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    Stormreach Advisor

    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Thelanis guild list

    Just reply to this thread or pm me when you want your guild's details to be changed. I will update it as regularly as I can

    IMPORTANT: I am not playing the game anymore and have stopped updating this thread as of December 1st, 2012. Please feel free to copy / take over this thread (contact a forum moderator for help on this).

    • ===========================
    • Active guilds
    • ===========================
      • Acme Fighting Company
      • Aethership Pirate Corps
        We're a small, casual guild with one particularly active member and several semi-active members, most of whom log in for most of Sunday. The most active character as of January 2011 is Thedalia, a 16th level cleric. The focus of the guild is having fun and helping out others as needed, though there are hopes to do raids in the future.
      • AfterDark
        We are one of the few guilds that has ever been based on the Newbie friendly creed and I think we have done it well. We try to be that place for folks to get their start and finish! Level 2 to 20 - doesnt matter here. We have members from all walks of life and game styles. We try to build friendships not just game play, the use of Ventrilo and headset are important so we do prefer members to use voice chat, but it's not a must yet but it sure does make the game a lot more fun and make grouping better. Ok on the real side we have bad days too. We are not perfect and some days we have a bad hair day it happens. But since we try to build friendships, it's easy enough to say 'hey I am sorry' and put it behind us and move on. Creed: Helpful, Teamwork, Guildies ALWAYS come first. Never Never Scold Guildies because something goes wrong, Deaths happen no problem no big deal, No one ever gets left behind, Whenever possible group with Guildies: That's what this guild is for! BE Friendly Not Bossy: Treat others the way you want to be treated and last but not least Newbie Friendly, let this be a place for everyone to get a start, find help and friends.
      • Agents of Death
        Agents of Death is a casual fun guild for players interested in questing, raids, and PvP. We are a multi-game guild that started on the Ahazi server of Star Wars Galaxies in 2003 and now has members in Star Wars: The Old Republic, EverQuest2, Lord of the Rings Online, and Rift; also FPS: Battlefield 2 and Call of Duty.
      • aLiclan
        'aLiclan' was created initially on the European servers over 4 years ago and has now happily migrated to the US server of Thelanis. We are a relatively small close knit guild built on a foundation of 'teamwork' to achieve not only goals as a Guild, but also help our members achieve any personal targets and development for their characters they wish to pursue. As a Guild we enjoy facing the challenges the more 'difficult' raids, quests and Epic content can provide, while also discussing new tatics and builds to experiment with. Any type of exploit that would give an advantage that the game has not been designed for is banned - if we beat something we do it as intended which adds to the challenge and reward of any achievement we make as a Guild or individual. While our Guild would suit players with a mindset to tackling the top end challenges ddo can offer, our members also include a good mix of both casual gamers and role players alike. Our basic rule is that we always treat everyone with the same level of respect as if they were a member of our Guild, and will always help anyone to the best of our abilty. Some of the Guilds past achievements include: First Worldwide Reaver on Elite. First European Abbot (prepatch) and and Tower of Despair First Worldwide on Hard/Elite. Our recruitment officer is aliishere and is by invitation only.
      • allen badboys
        A guild made up of friend and is looking for players that are willing to help other members of the guild when they can. looking for all lvs and classes. i made guild so players could have fun and be put of a family. im buglucyl and my second in command is lodazar send a messy to either of us and we will add you ty
      • Alliance Francophone
      • Amen
        Amen is a med sized guild of mature, driven players who like to have a good time. Amen was founded shortly after Beta on the Tharashk server. We do have open selective recruitment. So you do need an Amen member to sponsor you into the guild. You will also need to be thick skinned as we do like to give each other a lot of ****. For more information or to join Amen please visit our website.
      • Arcadia
        Small active family type guild activly recruiting levels 10+ that wish to raid in a casual progressive family style guild. Contacts: Jiulaigia - leader Taink/Misfists/Timokoriu-officers. Website comes once we get a few more people =)
      • Archangels
        Archangels is a guild for players who are quite to extremely skilled and have varying personalities that are for the most part, easy going and wanting to be part of a guild that places no expectations on their members, other than to have a positive effect on the Thelanis populace.
      • The Ardent Grey
        Created this guild for my son, and some of his friends as a place to extend our P&P game into a quasi static online group. Not currently recruiting (trying to remain small). Founder: Heidiann.
