Looking to trade a +1 maul of disruption for a 1h disruptor/banisher/whatever, preferably a shortsword or rapier, but any martial or simple weapon would be fine.
Oxyura in game.
Looking to trade a +1 maul of disruption for a 1h disruptor/banisher/whatever, preferably a shortsword or rapier, but any martial or simple weapon would be fine.
Oxyura in game.
Last edited by Malkir; 08-06-2007 at 02:24 AM.
i gotcha mox il hit you up when the servers are up.
GROAN-1 (Melee/Casting Horc FVS)
Sure thing, I'll be in game about when the servers come up, if they come up on time.
Oxyura 15 Drow Healbot Cleric
Illex 14 Human Warchanter Bard
Aix 2 Drow Shadowmage
Malkir 10 Human Sorcerer (Retired)
I'll beat Rage to it, he's an ass anyway. Crying he's not Austrailian for a year then moves there. I'll hook you up first just so he doesnt.