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  1. #1
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    Thumbs up Minimum 2 special raid loot items per chest?

    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    [*]NEW - The primary warded chest in all raids has been converted to the standard format for all chests in DDO. Every player in the raid will have their own treasure generated and assigned to them when they look into the chest. The locking glyphs are no more.

    Each character has a 1 in 6 chance to receive a special item from that raid’s loot table. Otherwise, a standard treasure from the maximum treasure table appropriate for that raid will be generated for that character. Players may re-assign any items to other characters in the raid using the new treasure re-assignment feature. This includes any special raid only items.
    Should there be a minimum of 2 special raid loot items in the chest? What do you think? As it stands now, it is implied that with a small raid party (2-6 member party for example), that it is possible to have zero special items spawn in the chest with the 1in6 chance mindset. Minimum of 2 special items? Yea or Nay, Pro or Anti, For or Against? Voice yer oppinions, inquiring minds wanna know.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Dragonhyde's Avatar
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    Actually it is likely that 12 man raid will have no special items as well. Everyone rolls a d6 and only a 1 gets the item for you. It's just that your chance of you seeing someone rolling well increases the more people you have in group. Personally I feel if Turbine wants to limit uber loot then they should have adjusted the flow of vorpals and the like coming out of Gianthold.
    Halflings Rule and never irritate anyone that can cast dispell

  3. #3
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    Against but up the chance by diff level normal 1-6 hard 1-5 and elite 1-4 you get some item no matter what and they may need to adjust that table as well

    Beware the Sleepeater

  4. #4
    Community Member Auran82's Avatar
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    I feel a better option would have been having one person being guaranteed to get an item (the system rolls a 1D<number of people in raid> and that person gets an item and everyone else has a chance to get an item, maybe increase it to 1 in 7 or something.) At least that way you wont have a raid where you get no items.

  5. #5
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    having items 100% of the times defeats one of the prime reasons they changed it increasing group size doing the raid providing 1 or 2 items everytime would have people duoing and soloing raids just like now.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  6. #6
    Community Member Oran_Lathor's Avatar
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    Default Personally

    I like the idea that raid loot should be rare. It's what makes me want it. Having a dreamspitter or Napkin loses some of its appeal for me when every other mage i see has one too, ya know? Really I wish they would just make the raids harder so you needed a raid group to do them (like they say they will be doing in mod 5), but this I suppose is a compromised sort of fix. I definitely don't think there should be a minimum of 2 items with a potential for more. That would just worsen the arms race. :P

    My thoughts

  7. #7
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oran Lathor View Post
    I like the idea that raid loot should be rare. It's what makes me want it. Having a dreamspitter or Napkin loses some of its appeal for me when every other mage i see has one too, ya know? Really I wish they would just make the raids harder so you needed a raid group to do them (like they say they will be doing in mod 5), but this I suppose is a compromised sort of fix. I definitely don't think there should be a minimum of 2 items with a potential for more. That would just worsen the arms race. :P

    My thoughts
    agreed although a guaranteed 1 in the chest I could live with.
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  8. #8
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska d'Orien View Post
    having items 100% of the times defeats one of the prime reasons they changed it increasing group size doing the raid providing 1 or 2 items everytime would have people duoing and soloing raids just like now.
    where did they post the reason?
    Clerics of Fernia
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  9. #9
    Community Member Draclaud's Avatar
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    Default *sigh*

    Quote Originally Posted by Uska d'Orien View Post
    having items 100% of the times defeats one of the prime reasons they changed it increasing group size doing the raid providing 1 or 2 items everytime would have people duoing and soloing raids just like now.
    I have yet to hear a precise argument on why it's a bad thing to short man a raid. If you're good enough to do it why SHOULDN"T you get the reward? If you need a full 12 take em. No one is stopping you. If you can't find a raid group, that's not our problem, put up your own LFM or join a guild golly gee! Why do you feel the need to take from others to make yourself "feel" better?
    ...the eyes of a ghastly white vampire stare back at you...his fangs gleam in the light from your torches and lanterns...In your heart, you know that most who have seen this face never lived to see another

  10. #10
    Community Member Talcyndl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska d'Orien View Post
    having items 100% of the times defeats one of the prime reasons they changed it increasing group size doing the raid providing 1 or 2 items everytime would have people duoing and soloing raids just like now.

  11. #11
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    Default Lol

    You people that want to limit raid loot are hilarious, you know that. As it stands, I only needed a +3Cha Tome and the Napkin on my Sorcerer upon the first time doing the Reaver. You know what I have gotten with most likely over 100 runs now? NOTHING! Congratulations, now I have an even worse chance since while I don't duo runs, my guild almost never does more then 8 people just because that is who is on and ready for the run at the time. Yes yah, I think that 2 garenteed items is a bonus, since I already can't get my hands on them anyways. The rest of you that don't have a life and take it to offence when us working people actually like a chance to get loot some time in the few few decades, get over it. If your life if playing the game don't take it personally that someone got a named item just like you. You don't like it, don't take it and try to find something comparable. Hell, that is what I have done in the first bloody place since I have not been able to get the stuff with the current loot system.

