Whiteknight returns.....
yay... yet another forum post about someone leaving or coming back met with indifference. +1
Wasn't there a PinkKnight the Flamer or something like that... I remember seeing him walking around. Was funny.
Was it a true return or just to keep the name? Either way I saw him in the market and heard whispers in the lobster about fears of Burrito returning to terrorize the pvp masses .
Always nice to see people come back. \
/waves hello
Halflings Rule and never irritate anyone that can cast dispell
I prefer beeing the Dark Knight. One who knows when he needs to be evil so he can do good.
"When a mind does not know itself, it is flawed. When a mind is flawed, the man is flawed. When a man is flawed, that which he touches is flawed. It is said that what a flawed man sees, his hands make broken."
Old thread is old.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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