Don't find fault, find a remedy - If you think you're too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito.
Everyone looks to NSR for info but hates Me for knowing it all!
yah had lots of fun and all taht sh*t later aerenal
Leoniidis Lv 15 Barb,Gotta Have Faith Lv 16 Rog, Leonida Lv 16 32 pt clr, Forceful Quickstep Lv 11/3 32 Pt WF ftr/Paly, Calipso Lv 14 32 pt Death Sorc Leonidan lv 12 Paly
I stayed with her till the end Y_Y
With her in her time of need
More came afterwards, but they were to late to be in the picture. Maahdi, doccc, and thaniel joined afterwards. She's been good to us, and she will live on in our memories and in our hearts.
THIS IS AERENAL!!!!!! *raises a triamphent fist into the air!!*
Last edited by Ciel; 08-06-2007 at 02:12 AM.
I'm in the picture too (Go me!). I'm the fat dwarf, second from the right, named Salli. Salli is kinda picture shy, so thanks Ciel for the face time, doesn't happen often enough :P.
I realize this will mean alot of new faces and experiences with different people. And for me, I'm sure I'll be receiving more in game tells asking me, "Hey, does Salli want more cheesy poofs?" I relish it, honestly.
Anyway, I guess the reason I have written this post is to thank everyone who has ever partied with me, and even those who haven't. Thanks for those things you've taught me and the memories you've given. If it were not for the people of this game who keep me coming back, I know I wold have moved on. Through 5 hour titan runs and 24 hour ddo binges. (lol, sad I know) Thanks guys and gals of Aerenal. You've been a blast!
Now it continues.........
Last edited by Veet; 08-06-2007 at 06:32 AM.
Member of the 13th Circle
Salli Struthers: 14 Barbarian
Laxmoo Shakka 14 Sorcerer
Farewell Aerenal,
You've served us well over the past year and a half. Its sad to see you go, but I'm looking forward to the brave new world of Sarladanal with a bigger population.
Hope to keep grouping with all you Aerenalites on the other side and meet lots of new people too.
Signing off from Aerenal for the last time,
Shana Fireborn