...but I can't get it out of my mind that this is all about loot. Why bother mentioning buzz words like "elite" or "challenge". And when I say loot, many will say duh, but it is also about the edge that is given to those with the elite loot and those with out.

Simple math, fewer people, more loot to go around. Therefore those that go into a raid light and are successful more often than not will eventually have every bit of loot that they need much quicker than if they went in with 12 people and had to share it.

Less loot for fewer people does not make sense; I'll give ya that, but if you are going to complain please do not say it is because of something other than wanting to stay elite. Besides, if you are able to three man a raid, could there be anything that you really need?

Bottom line this is about staying elite, and the power gamers know this, they just won’t come out and say it.

A bit negative, and yes I am not a power gamer, but I do have one capped toon, two level 13 toons, and all my alts created with at level eight or higher, so I do play more than a bit.

On the other hand, if and when this system goes into effect, all the regular gamers will have a better chance at catching up with the power gamers in terms of loot. Perhaps a little competition is just what is needed here!
