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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default Baccus Chop Shop

    For Trade: and plz post here to if u want to make a trade


    +1 vorpal khopesh
    +1 Vorpal B.S.
    +1 Vorpal B.S. or shatter +2
    +1 vorpal scimitar
    +5 holy B.S. of shatter +2
    +1 crippling B.S. of greater undead bane
    +4 acid B.S. of P.G.
    +5 flaming burst B.S.
    +4 shock B.S. or P.G.
    +2 flaming B.S. of greater giant bane
    +1 anarchic B.S. of greater lawful outsider bane
    +1 flaming burst B.S. of greater evil outsider bane
    +1 icy burst B.S. of giant bane (lvl 6 RR wf umd 16)
    +3 crippling scimitar of greater evil outsider bane
    +1 thundering scimitar of greater lawful outsider bane
    +1 anarchic burst khopesh of evil outsider bane
    +1 cursespewing khopesh of greater goblinoid bane
    +3 G.T. battleaxe of greater animal bane
    +2 longsword of greater dragon bane
    +1 axiomatic sickle of greater dragon bane
    +2 G.T. sickle of greater giant bane
    Axe of the unseen blow
    +1 para adimantine Kama
    +2 thundering kukri of greater dragon bane
    +3 flaming kukri of greater orc bane
    +1 icy burst kukri of greater vermin bane
    +5 flaming kukri of enfeebling (elf drow umd 22)
    +1 para great sword of shatter +2
    +1 seeker +2 greatsword of greater gnoll bane
    +1 vicious greataxe of disruption
    +1 anarchic greataxe of greater animal bane
    +1 para falchion of maiming
    +1 seeker 2 falchion of greater elemental bane


    +1 banishing great club
    +1 para great club of P.G.
    +3 impact great club of greater undead bane
    +2 para light mace
    +2 banishing light mace x2
    +1 holy light mace of greater giant bane
    +1 para light mace of weighted 1%
    +2 axiomatic light mace of greater aberration bane
    +1 acid club of smiting
    +1 para dark wood mace of backstabbing +1
    +2 shock heavy mace of greater aberration bane
    +1 flaming burst heavy mace of greater Ooze bane
    +1 cursespuwing of greater animal bane


    +1 banshing dagger
    +1 banishing dagger of vertigo +2
    +1 icy burst dagger of greater dragon bane
    +1 frost dagger of greater elf bane
    +1 crippling rapier of greater evil outsider bane
    +1 rapier of greater undead bane


    +1 axiomatic shotbow of greater undead bane
    +1 seeker +4 shortbow of greater reptilian bane
    +1 seeker +2 long bow of smiting
    +2 para long bow
    +1 para longbow
    +1 banishing longbow
    +2 holyburst composite longbow of P.G.
    +2 densewood composite longbow of greater human bane
    +1 thundering light xbow of smiting
    +1 para light xbow
    +3 acid light xbow of greater elemental bane
    +1 crippling darkwood heavy xbow of smiting
    +1 heavy xbow of smiting
    +1 acid heavy xbow of smiting
    +1 axiomatic burst heavy rep. xbow of puncturing
    +1 axiomatic rep. light xbow of greater dwarf bane
    +2 G.T. rep light xbow of greater monstrous humanoid bane
    +2 G.T. rep, light xbow of P.G.

    returners:TA=throwing Axe, TH=throwing hammer, TD=throwing dagger

    +1 smiting T.A
    Chill Shard
    +4 flame touched iron TA no min lvl
    +3 icy burst TH of deception
    +3 ghost touched dart of picturing
    +1 axiomatic burst TA of PG
    +1 axiomatic burst TH of PG
    +1 cursespewing TA of everbright
    +3 shocking burst TD of sneak attack +!
    +2 Antarctic Dart of enfeebling
    +3 true chaos TH of of enfeebling
    +4 ghost touch TA of PG
    +2 cursespewing TA of righteousness
    +1 str sapping dart of PG


    +5 mithral F.P.
    +5 mithral BP
    +5 mithral CS x2
    +5 blueshine adamantine F.P.
    argenti's armor
    docent of quicking x2


    +5 prot cloak
    +5 prot neck
    +5 prot ring
    +6 char helm (lamp shade)
    royal guard mask x2
    inferno bracers x2
    bracers of solid fog 5x per day
    bracers of repairing +15 rr wf
    necklace of solid fog 5x per day
    jorgundal's collar
    ancient ban
    electric haze
    +6 str belt for +6 str gloves or ring
    gloves of forgotten craft
    banner cloak
    giantcraft siberys compass x2
    gloves of gnoll hide

    what nots

    576 screaming amnethyst arrows


    shield pices 3-4 5-6
    tome pages IV VI
    +4 or better burst of rightesness heavy and light picks
    off handed slashing vorpol, disrupter, and smiter
    kopeshs and kukri's burst of pg +3 or better
    rings of greater false life
    wizardry 5+ items
    sup potency of devtion ring greater 6 or better
    black scales
    and of course cold hard cash
    Last edited by Esteban74; 12-28-2007 at 09:05 PM.
    Proud Member of DWAT
    find what ya need for in game loot and trades @

    Baccuss's Chop Shop
    The DWAT spot
    Improvise Adapt and Over come!!!

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