Just for fun, I'm experimenting with a DR build. I want to max out (or near max out) my DR on a WF fighter.

Wondering: is Improved DR a fighter bonus feat? I suspect it is not... Can you take it more than once? I suspect you can...

I'll get plenty of feats. I'm thinking of having a secondary specialty of Intimidate, and tertiary in Trip.

Feat selection (tentative):

1 - Adamantine Body
1 - Combat Expertise
2 - Improved Trip
3 - Skill Focus (Intimidate)
4 - Shield Mastery
6 - Weapon Focus (Bludgeoning)
6 - Bullheaded
8 - Improved Critical (Bludgeoning)
9 - Improved Damage Reduction
10 - Improved Shield Mastery
12 - Toughness
12 - Improved Damage Reduction
14 - open - maybe Improved Shield Bash

Enhancements to focus on:
WF Tactics
Fighter Trip
Fighter Str
WF Con
Fighter Toughness


Any tips or other ideas? I've just started messing about with this.
