Now first of all let me say that I am not one of the elite players in this game. I'm decent and only as good as I am because of the help of guildies. My loot is above average and I've completed every raid in the game only with PUG's and guild groups. Now my question is directed to those among us that excel at this game and are able to do all of the legendary feats that I hear about but have never personally seen myself( Not that they don't happen/aren't possible, I've just never seen them done myself) My question is this, What would you like to see added to the game's content to make it more challenging? I realize that the concept of D&D is group based adventures( to my extremely limited knowledge of D&D) and so when I see post and hear about people soloing the Reaver it makes me think that those things should just not be possible. Now I'm not saying anything negative about those of you who have the talent enough to do these things, but just that in my mind this game is supposed to be designed to require a group of players working together to accomplish a common goal. It just makes me wonder what if anything that you "Supermen" out there get out of playing the game since it doesn't appear to be that challenging to you?

Now this is not a negative post on my part at all. I'm manily wanting to acquire knowledge from those more knowledgable than myself. Like this, Can a rogue solo any end boss? How about a cleric? Because these things just are so far beyond my skillset with this game. I realize that the goal you set before some players is that one day maybe they'll get good enough to beat the end bosses solo but then what? What do you guys do for fun in the game? Is real D&D like this, cause I've never played PnP DnD but my friend who does tells me that these things should not be possible. Something about CR ratings of monsters being so much higher than the chars we're able to play. Lastly, I'm trying to improve my playstyle to get closer to you top players but what do I do when/if ever I get there and are you happy that you got there so easily(if it was indeed easy as some posters tend to claim). Thanks for any replies