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Thread: Guild rewards?

  1. #21
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    Oh a guild Alliance system, (with [easily earned] unlockable chat channels????) and even lower level stuff/adventures starting at say level 4-6 to unlock options for these guilds?

    Also maybe a tool so the Allied guilds could have a guild house they share between the Alliance?
    he he that way I could just ally myself with a real guild and not have to join anyone

    Cause really Klockwerk Orange of the Tin Soldiers Guild... of which there is one member doesn't want anyone else in her guild

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  2. #22
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    Default nice

    There are a lot of good suggestions here.
    Maybe we could also raid each others guild halls in like a capture the flag type of thing.

  3. #23


    What I would look for in guild or personal housing is customization. I want to see hundreds of alternative design choices for a house. I want to be able to hang Velah's ugly head from a wall. I want to be able to run a mission to obtain Ghola-Fan's lost sofa.

    I would also like to see these based upon the effort expended to build the guild house. The guild house should be a status symbol. Although some guild housing should be available for guilds of moderate means (including guild AH and teleporters), guild palaces should only be available for large guilds that have made it a major guild focus to build their palace. The palace shouldn't grant any special privileges over the guild shanty. Having a monsterously big guild hall should be its own reward.

    Housing would be an opportunity for this game to add a real time sink. Capped characters need something to occupy time. Right now, loot and favor grinding are seemingly not enough to keep level 14's running all the time. How many vorpals does one person need.

    The last game I played with guild housing was Guild wars. They dropped the ball, IMO, in that the building of a guild house was limited to six models, and a guild hall could be acquired if someone randomly won something tied to PvP. After a while, every guild had a hall that was the same as every other guild. I don't want to see a bunch of generic guild halls springing up on Day 1.

    Tormenting Role Players, Perma-Death players, and Turbine Mods since February 2006!
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  4. #24
    Community Member RavenStormclaw's Avatar
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    Default Gonna cause problems

    These are all great ideas....but what about independant players, non-alligned players, people who solo, those who can't seem to find a guild they like or is big enought etc. You want the devs to put a lot of work into things that will by its very nature not benefit everyone. Seems doing this will generate as much outcry of unfair as not doing it will. Poor turbine! Caught in the middle of our selfish little turf wars. Not advocating one way or another but pointing out some serious problems this could cause.

  5. #25
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RavenStormclaw View Post
    These are all great ideas....but what about independant players, non-alligned players, people who solo, those who can't seem to find a guild they like or is big enought etc. You want the devs to put a lot of work into things that will by its very nature not benefit everyone. Seems doing this will generate as much outcry of unfair as not doing it will. Poor turbine! Caught in the middle of our selfish little turf wars. Not advocating one way or another but pointing out some serious problems this could cause.
    by choosing not to be in a guild, one would choose not to have a guild house, basic logic my friend.
    Clerics of Fernia
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  6. #26
    Community Member Beherit_Baphomar's Avatar
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    Sorry if this has been said in this post but one Id really like to see is guild uniforms.

    What I mean is the ability to choose to have your armour/robe/shields all have the same colours/emblems on them. Obviously some people will want to stand out and stay as they are so it should be a choice, but personally Id love to have my uniform on and showing how proud I am of my guild membership.
    Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ Yndrofian
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grace_ana View Post
    At least I'm not on G-Land.

  7. #27
    Community Member Beherit_Baphomar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RavenStormclaw View Post
    These are all great ideas....but what about independant players, non-alligned players, people who solo, those who can't seem to find a guild they like or is big enought etc. You want the devs to put a lot of work into things that will by its very nature not benefit everyone. Seems doing this will generate as much outcry of unfair as not doing it will. Poor turbine! Caught in the middle of our selfish little turf wars. Not advocating one way or another but pointing out some serious problems this could cause.
    All those people dont have to worry about guild stuff, now do they??

    I wont have a house, my guild whats the problem? Its not for individuals, its for the guild as a whole. If those soloists, non-aligned, independant players joined guilds they would have the same benefits I have. Do we have an outcry because the soloing, non-aligned, independant players dont have guild chat and 50 guildies to run with??
    Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ Yndrofian
    Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
    Quote Originally Posted by Grace_ana View Post
    At least I'm not on G-Land.