      • Armour Group
        The doors are shut for now.
      • Ashes of the Phoenix
        Four active players from House of Beru / House of Elders / Elders of Stormreach lineage. Minimal egos, reasonable knowledge and we carry our weight. Questing and loot with no BS and no politics. Not really recruiting, but if you're like us, you're welcome.
      • Attacks The Darkness
        As of May 2008, we have about 20 consistently active folks on.
      • AVATAR
        AVATAR is a small to medium sized guild with a regularly active player base. We have a broad range of classes and levels and we raid on an almost daily basis. We are not actively recruiting, but if anyone is interested, we do welcome new faces - just check the website for details. Contact: Leofrin (leader).
      • Avatars of Ao
        Avatars are a small but friendly guild that is looking to grow, currently looking for members who enjoy teamplay tactics and are still learning the game. We are currently (as of February, 2011) a lvl 37 guild with a ship, but still very keen to get even bigger with the help of all our members. We are very active, on most nights after work, and most weekends. We have a website in early development stage, where you can ask all the questions you may have, and request help on quests, also arrange quest and raid groups.We will have lots of information, on a lot of the more difficult quests and puzzles, so new players are more than welcome, and will have all the help they will need in one place.
      • The Azure Path
      • The Band of the Shifting Sands
        Not currently recruiting.
      • Bane
        A collection of people who are from all different walks of life, are not at all politically correct, are potty mouths and are not easily offended. This is an adult guild! We're not an uber-gaming guild; we prefer to have fun as opposed to being the first to beat bosses/raids on our server. We also like to take care of each other and trade or give away gear to our guildies without a second thought.
      • Bards Gate
      • Black Sabbath
        Guild was created 2 years and a half, with the founders and Vintovka VladValente. It was led initially by Vintovka for 3 months (now leader of the Guild Vintovka Afthdark). VladValente becomes leader and is for 2 years. Today the Guild and led by Nelyn Young.
      • BladeRunner's
        Hey im obier and I am the leader of guild BladeRunner's in Thelanis been around from the beginning and im recruiting active members to a Family and friend guild to expand our friendlyness and help with a few other's our guild is a pvp, raiding, adventuring and helping guild.
      • The Bloody Toe Cutters
        Although most members of The Bloody Toe Cutters are from down under and play off-peak, we recruit from any culture and timezone. Playing for fun and riches, our more powerful members are encouraged to hand on wealth and resources. Led by Ratbag, our benevolent dictator, we often find riches in our mailboxes. We are always scouting for new mature members. If you want to join us please contact Ratbag, Drinks, Drongo, Bofin, Salomae, Ursa, Metalhed, Holysheep or Drom.
      • Brotherhood of Blood
      • Cash Money Brotherhood
        As of September 2010, we're a 4-man guild of laid-back older players looking for a few more players to increase our raiding options. Contact any member with an in-game /tell if you are interested. Ideally we could merge with another smaller clan - but we would really like to keep our name and ship.
      • Celtic Death
        Older Friends and Family that like to game online and have a good time. We have kids and adults alike. Your actions and the way you act are more important than your age. Most of us know each other from real life or from gaming in general. If you want to be part of a group that like to have fun but not live for games let us know. We have at least one officer on most nights. Join our family and enjoy you time playing.
      • Chainmail
        Chainmail is a small to medium sized guild that has one rule "Have Fun". Our goal is to be able to fill raid groups & complete all Epic content, and provide a place for PnP players to learn DDO. European players are welcome as always.
      • Children of Death
        As of June 2012, I am currently looking for 10 very active players levels 1-20 18yrs old+ new or veteran. with a preference to either run as a group or solo. we currently have 18 accounts,14 active. most of the time we have 2-6 players logged in. We are a fun group of people with a mix of classes. We are just about to buy the level 50 airship, we are all very excited for this milestone. Children of Death is still a very young guild (in the time line of ddo). We went live November 17,2011. If you're interested in a guild that has NO pressure for guild renown quota's or demanding of item/plat donations or just plain old "you have to run with guild", then feel free to send me a in game mail or tell. lets talk. Only very active players need apply, please. Thank you, Demondim leader Children of Death~Thelanis cheers (i can also be found on the following alts: Perfector, Kogler, Firebrande, Phooku)
      • The Children Of Gygax
        We are a new guild formed earlier of this week we have a few members but are looking for more (as of February 2010). We are composed of players who have transitioned from pnp to mmorpg we have been playing dnd since 2nd edition if you are looking for a fun guild come roll with us for a while and check it out. just please either know who E. Gary Gaygax is if you are looking for membership. Always thank the progenitor when adventuring. Rest well father, may you always crit.
