...the eyes of a ghastly white vampire stare back at you...his fangs gleam in the light from your torches and lanterns...In your heart, you know that most who have seen this face never lived to see another
OK get off the Micheal Moore koolaid. Just because it's in a documentary doesn't mean it's true. I could take a **** in a box and call it a documentary. If we rate so low how come every person in the world with the means to comes here for treatment? How many of those uninsured are being leeches on the society? It's all about personal responsibility here. If you can't support yourself, it's not my job to support you.
Well, first I didn't see his documentary and second it's cold hard facts that I've quoted. You can look them up anywhere. Where are your "leeches" stats.? That's a completely subjective opinion. Fact: there are only two counties in the entire nation where someone working 40 hrs. a week at a minimum wage job can afford the average rent for an apartment. I guess those leeches aren't sucking hard enough. No one said it was your job to support anyone. The health care system is broken. Ask any American who's lost their insurance over the last few years if everything is honky dorry.
Coulda guessed that you had an ".edu" at the end of your email address. I'm sure you've heard this before but those who can do, and those who can't... I applaud you in your proffession, and I am glad some people are willing to do that job for a wage far under what your education deems your worth (guessing). I'm sure that you teach right down the middle and by no means use your profession to indoctrinate young minds into your personal philosiphy.![]()
First of all, teaching is my third profession and I made heaps more money in both jobs. Both left me feeling empty. Secondly, I teach high school, so no .edu here. Thirdly, I can't teach any personal philosophy in my school. It's against policy. Fourth, I'm a registered Independent and have been since I'm 18 and I've voted for both Dems and Reps. over the years.
BTW, I didn't insult your profession. That flippant "those you can't" comment truly shines a light on who you are.
I wouldn't waste any of your time posting back because I'm not reading this thread anymore.
The Leper Squad - Ghallanda
My bigger focus is on the lack of stuff to go aroud and getting forced to bring twelve guys to get the same 2 raid items when I can do the raid with 4 or less. There's no benefit to bring along the extra guys, when you have no extra chance to get the items best for your build. If you like don't call it need vs greed call it the "don't be a jerk" system. I feel that a smaller pie leaves everyone hungry, and the lactose intollerant one shouldn't be eating the cheesecake.
...the eyes of a ghastly white vampire stare back at you...his fangs gleam in the light from your torches and lanterns...In your heart, you know that most who have seen this face never lived to see another
I agree that this greed atuitude that they deserve the same chance at loot as the ones put more work into is stupid. Please get your freaking politics out of the furoms. This a game furom not politics.Gotta love those socialists... Self interest and greed are the mother of invention. If a doctor makes the same amount of money as a garbage man, then who in the freaking world would want to do all the extra work to become a doctor? I say let people keep their money, they earned it not the big bad government. Just like if I can short raid a man I should get my increased chances, I earned it.
...the eyes of a ghastly white vampire stare back at you...his fangs gleam in the light from your torches and lanterns...In your heart, you know that most who have seen this face never lived to see another
What about us battle arcanes? I give other tanks my buffs to help out the party and to help everyone have a good time, but if I were selfish and only buffed myself then I can personally outfight many pure tanks I've played with. Would I still be denied the SoS? What about those arcanes who would tank but don't because they're always denied a decent weapon to use? My capped wizard has never seen a decent weapon drop in loot, only xbows, wands, pots, et cetera. He was able to get a cloudburst in a recent reaver run though due to my raidmates lacking the "need vs. greed" attitude **** that most other groups try to use to guarantee that they get what they want and deny me what I want. 'Oh, darn, we got staff of arcane power and green blade, you can have them'....ummm....thanks, but I doubt I'll use them 'but youre a wizard...?' yes, yes i am