Well this started out as a guild-driven idea of having a total WF party, and they needed a rezzer/off-tank, noone had made a cleric yet so I volunteered. So far Im L8 and I regularly nab #1-2 in kills in my pugs that I go on.
Took 1st level cleric to nab max sp, then a fighter level to get martial weps/tower shield. 1st feat was adam skellie.
All cleric levels after that (currently casting L4 spells)
I can buff myself like mad.
I have piecing focus, extend , and empower heal metas
had recently respec'd and took off shield mastery for the empowered heal ... still thinking about that tho ...
I have the fighter crit enh, all the healing mods, healing item mods. +5docent and shield, +3 dex item, false life clickies. Fully buffed Im looking at 34 AC, close to 130hp, DR4 (w/o shield) and +15 to hit with my shocking burst of good heavy pick. Have a Icy burst too that landed a 93pt crit on a Gr. fire mephit other day lol.
Almost wishing I had cleave, but Im still trying to balance most of my gear/feats/enh to accomodate the healing aspect I will be relied upon for. I do land pretty big heals so I usually smack everything around till someone drops to 1/2 then I heal em mid-melee, I find it so much easier to whack the mobs off a clothy then to drop like 7 spells in a row just to keep him up.
In order to maximise my enhancements i dropped healers friend, figure an arcane can take care of me and I will return the favor
And with my DR and 2 sources of temp hps (well 3 with div favor) Im usually running on temp vs my own life-oil.
I did get alot of negative comments and such joining pugs, but I'll tell you I've only had one complaint AFTER one, and it was from a Pally who loved to run off and get 3x the aggro , vs. strategic pulls. Was trying to teach him a lesson, alas he prob wont ever learn it. For the most part I can just hear the jaws drop after I tank/heal/DPS the hell out of everything :P
Well thats my novel, Im Automated Disciple from Argonnessen. Peace out.