      • Children of the Gods
        We do not strive for being the "biggest" guild but rather the most active and to have strong friendship bonds that last through many reincarnations. Like the Gods themselves - we are immortal!
      • Chosen of Tel'Tura
        We are a small guild of RL friends living in Louisiana. We are dedicated to completing every quest through skill and teamwork. We shortman everything. Just to prove that we can. Two or three man raids are commonplace with us.
      • Chosen ones
      • Church of Tyrilath
        We are family oriented heavy Role-Playing guild for good aligned characters. No we are NOT a church persay, instead we are haven for heroes who wish to assist the citizens of Stormreach and its surrounding communities. We believe in assisting each other and those around us at all times. Our RP is our most important asset, we will use it to develop storylines and arches, events and forum RP. please contact Cyren-Thelanis, Wynde, Thorn, Dominnion, Irori or Eika in game. Also please visit our website to fill out an application.
      • Clan of The Wolf
      • C.L.A.W.
        Well established Guild of Mature players, all level players, all ages, alts, F2p, VIP, premium, regularly group runs and raids, large timezone base. We attempt to be helpful and hope all CLAW members act in a respected manner.
      • Comic Book Heroes
        Here at CBH we are a pretty laid back guild, filled with compatible people. We don't take requests, but if our paths cross more than once and you meet our standards, and seem interested, we might just send an invite your way.
      • Core of Legends
        Core of Legends is a casual play guild. We are from South East Asia countries: Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand. The guild is made by Asian, and for Asian. Most of us speaks Mandarin, Cantonese, English. We hope to gathers as much Asian that plays DDO on Thelanis Server as we can. So if u're from SEA, please do join us. Contacts: Welthiii, bp, ep, lonlla, judi.
      • Cradle of Life
        Cradle of Life is a Husband and Wife run guild that has been around since mid 2008. Hosting about 30+ active members (as of August 2009), they focus on Team work and family values. They are new player friendly and always willing to help out.
      • Credendo Vides
        Credendo Vides is a small, but growing guild, mixing new players with experienced players. We welcome all serious, relaxed, team-players (pay-to-play & free-to-play) and strive to remain drama free. Credendo Vides is Latin, meaning: By Believing, One Sees. To many of the players of DDO, this sums up the game experience. To us in Credendo Vides, this is how we play our characters and therefore the game. We help our members develop and level their characters. A lot of our members are girls experiencing this game for the first time or even having played with their brothers and boyfriends. We also have guys who played paper & pen (tabletop) when D&D first came out, and know their rules. We do not try to cheat the game or the experience. We do share gold, items and knowledge with our newer members, as they develop and refine their characters, as they choose. Our guild preaches and teaches team play over solo play and we will start running multiple guild runs for quests. We are currently recruiting (see Holly or send tell) for like minded players..... By Believing, Ones Sees...
      • Crimson Nexus
        CN is a roleplaying guild with allies in both The Fellowship of the Golden Night and The Order of the Sword and Rose. Recruitment is open. Feel free to visit our guildhall on
      • The Crusty Old Fossil Rockers
        We are a mature (21+) group of gamers with a diverse membership and a diverse group of games, including Battlefield 2, PRMM, World of Warcraft, Dungeons & Dragons Online, Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, Hellscream and Oblivion to name but a few. Our ideal is sportsmanship. Play to have fun and play honourably. If that sounds like something you want to be part of then nip into the forums and introduce yourself. We don't bite!
      • Crypt Crawlers
        Crypt Crawlers started with 4 players with an attitude of having fun, and enjoying the DDO experience since all of us had previous DDO pen/paper times. Finally! A game that was similar, easy to play, and offered the capability to talk with others across the USA who used to play the "old" game, and having fun questing in the DDO online game. After 3 years, lots of fun, plenty of cooperative playing and also pugging, some drops and adds, the guild has about 10 consistent players. We are never short of laughs, of course we go for favor and xp, yet no one is penalized for not knowing the adventure if an outsider is invited. No matter our situation, cooler heads prevail in our guild.