  8. #28
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RavenStormclaw View Post
    These are all great ideas....but what about independant players, non-alligned players, people who solo, those who can't seem to find a guild they like or is big enought etc. You want the devs to put a lot of work into things that will by its very nature not benefit everyone. Seems doing this will generate as much outcry of unfair as not doing it will. Poor turbine! Caught in the middle of our selfish little turf wars. Not advocating one way or another but pointing out some serious problems this could cause.
    I'm not in a guild at all ...other than my own solo guilds (keeps people from sending me random invites)

    I don't mind if guilds get a buff or two

    Heck I might even join one if the rewards are fun enough to warrant it.

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  9. #29
    Community Member RavenStormclaw's Avatar
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    You all miss the point...its not about the haves and the have nots its about asking the devs to put in a tremendous amount of work for the benefit of many but not all...this is not guild wars this is DDO being in a guild should not be a requirement to fully enjoy every aspect of what we are paying for...special guild quests...guild only raids...I have a problem with that not really guild house or banks....I can still sell, buy, bank and buff without having to be in a guild....not being able to do a quest because I choose not to be in a guild...that is elitest and unfair. This is a social game yes but even the idea of special quests for guilds only changes the dynamics of this game. I, for one, would be sadly disappointed in that. Everyone of you, I do read the forums, defend this game as do I...but stop with guild housing don't push this guild only stuff...that leaves a whole lot of people high and dry and we pay the same amount of money you do. The overwhelming amount of development time should be for the benefit of every single paying customer. Even one quest that could not be done without being in a guild would be unwise and will destroy this game and I love this game.

  10. #30
    Community Member SteeleTrueheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RavenStormclaw View Post
    You all miss the point...its not about the haves and the have nots its about asking the devs to put in a tremendous amount of work for the benefit of many but not all...<<Snip>> Even one quest that could not be done without being in a guild would be unwise and will destroy this game and I love this game.
    Have you considered the Portable Hole? As a Paladin I have only seen it once when a wizard kindly cast teleport to show a group of us around inside.

    I would imagine Guild housing to be similar to this.

    Guild only quests? Nice Idea but there is not enough new content in the updates to warrant guild only quests at the moment.
    Khyber - Officer in The Stormreach Thieves Guild
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  11. #31
    Community Member RavenStormclaw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteeleTrueheart View Post
    Have you considered the Portable Hole? As a Paladin I have only seen it once when a wizard kindly cast teleport to show a group of us around inside.

    I would imagine Guild housing to be similar to this.

    Guild only quests? Nice Idea but there is not enough new content in the updates to warrant guild only quests at the moment.
    Steele that is my the thread they were discussing guild only quests/raids etc. My point was that is not a good idea...for any number of reasons. Of which content accessible to all is a major one.

  12. #32
    Community Member Valdieron's Avatar
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    Default Guildhall Changes I would like to see...

    I agree with what someone said about making a unique hall. The more guild favor, the more chance to upgrade ie SPEND PLAT on extensions, new levels, interior etc. I also like the idea of being able to get keepsakes from quests, ie Velah's horns to hang over the fireplace, or a Winter-wolf pelt for the entry hall..... These might be random drops, like collectables, or random chest drops... Perhaps also a Billboard type message which could be displayed atop your guild hall, a la "Eat At Joe's" or "Sphere = Leet".

    Would also like to see guild emblems and colors. The guild 'cloak' has been done in other games, but is a viable addition for those so inclined. Having your fave +5 Mith FP (or +4 for those of us not lucky enough to find +5) re-skinned with your guild colors or with a huge emblem across the back appeals to me. Colors might be unlocked at certain favor, then emblems...

    Guild Vault. As opposed to a 'bank' although I guess it equates to about the same thing. The size of the Vault could be unlocked by doing Quest favor (perhaps by ONLY the guild leader) or maybe the limit would not be defined by number of items but total base Value, including PP. ie, 1mil Plat, 2Mil Plat etc etc.

