Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule 2: Its all small stuff
Rule 3: People are stupid. You, me everyone... expect it
more rules to come in a different sig
Nah, not really. The truth is the vast majority of what people get out of chests is also what those same people would consider "junk." Especially in a quest that's anything less than max level (which for raids is, to remind you, anything but the Stormreaver on Elite).
Most of the alternate loot you're going to get out of the formerly-warded chest is going to be "junk" unless (and perhaps even if) they increase the level of that chest above the level of the quest.
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actully raid loot is not making it way into the system faster, 12 man raid = 2 items, 5 man raid = 2 items
so if your saying its faster because, the small group can make multiple drops with the old system then its impossible to increase the rate of drop?
i dont understand this
the new system as you saw the OP, showed how a team of players,worked together, had FUN? yes it was on risia, so they had to of had fun on a dead server, and defeated this big titan war machine, and got armors and a heal kit, and some gold for the reward
oh ok, so its a guild run thing? not the causal no guild player? so what MT was saying was instead of people running 12 man groups to get 2 items people are running fewer, and raids immediately for raid loot again? w/o the timer
but if people are running 2 - 6 groups, the other 6 group has nothing to do with their loot though?
Under current system. 12 people can run the raid, 2 items, or those same 12 people can split into 4 3-man parties and generate 8 items in the same time period.
Or at least I think that's what being discussed.
But I was still disappointed to discover that this thread was yet another complaint about somebody's average loot pull in a RANDOM (or random enough for anyone without a PhD in cryptography) loot system.
Last edited by GeneralDiomedes; 08-03-2007 at 12:09 PM.
Server Sarlona / MST / Guild Enslaved / Characters Ionos, Cydekik, Xalavan, Rodessa, Hethrow, Ramsteen
I think the token system was a better idea. Collect so many tokens, like if you do 20 raids, shouldn't you get to pick the item you want even if that is a tome? I think so.
But in this system a 1 in 6 chance I think is to low, at least make it a 1 in 4. If you look at it, you are only getting a 1 in 6 chance of getting a raid item and than on top of that you have to make a second roll to see what you get.
It's just way to random, I believe that this is making the system worse, not better. Maybe even a 1 in 3 chance.
(EightySix-16 Cleric)(Lockwood-10 Fighter/3 Paliden/3 Rogue)(Trapspringer-13 Ranger/2 Fighter/1 Rogue)(Darkwatch-12 Fighter/3 Paliden/1 Rogue)(KillDash Nine-15 Wizard/1 Bard)(Chaosxy-16 Sorcerer)(Rockcutter-16 Monk)(Accidental-15 Bard/1 Fighter)(Chainsaw-14 Barbarian/2 Fighter)(HealingWind-7 Cleric)(Handsomerob-2 Rogue/1 Barbarian/1 Fighter)
Yeah, that dude just pulled a pile of **** outta that, that stuffs not even vendor worthy...thats 'sell to the nearest npc' worthy right there.
How disappointing must it be to finish a raid and see that come out of the chest?
Tokens keep on looking more and more attractive every day...
Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ YndrofianPlook~Squidgie~Eyern~Irnbru~Grotesque
Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
All posts = **** except #18 #24 #29 #39 #40
~A few unintelligible words and fleeting gestures carry more power than a battleaxe when they are the words and gestures of a wizard~
Seems fair to me. Risk Vs. Reward.
If a 3 man can easily do the Titan the quest must not be too difficult.
What difficulty was the quest ran on? I am quite pleased with the proposed changes to the raid loot. Obviously there needs to be a little tweaking on the supplemental replacement loot. I want potions and scrolls in higher stacks then 1 or 2; 10+?
I'm honestly excited about the changes. The current system is bad in more ways then the proposed system. That doesn't mean there's a better way, just that Turbine needs to continue looking at a way to enhance the rewards from completion of Raid quests.
"Nuke 'm or Die!"