      • The Cult of the Dragon
        A new (as of March, 2010) and growing guild of mainly nice and helpful players. Most are at mid or high levels, premium or VIP. Not too many F2Ps, but we have no problem with them, just we run mostly VIP content. Currently trying to establish a strong player base for guild raiding...
      • Cult of the Fallen
      • The Dark Creed
        Small guild that is looking to grow. We are a multi-game guild (well, two game guild) and only have a handful of members. Our goal is to have a large group of people, groups for raids, RP, zerging, flower sniffing, and anything and everything in between. Check us out on our website, read our rules, and sign up if interested (Leader: Shorlong)
      • The Dark Exile
        Rebirth of an old Xoriat guild. We are a family guild that does some raiding. We are currently actively recruiting for all classes and player levels. Check with any player online to get you in touch with an officer and we will guide you through the TDE way of playing the game. "Oh and did you guys know you could find out how many times you have died in game by typing '/death count'?"
      • DARPA
        DARPA is always recruiting active, mature players. Based upon the principles of the real DARPA, our guild prefers self-reliant, flexible, problem-solving, technologically advanced players with an ability to communicate and share information or experiences. We were formed on the ideas that learning quests and playing efficiently is fun, carrying around dead weight and nanny-handing is not fun. We host a site and forum for guild members, with a wealth of resources like puzzle solvers, maps, walkthrus, crafting guides, and Ventrillo. Our current focus is still grinding TR builds and raid/epic.
      • Dawnswords
        A small active family and friends guild. Roleplaying encouraged but not necessary. Currently sister guild of The Night Wardens.
      • Dead Blades
        We are super active and raiding everything multiple times a week.
      • Death from Below
      • The Death Nights
        We are a fun guild that is always looking for new member, be they noobs or long time players. We take all lvls and classes. We help those in need and are always having fun.
      • Delta Ebola Kai
        We're a social guild just looking for people that have basic common sense and enjoy questing with other competent people. We're by no means experts since we've only been playing for a few months (as of December 2009), but this is a guild for people who are sick of healers that don't heal, rogues that can't pick a lock or disable a trap and general idiots that refuse to stick with the group and die five seconds after entering the quest. We're here to have fun and help people out, but the main focus of the guild is to find people looking for others that can hold their own. Message Waksmunski, Nikonian, or Hakrushai, do a few runs with us and if you're not a total idiot, you're in. Partial idiocy is ok to a certain degree.
      • The Departed
        The Departed on Thelanis are a guild formed from current and ex- EU players from both Devourer and Keeper, aimed at welcoming any of those planning on hopping sides. There isn't any strict criteria (you don't even have to be European!), but if you want an invite look for any members online who will be able to invite you. We're a light hearted bunch of people.
      • Discovery
        We're a group of friends that enjoy PnP on weekends and DDO on every other day. We like to explore and learn the ins and outs of the world, and that knowledge we gladly pass on to others. We never discriminate players that have the will to learn, even if by trial and error. We're mostly Europe based so around GMTish evenings you'll see us sniffing around everything that seems interesting in and around Stormreach. We are growing slowly and welcome everyone with the same aspirations. It's all about having fun.
      • DPS
      • Dragonettes
        Dragonettes is a guild dedicated to pure solo-play characters who want to hone their solo-play techniques to perfection. It is now open for membership applications. How to Join: Send an in-game mail to Ticklette.
      • Dragonhighlords
        (As of August 2011) Level 43 small guild, around 8 active players, just getting back into game, 7 of the 8 are TRs, 4 of the 8 have been here since max level was 10. We are looking for all players, but specifically looking to promote a few officers that are good at recruiting, also looking for RP players that quest and not just hang out in taverns. We are not a serious guild at all, but know, for the most part what we are doing. All are welcome: from the brand new to the know it all vets, just be nice and realize its just a game and play to have fun. Less is More, and Perfect is good enough.
      • Drink and Be Merry
      • Drow of the Underdark
        Drow of the Underdark is a small Thelanis based guild that is comprised of highly skilled Drow. We have been around since the introduction of the Drow to Stormreach. Drow of the Underdark is a tightly knit group and we look out for each other as well as help others that are in need of our assistance. Just being Drow doesn't mean that you are Drow of the Underdark material. All our guild members have been playing for several years and have honed their skills to excellence. We are very proud of who we are.