    Guild Mail / Notice Board. Mail is self-explanatory, the notice board might contain notes for characters or upcoming quests or even a guildie Birthday etc.

    On a different note, this idea of paying for a character rename doesn't sit very well with me. Come on, seriously Turbine, how about letting us unlock it at 1000 Favor or something like that? Least then you will have played your character enough to want to keep and rename.

  13. #33
    Community Member Dragonhyde's Avatar
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    I like Guild housing and the like BUT there should not be so much stuff available in a guild house that people don't have to leave.
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  14. #34
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RavenStormclaw View Post
    You all miss the point...its not about the haves and the have nots its about asking the devs to put in a tremendous amount of work for the benefit of many but not all...this is not guild wars this is DDO being in a guild should not be a requirement to fully enjoy every aspect of what we are paying for...special guild quests...guild only raids...I have a problem with that not really guild house or banks....I can still sell, buy, bank and buff without having to be in a guild....not being able to do a quest because I choose not to be in a guild...that is elitest and unfair. This is a social game yes but even the idea of special quests for guilds only changes the dynamics of this game. I, for one, would be sadly disappointed in that. Everyone of you, I do read the forums, defend this game as do I...but stop with guild housing don't push this guild only stuff...that leaves a whole lot of people high and dry and we pay the same amount of money you do. The overwhelming amount of development time should be for the benefit of every single paying customer. Even one quest that could not be done without being in a guild would be unwise and will destroy this game and I love this game.
    no it wont, because you CHOOSE to be in a guild or not. You CHOOSE to participate in it or not. EVERY person has the opprotunity to be in a guild, if you CHOOSE not to, (like if you choose not to raid or solo) then the issue is with the person choosing not to.
    Clerics of Fernia
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  15. #35
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valdieron View Post
    I agree with what someone said about making a unique hall. The more guild favor, the more chance to upgrade ie SPEND PLAT on extensions, new levels, interior etc. I also like the idea of being able to get keepsakes from quests, ie Velah's horns to hang over the fireplace, or a Winter-wolf pelt for the entry hall..... These might be random drops, like collectables, or random chest drops... Perhaps also a Billboard type message which could be displayed atop your guild hall, a la "Eat At Joe's" or "Sphere = Leet".

    Would also like to see guild emblems and colors. The guild 'cloak' has been done in other games, but is a viable addition for those so inclined. Having your fave +5 Mith FP (or +4 for those of us not lucky enough to find +5) re-skinned with your guild colors or with a huge emblem across the back appeals to me. Colors might be unlocked at certain favor, then emblems...

    Guild Vault. As opposed to a 'bank' although I guess it equates to about the same thing. The size of the Vault could be unlocked by doing Quest favor (perhaps by ONLY the guild leader) or maybe the limit would not be defined by number of items but total base Value, including PP. ie, 1mil Plat, 2Mil Plat etc etc.

    Guild Mail / Notice Board. Mail is self-explanatory, the notice board might contain notes for characters or upcoming quests or even a guildie Birthday etc.

    On a different note, this idea of paying for a character rename doesn't sit very well with me. Come on, seriously Turbine, how about letting us unlock it at 1000 Favor or something like that? Least then you will have played your character enough to want to keep and rename.
    Aye, think of the PP sink for this. Could be beneficial to the game to have a huge plat sink and status symbols for guilds.
    Clerics of Fernia
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  16. #36
    Founder Hvymetal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    Not to make money off of, there are alot of times when a guild banker is not on or whatever, and to facilitate trading items between characters or friends alts, you could just post the item on your guild only AH for 1 copper or whatever.

    Also there was having a regular AH representative (as an unlockable hopefully) in your guild house.
    That is why I would rather see a guild bank rather than a guild only auction, I like the idea of an auctioneer in the guild house however...
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

  17. #37
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    Default Ok now

    Quote Originally Posted by RavenStormclaw View Post
    You all miss the point...its not about the haves and the have nots its about asking the devs to put in a tremendous amount of work for the benefit of many but not all...
    It is almost immpossible to apease everyone. The best they can do is appease as many as poosible, and as you put ir this will benefit many, while not even hurting the few.
    No! You can't GREASE a Beholder!!

