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  1. #1
    Community Member GreatCzarsGhost's Avatar
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    Default Enough undead. how bout some real monsters

    This game already has more than enough undead monsters and update 4.3 looks to be undead centric in adding even more.

    The new Giant/Dragon area was such a relief from all the undead but now we get what looks to be a whole update dedicated to a undead god and his minions. Come on already.

    How bout some real monsters like Umber Hulks, Hydras, Owlbears, or Manticore. How bout some quests revolving around the war between the Githyanki and Githzerai.

    Enough stinky rotting undead and more Goblins and Purple Worms and Slaads, and even a Tarrasque or two.

    I say enough undead. Lets have a few updates that get back to real monsters.
    Somewhere in Texas there's a village missing it's idiot

  2. #2
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    yeah but this is the culmination of a story arc, one I would like to see done.

    There are plenty of mods to come....
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  3. #3


    Word has it there's some fun non-undead monsters in the new update.
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  4. #4
    Founder Bradik_Losdar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreatCzarsGhost View Post
    This game already has more than enough undead monsters and update 4.3 looks to be undead centric in adding even more.

    The new Giant/Dragon area was such a relief from all the undead but now we get what looks to be a whole update dedicated to a undead god and his minions. Come on already.

    How bout some real monsters like Umber Hulks, Hydras, Owlbears, or Manticore. How bout some quests revolving around the war between the Githyanki and Githzerai.

    Enough stinky rotting undead and more Goblins and Purple Worms and Slaads, and even a Tarrasque or two.

    I say enough undead. Lets have a few updates that get back to real monsters.
    Completely agree!

  5. #5
    Community Member Furgulder's Avatar
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    I dunno, gives all the ranger/paladins with undead enemy some fun target practice

  6. #6
    Community Member Swordalot's Avatar
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    I like the idea of a Terrasque.
    Why? Because you just can't kill it without Wish-ing for it to stay dea. It'd make a great Raid-boss for a Tempset type raid. Just go in, fight to it, kill it, and quickly use the one scroll of Wish each caster gets at the beginning, good only for that use or rezzing a party member.

    Woldn't it be fun?
    "Nope. Can't rez you, gotta save it for the boss."

  7. #7
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    1. The problem with most classic D&D monsters is that they are solitary.

    You aren't going to fight 200 owlbears. There is not going to be "Owlbear Assualt".

    2. DDO has horrible AI. It takes 200 kobolds to create some "challenge" for characters in DDO as 10 kobolds could do in pnp.

    3. Dev time is the same, whether there is one owlbear or 200.

    Concl: Social monsters give more bang for the developer buck vs. antisocial monsters.

    The way to solve this problem, and it is a serious one, is to focus on AI instead of new monsters. But that's hard to market/sell.

  8. #8
    Founder DZX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kethir View Post
    1. The problem with most classic D&D monsters is that they are solitary.

    You aren't going to fight 200 owlbears. There is not going to be "Owlbear Assualt".
    Sorry but with four monsters manuals released (soon to be five) there are plenty of creatures to add that can come not only in pairs but in groups.

    Achaierai: 5-8
    Angel, Astral Deva: 2-5
    Angel, Planetar: 2
    Angel, Solar: 2
    Animated Objects: 2-Any
    Anhkeg: 2-4
    Aranea: 3-6
    Archon, Lantern: 2-5
    Arcon, Hound: 2-5
    Archon, Trunmpet: 2-5
    Arrowhawk: 2-4
    Asassin Vine: 2-4
    Athach: 2-12
    Azer: 3-100 (**** perhaps these should be added, they can be the new standard swarm mob they throw at us in fiery areas)

    Barghest: 3-6
    Bassilisk: 3-6
    Behir: Pair
    Gauth: 2-6
    Belker: 3-4
    Blink Dog: 2-16
    Bodak: 2-4
    Bulette: 2
    Carrion Crawler: 2-5
    Centaur: 5-150+
    Chimera: 2-13
    Choker: 4-12
    Chull: 3-5
    Cloaker: 3-12
    Cockatrice: 2-13
    Couatl: 3-6
    Darkmantle 2-15
    Demons (Plenty of Demon Types): 2-10+
    Derro: 2-20
    Destrachan: 3-5
    Devils (Plenty of Devil Types): 2-10+
    Digester: 3-6
    Dinosaurs (Plenty of these, great for jungles): 2-8
    Displacer Beast: 2-10
    Doppelganger: 3-6
    Dragonne: 2-10
    Dryad: 4-7

    41 monsters types, A-D from monster manual I. 1/3 or so of the book. The amount of Solitary only I came across I could count on one hand. Overall there are very few monsters in the books that are solitary only.

