma has no effect.
    They are fixing that thankfuly I have one cleric whos cha is 4pts higher then her wisdom and no she has no levels of sorcerer

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