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  1. #21
    Founder The_Old_Sage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska d'Orien View Post
    there is a progression system for a reason.
    Everyone says that there's a reason for the progression system, but what is it? To punish us with boredom?

    The argument that it prevents people from biting off more than they can chew is ridiculous, in my opinion. Nothing is stopping a level 1 from entering a level 5 or 6 quest in one of the Houses except for 20gp. So why shouldn't they be able to open a quest that's TWO LEVELS higher than what they "supposedly" can handle?

    I realize the reason for this is to prevent people from levelling to quickly... doh.. that worked well... perhaps quests should be made more level-appropriate (read that as MORE DIFFICULT) so a level 1-2 cannot just breeze through quests that are intended for level 4 with little difficulty even when soloing?

    Also, experience needs to be revisited as well. There are so many quests that give such disproportionate experience relative to their difficulty and length that makes it so odious to run them even once, let alone three times.

    The death penalty may also be examined. It doesn't seem right that the experience gained from a quest almost always more than negates the death penalty if you die once (if not twice). Shouldn't death mean something? I'm not out there looking for perma-death or anything like that, but I get more upset at the 20% experience loss when I die in a quest and have to recall and re-enter(usually at lower levels) than I am at the death penalty. That just doesn't make sense to me.

    There is nothing wrong with being able to do a quest immediately at elite level. Take the risk if you dare, just like I take the risk when I move my solo newbie toon from Waterworks directly in quests like Delara's.

    I agree wholeheartedly with the OP. The only excuse that seems to resonate in opposition to this notion is the "I had to grind through normal/medium and hard so everyone should"... well, I have had to run them all as well, and that's the reason I think it should be changed.
    Last edited by The Old Sage; 08-07-2007 at 01:27 PM. Reason: Grammar, etc.
    The Old Sage

    Masgard Dragonfyre - Wizard
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  2. #22
    Community Member FoxOne's Avatar
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    Default sure

    & then we should start with 6 +3 tomes,vorpals ,paralizers & everything else.I would also like to start with 1750 favor.kthxbye

  3. #23
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    ahhh...soloing the whole catacombs chain normal to elite on level 10-14 toons...

    have done it 8 times...(account for rerolls)

    Have disrupters, muckbanes, smiters and greater undead banes to the ready!...
    (making the quest uneventful and pointless.)

    Should only take 4 hours each, tops...and that is if you have to explain to your guildies "why" while in the thick of it...Not that you really have any chance of failing to complete the quests.

    Have long been an advocate of removing forced quest repeats...especially if there is no xp rewarded. Characters 5 levels above the quest level should equal no difficult level limits. The only reward for these quests once you have 4 capped characters is favor. and it isn't even worth that.

  4. #24
    Founder The_Old_Sage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FoxOne View Post
    & then we should start with 6 +3 tomes,vorpals ,paralizers & everything else.I would also like to start with 1750 favor.kthxbye
    They can easily raise the favor requirement or reduce the favor value of elite quests for all I care.

    There are more quests now than there were when 1750 favor was introduced so I would much rather do DIFFERENT quests to make up the favor rather than repeating the same quests over and over again.

    In all likelihood the number of quest failures on elite would offset the repeating of quests on normal and hard. Players would actually be punishing themselves for doing the quests on elite only since they forgo the experience (plus bonuses) for doing the quests on normal and hard, unless they are doing the quest at high level where they wouldn't get experience anyhow, and in which case they probably have an elite opener anyhow.
    Last edited by The Old Sage; 08-07-2007 at 03:53 PM. Reason: Grammar, etc. (again)
    The Old Sage

    Masgard Dragonfyre - Wizard
    Yoru Doragon - Tanking Rogue
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  5. 08-07-2007, 03:51 PM

  6. #25
    Community Member RavenStormclaw's Avatar
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    Silly question I guess...once you have 1750 favor with one toon why would you need to do favor runs (nearly the whole point of this thread) on another toon? You can not unlock 32 point builds again...its already been unlocked. Oh wait could it be for the +2 tomes....if that is the case then you are choosing to go for the reward therefore it seems reasonable to have to get there the old fashioned way. It would not be fair to those of us who have not unlocked 1750 favor to allow those that have to bypass the normal norm/hard/elite chain. If you do then you are saying hey I am better then you because i've been around longer and so can bypass the standard and go straight to elite. I understand the frustration but I also see why it was done..having tried low road on elite with my first toon with no help...was to difficult and I was second level (and very inexperienced). I can and have done it now but a complete noobie could be turned off by this.

  7. #26
    Founder The_Old_Sage's Avatar
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    Please let's be clear. I am not advocating an easier route to 1750 favor or to the +2 tome, I am only advocating a less tedious means of achieving this goal.
    The Old Sage

    Masgard Dragonfyre - Wizard
    Yoru Doragon - Tanking Rogue
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  8. #27
    Founder Fallout's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FoxOne View Post
    & then we should start with 6 +3 tomes,vorpals ,paralizers & everything else.I would also like to start with 1750 favor.kthxbye
    Reading comprehension FTW!
    Fallout, Unforgiven, Skyline, Radient, Tenken, Sagat (first name not Bob).

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