    The problem with why we have so few creatures is development times. It takes a lot more time to create a new monster from scratch, let's say a Bulette. As opposed to throwing a new skin on a current monster, dropping a template on it and calling it a Fiendish Troll.

    With all these dungeons being done one by one and not randomly generated from a list there is less resources to put into the monster development i'm assuming.

    I wish Atari or Hasbro would throw them some more money to increase the team size because the game would be a helluva lot better if we could get some more variety in monsters.
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  9. #9

  10. #10
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    Other than the Giant Skellys in Madstone, we really havent had much Undead since LotD2. We dont have a Undead Raid.....

    Undead makes sense. to me.

    Maybe you'd rather have Giant Rats? (Oh wait.. nevermind . lol)
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
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  11. #11
    Community Member Porkchop's Avatar
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    What about the feared ManBearPig? You wanna see some of that huh?

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by GreatCzarsGhost View Post
    and even a Tarrasque or two.

    Edit: But to add the conversation, I'd love to see more monsters added. That is, after Mod 5 comes out and finishes off the LotD series. Of course, the whole request is pointless, since it goes without saying that the next mod will most likely feature new monsters, and they won't be undead (most likely).
    Last edited by negative; 08-06-2007 at 04:59 PM.
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  13. #13
    Community Member AEschyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by negative View Post
    yeah i found that funny too lol!
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  14. #14
    Community Member GreatCzarsGhost's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreatCzarsGhost View Post
    and even a Tarrasque or two.

    Quote Originally Posted by negative View Post
    I had a feeling some pen and paper D&D players would get a kick out of the "Tarrasque or two" suggestion.

    I must admit I like the idea from a post above about a Titan type quest where you would have to fight a Tarrasque (or two ). Maybe it could be designed so that part of the raid party would have to keep fighting and killing the Tarrasque while another group would go for a chest with a Ring of Wish. The Tarrasque part would be great for hack and slash mêlée types and the rush for the Ring of Wish might be geared to caster types. Both teams have to succeed to complete the quest. Maybe if the fighters all die, a gate opens up and the Tarrasque chases down the caster team and kills them as well and if the caster team dies the fighters can not complete.

    Could be fun. much more fun than fighting a dgn full of zombies, wraiths, and the like.
    Somewhere in Texas there's a village missing it's idiot

  15. #15
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    Although I have a couple characters built for undead, I too would like to see some more new mobs as have been mentioned. There are alot they could choose from, but it does take time to develope new ones and also to develope the areas they will be in.

    To be fair we have been getting a few new mobs here and there, some appeared to be new designs, some appear to just be reskinned old ones, and some new ones are on the way.

    Turbine is showing the desire to introduce more as time goes on, however as has been mentioned they are also appearing to be trying to finish off some quest series we already have going before introducing all new ones (ie. the LOD series).

    As for the Tarrasque, I am a little bit against that one...haha. Unless something changed in the 3rd ruleset, only one can exist, and as far as I know that mob never even made it over to the 3rd edition ruleset.

    Actually I made up some new and fun creatures a few years ago for a campaign setting once which I think would be fun to play with (though probably very hard to code). Once I find them, I may post them if people want, as I have them done up entirely to be added directly into the Monstrous Compendium in Word format is anyone wants some new ones to play with for PnP sessions.

  16. #16
    Community Member DemonMage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blakbyrd View Post
    and as far as I know that mob never even made it over to the 3rd edition ruleset.
    Tarrasque 3.5
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreatCzarsGhost View Post
    even a Tarrasque or two.
    There is only ONE tarrasque, and ummm...DDO characters could never beat him. Even with all our uberness, we lack the resources to destroy the Tarrasque.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    ...we lack the resources to destroy the Tarrasque.
    i.e. access to the Wish spell.
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    There is only ONE tarrasque, and ummm...DDO characters could never beat him. Even with all our uberness, we lack the resources to destroy the Tarrasque.
    He was joking about the "two" part. And the wish spell was also covered in his post.

    As for undead, all I want is a Nightwalker and I'm good.

    Where are all the Devils though? On vacation?

  20. #20
    Community Member Laith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GramercyRiff View Post
    Where are all the Devils though? On vacation?
    they realized that they'd be lumped with demons as "evil outsiders" and are staying away to avoid the association.

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