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    What would people think of quests that were Zero XP, Zero personal favor, and only there to unlock guild favor. (note quests not raids)

    Maybe some loot in them that would be only usable to unlock guild / guild-house items.
    Personally, I would find a situation like this, in the manner you state, to be a complete waste of Turbine's developement resources. Not that the idea itself might have some potential but for a quest to give nothing but one thing for a guild (and that is only obtained once), means that they have to waste time developing a quest that will only be used a few times, at which point there would be no point in ever repeating it again. We already see how long it takes to get 1 new quest, I think it would be bad idea to suggest wasting that amount of time on a quest designed to be done only once.

  19. #39
    Community Member RavenStormclaw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowdenicus View Post
    no it wont, because you CHOOSE to be in a guild or not. You CHOOSE to participate in it or not. EVERY person has the opprotunity to be in a guild, if you CHOOSE not to, (like if you choose not to raid or solo) then the issue is with the person choosing not to.
    "Sigh"...I am in a guild...two of them actually so this really won't affect me one way or another. However, there are a ton of casual players....those that do not really game every day...who may not have the opportunity to be in a guild or who for whatever reason may not always be on when the majority of their guild would be on thus once again precluidng them from guild only quests/raids...mind I am not talking about guild emblems, guild houses, guild banks etc I am talking specifically about guild only quests/raids etc. That is where I draw the line and frankly so should everyone who cares about this game. The point you start doing guild only qeusts/raids you have effectively decided that you have to be in a guild to be able to accomplish every qeust in the game...and that should never be allowed to happen. DDO was not conceived that way nor shoul it be allowed to develop that way. You all should really be ashamed of yourselves for even defending the concept...AGAIN I SPEAK OF ONLY GUILD ONLY QUESTS/RAIDS not any other perk mentioned in this thread as all of those are all ready provided already. So please keep your comments in reference to guild only quests/raids.

    Yes I do choose...but I should be able to complete every single quest Turbine comes up with without having some meaningless requirment imposed upon me. I pay the same money as everyone esle therefore I should have access to every thing everyone else does which includes the basis for this entire game ie questing without having to do something that is an artificial social construct.
    Last edited by RavenStormclaw; 08-08-2007 at 11:25 AM.

  20. #40
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blakbyrd View Post
    Personally, I would find a situation like this, in the manner you state, to be a complete waste of Turbine's developement resources. Not that the idea itself might have some potential but for a quest to give nothing but one thing for a guild (and that is only obtained once), means that they have to waste time developing a quest that will only be used a few times, at which point there would be no point in ever repeating it again. We already see how long it takes to get 1 new quest, I think it would be bad idea to suggest wasting that amount of time on a quest designed to be done only once.
    Who says that Guild Quests have to work the same way. Really what I was thinking of was a bit more in the way of generic quests that maybe have a few different battlefield set ups and any number of different army make ups... perhaps even somewhat random army set ups wit ha few different quest objectives. And the Guild Faction could be more like a guild credit that is used by the Guild Leader to buy Guild House Upgrades and what not. It wouldn't operate like the the Favor System in that you only got the points once and never again, but instead got Guild Points each time you completed a mission. However the difficulty of said missions should be epic. ok main points.

    Variable Quests: quests have semi random aspects to them including:
    • Base Map
      MOB Type
      Objects (including possibly Traps)
    Repeatable Quests: The Guild Quests would be repeatable for Prestige/Credit in so much as these are not really the same quest everytime ... but really the same type of quest with variable as above.
    Guild Credit/Prestiged : While the total of a Guilds accomplishments in this arena would be taken in to account for overall "Prestige" the sum of it could be used to purchase "Upgrades" to Guild Housing and other aspects of the Guild.

    Last edited by Aesop; 08-08-2007 at 03:39 PM.
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