  12. #12
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    Having two guaranteed items would completely remove the incentive to bring a full party on the raid. If given the choice, I'd rather split two items among 2-3 people for the DQ than risk having to split 2 among 12. On the other hand, I like raiding for the fun of it... although items do play a lot into it, I get a raid going because I want to run the raid, not because I have to have a particular item.

  13. #13
    Community Member Dragonhyde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bizbag View Post
    Having two guaranteed items would completely remove the incentive to bring a full party on the raid. If given the choice, I'd rather split two items among 2-3 people for the DQ than risk having to split 2 among 12. On the other hand, I like raiding for the fun of it... although items do play a lot into it, I get a raid going because I want to run the raid, not because I have to have a particular item.
    Eh people that like raiding shortman will continue to do so...some just like the challenge. As for an incentive to bring a full party,the only way you would get that is to guarantee a loot drop for every six people in a group. This way is not an incentive but more of a side effect of slowing down the flow of raid loot.
    Halflings Rule and never irritate anyone that can cast dispell

  14. #14
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    Should there be a minimum of 2 special raid loot items in the chest? What do you think? As it stands now, it is implied that with a small raid party (2-6 member party for example), that it is possible to have zero special items spawn in the chest with the 1in6 chance mindset. Minimum of 2 special items? Yea or Nay, Pro or Anti, For or Against? Voice yer oppinions, inquiring minds wanna know.
    Nay. I dont like the new system that much but your idear just give people more loot. In other words you saying keep old system (but force the random loot option that nobody chooses to use but it been a option since mod 3 I thing) but on top of that give the people that dont get loot a 1 in 6 chance of getting it also.

    I dont thing lack of loot was the problem with old system personally....

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanniss001 View Post
    You people that want to limit raid loot are hilarious, you know that. As it stands, I only needed a +3Cha Tome and the Napkin on my Sorcerer upon the first time doing the Reaver. You know what I have gotten with most likely over 100 runs now? NOTHING! Congratulations, now I have an even worse chance since while I don't duo runs, my guild almost never does more then 8 people just because that is who is on and ready for the run at the time. Yes yah, I think that 2 garenteed items is a bonus, since I already can't get my hands on them anyways. The rest of you that don't have a life and take it to offence when us working people actually like a chance to get loot some time in the few few decades, get over it. If your life if playing the game don't take it personally that someone got a named item just like you. You don't like it, don't take it and try to find something comparable. Hell, that is what I have done in the first bloody place since I have not been able to get the stuff with the current loot system.
    Wow you really need to get outside and relax a little. If you've run the reaver over 100 times you are the one who needs to take a deep breath. Cause you sir are a powergamer not the casual player.

  16. #16
    Founder Delzon's Avatar
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    Anything less then a guaranteed 2 raid loot items is a nerf to the system. If they want to force us to take 12 people in the raid, why not just make it so you can't enter unless your party is full.
    For D&D information check out this.

  17. #17
    Founder Rouge's Avatar
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    IMO if we were able to be guaranteed to get an item we wanted when the 1 in # chance was rolled alot
    of people would be ok with the idea. But the way it is now you finally after 10 runs roll that 1 in 6 chance
    and your Human Sorcerer gets the Docent of Uberness, and your Warforged Fighter pulls the
    +5 Ooze Guard Mithril Full Plate of Greater Acid Resistance. Naturally they bind so are useless as trade items.

    Now while the Warforged may be able to "give" the full plate to someone in the party,
    if there are no warforged in the Sorcerer's party then the docent becomes vendor trash.

    2 solutions,
    make the items tradable......
    give us an item that we can turn in to some collector guy and he gives
    us the ability to take any raid item we want for the Raid Collectable.
    (naturally from the raid you just did)

  18. #18
    Community Member Talcyndl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanniss001 View Post
    over 100 runs now...

    The rest of you that don't have a life


  19. #19
    Community Member lenric's Avatar
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    Default I like it...

    I like the new raid loot mechanic coming out as I am one of those people that has run at least a dozen raids now and not gotten a single piece of raid loot due to poor rolling or people telling me that I cant roll for an item simply b/c "its not meant for my class" Well I like now having the same chance as everyone else to get a raid loot instead of being restricted b/c of class or the such. It finally gives you a chance to get a raid item when you don't have the time or opportunity to run the raids solo or duo or dozens of times to win those rolls.

  20. #20
    Community Member Draclaud's Avatar
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    Default *sigh*

    Quote Originally Posted by lenric View Post
    I like the new raid loot mechanic coming out as I am one of those people that has run at least a dozen raids now and not gotten a single piece of raid loot due to poor rolling or people telling me that I cant roll for an item simply b/c "its not meant for my class" Well I like now having the same chance as everyone else to get a raid loot instead of being restricted b/c of class or the such. It finally gives you a chance to get a raid item when you don't have the time or opportunity to run the raids solo or duo or dozens of times to win those rolls.
    You'll still not get anything as people won't be running them at all, and if you're "lucky" enough to get that +6 wisdom helm on your fighter and don't give it to your cleric...good luck getting invited again...
    ...the eyes of a ghastly white vampire stare back at you...his fangs gleam in the light from your torches and lanterns...In your heart, you know that most who have seen this face never lived to see another

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