Need to free some space in my bank,so Im putting a few nice things for trade,ill put my want list after it,I take good plat offers also..Here is a list of what i got for trade:
Windlasher: (+5 screaming"1d6 sonic damage each hit" falchion that gives weapon focus:falchion feat) lvl 12,no rr
Hammer of the Leaden clouds: ( +4 Thundering,superior sonic lore,greater resonance,with +4% weighted War hammer) lvl 12 no rr
+5 int ring of mage armor (3 charges)
Pearl of power 6
+1 Banishing Club lvl 10 no rr
+5 str belt of lesser false life lvl 13 no rr
+5 fullplate of command no rr
+25% striding boots (lvl 11 no race req)
+3 ghost touch flametouched iron bastard sword of deception lvl 8,no rr
Bracers of Armor +5 lvl 11 no rr
Greater potency 4 circlet of steady spellcasting (+3) lvl 13,no rr
+5 constitution necklace of bluffing (+3) lvl 13,no rr
+5 dexterity boots of elvenkind (+3 move silently) lvl 13 no rr
+3 superior fire lore scepter of minor spell penetration IV
+5 int ring human rr
+3 Scepter of the Magi
20% striding boots of cause fear lvl 11 no rr
Scarab of Protection
+1 twilight scalemeail of axeblock lvl 10 no rr
+2 silver seeker(+6) rapier of maiming lvl 10 no rr
+1 seeker (+10!) scimitar lvl 10 no rr
Silver Ingot Arcanum
+15% striding ring of balance +3, warforged rr,14 difficulty
Trapblast googles ((+4 reflex save googles)) lvl 3 no rr
+1 Banishing quarterstaff of vertigo (+2) lvl 12 no rr
Belt of the seven Ideals ((imp potency 7,spell penetration 7 belt)) lawful required 24 use magic dev
+6 int goggles of search+3 human rr lvl 13 umd 20
+5 charisma ring of detect secret doors((3 charges)) lvl 13,no rr
+5 str belt of doom 3 charges lvl 13 no rr
Superior potency III helm
Superior combustion IV helm
+1 True Law Bastard Sword Of Vertigo +10 ((Those trips ARE going to work with +10 ^^)) lvl 12 no rr
Ring of greater lightning resist 30 lvl 11 no rr
+1 Icy burst shortsword of Greater reptlillian bane lvl 10 no rr
+2 thundering shortsword of greater Vermin Bane lvl 10 no rr
+5 constitution neckalce of bluff +3 lvl 13 no rr
Greater Potency 7 scepter lvl 14 no rr
Cloak of Protection+5 lvl 13 no rr
+5 strenght belt of cats grace. drow,elf rr lvl 11
+1 paralizing heavy mace of pure good drow rr
+15 belt of balance lvl 13,human RR
+5 str gloves of disable device 3 lvl 13 no rr
Cloak Of greater Fire Protection (30)lvl 11 no RR
Illusion focus and Transmutation focus bracers ((both focuses))lvl 13 no RR
This is what i got for trade,some of the items are easier to get with plat offers than others but plat offers are welcome due to dwindling coffers,use common sense,but mainly im looking for caster items,specific any of this wish list:
Evocation And illusion bracers ((mean,have both focuses)) no rr or human rr
Necromancy and illusion bracers ((again both)) no rr or human rr
Conjuration and Illusion Bracers ((both)) no rr or halfling rr
Enchantment and illusion((both)) no rr or human rr
Heavy fortification Ring no rr or human rr
Ring of spell storing
+6 cha ring no rr or halfing rr
Blue Dragon Scales
Planar Girdle
Superior potency 4 , 5 or 6 helmet,no rr or human rr or halfling rr
+1 int alchemical potions in bulk
Wizardry 5,6 items
Ring of ancestors
Superior Potency 3 or higher ring,any RR
Stave of the Seer - +1 Quarterstaff, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +5 Use Magical Device, True Seeing 1/day
+1 cha tome
+1 Con Tome
Good plat ->offers<-(please offer and dont ask how much) always welcome
or any thing you think would catch my attention..
Thats about it for my wish list for now, i will modify it as I get the items i need.
Leave a Pm here,reply to this post,or contact Karamar in game.Thanks for taking your time reading this.