Everyone in the Phoenix tavern seems on edge. Many are brawling in the arena. Others are threatening to. Some are merely sitting back, watching as the action unfolds, guarding their Ghallanda Distallate and sipping it slowly, as if it would soon be in short supply. The entrance gate swings open and an odd, bearded cleric bounds in, stepping rather lightly, for a dwarf. He orders a tankard of ale from Scully Boneshard, but stops mid-sentence. ( His stout stature leads you to believe he RARELY misses his ale, and 'twould take much to sway him from his aquiring of same!)

His head turns to a board, oft overlooked, in the corner of the room. Usually this board had messages tacked to it. "Axe fer sale", "night watchmen wanted", and the like. Reapent realizes his message has been eradicated, along with all the others that had been there just days before.

"Harrumph. I spend plenty o' coin on the weak liquid they call ale here, ye'd tink tha proprieters would leave me message be!" He scrawls something on a large piece of parchment, and carefully adjusting it to cover no less than half of the alloted area, pulls out a spare throwing axe and hefts it right into the middle, thus affixing the note. Returning to the bar, Aramel has his drink waiting, and a spare too, for she knows his thirst well.

Should you approach the board and read his message, this is what you would see:

" Wanted: Caster, Tank, Pally, Bard, or any old silly thing you wanna be.
Wanted for: DEDICATED Team of adventurers to rid Stormreach of all evils.
( If ye earn a fair bit o'coin too, well so much tha better! )
When: Monday nights from 8 in tha eve til about 11 bells ((EST))

If Interested see either party cleric ( That's right EITHER ) Reapent
Calvin'efiver or Baenadal Sollegund, jes afore 8 bells on tha night.

And I don't care if ye be Sarlonian, Adarian, Aerarearnalian, er whatever!"

(( We can use a couple members as stated above. We are light RP, only play the dedicated toon with the group on Monday Nights, 8-11 pm ish EST, and sometimes extra sessions on loot weekends. Right now we are all in the level 7 range. If you can get close, we don't mind redoing quests to help you catch up. If our particular group doesn't suit you for time or whatever, but this style sounds like something you would like to try, check the Dedicated Teams thread here. Oh and welcome to our humble abode everyone. Hope the server merge goes better than the message board merge! ))

(( BTW Fer any non RPers, the (( )) means the text between is OOC. ))