      • Drums of War
      • DWAT
        D.warven W.eapons A.nd T.actics is not so much a guild... but a constant state of readiness. Members are not required to have all their toons in the guild. We're a tight knit crew, with a council of members making decisions (no "leader").. Just because you're a good player doesn't mean you're DWAT material. It takes a special kind of person to make the cut (mostly a thick skin and ability to tolerate your fellow members). Age does not matter as long as you're capable of making mature decisions. Raid are run most days starting at 5-6pm PST, and also whenever the mood strikes us. So be ready.
      • Dynamic Dancing Dungeoneers
        A casual, fun-loving guild. Play times are primarily CST-PST evenings.
      • Ekke Ekke Ekke Ptang Zoo
        EEEEPZ is a medium sized guild of solid players. As a guild, our goal is enjoy the game and help others enjoy it as much as we do. We have no problem bringing in new game players and helping them learn how to play and get 'geared up'. We are a casual group with no expectations other than good behavior and solid character. Check your ego at the door if you want to join.
      • Eternal Champions
        As of March 2009, 7 active members, with 1-2 years experience each, averaging 3.2 capped characters apiece. Most of us are on nightly from 11p - 1a Eastern (7 - 11p if that sounds too late), a few on during the day many days. Running mostly Shroud, Reaver's Refuge, Subterrane lately but always open to suggestion. Good-natured and willing to cooperate, never too old to learn new things. We are easy-going and team-oriented. We don't actively recruit because we assume you know best where you want to be. Play with us, and let us know if you want to join up.
      • Eternal Infinity
        Small exclusive guild by some veteran former EU Keeper and Devourer players. We like to concentrate mostly on the high-end content in the game. No recruitment atm. Leader: Anantela. Officers: Karagkiozis, Darvanan, Satureon
      • Eternal Order of Dragons
        We are a small but growing guild that a few of its members used to play on this server back in 06 and 07. Mostly we are just a bunch of laid back folks who love to play the game, enjoy exploring and taking our time with quest as much as rushing through stuff, very versatile.
      • The Exploration Society
        As a guild what we respect most is our variety of people and playstyles. Our members enjoy leveling, looting and raiding at all paces. Our attitude tends toward a more laid-back approach to the game with serious emphasis on developing our guild community. We do this through an active and often lively guild chat, a fantastic website for communication and event scheduling, and a core of officers and veteran members that can navigate the intricacies of the game.
      • Fallen Immortals
      • Fast Forward
        Hey! I am the Leader of the newly rebuilding Guild that likes it fast and paced Static Grp for Completionist TR is getting build and we got some spots left on our lvl56 Guild Ship!! If you like to join catch me ingame. Best regards, Titoss
      • Fellowship of the Golden Night
        The Fellowship of the Golden Night is a Role-playing Guild that has been here the early Beta days of DDO. Our players believe in more than an endless quest for loot and glory. We regularly host live events and long term role-play story lines in game. If you are looking for more than the daily grind or want more friends instead of those who hate you, please come join us for our weekly Thelanis Thursday Role-play in the Phoenix tavern or look up any member for details. Home of the Naked Tempest Spine and role-play raids... Outlast Outwit Outplay... Roleplayers for the win!
      • Five Rings
        Five Rings is a balanced guild of quality players who choose to play in the "Way of Strategy". The founders have been part of other guilds and choose to avoid the drama that can be associated with large organizations. Our guild will never publish guild rules. If rules are needed then we as leaders made a bad choice in allowing the "challenged" player to join. Helping other guild members is always important and having fun is the name of the game.
      • Flaming Legion
        Level: 20. Size: Small (as of January, 2011).
      • Foreign Legion
        Wanted Criminal? On the lam from gambling debts? Spouse left you for a hobgoblin? Looking to throw your life away on some worthless piece of land far from home? Looking to spend long hours in the company of men with little teeth and even less bathing habits? The Foreign Legion Wants You. Seeking recruits equally skilled at beheading, impaling, boot licking, and luxury airship latrine cleaning preferred. Toothbrush provided. Dues: 1 virgin of any species per month to our glorious leader, Lyquyd. Contact: Lyquyd or Any FL Officer. (Also seeking 1 new Gnome servant)
      • Forever the Villains
        Leveling, Favor Grinding and Raiding guild for mature players.
      • Friends in Arms
      • Frozen Dawn
        Mikä on Frozen Dawn? Frozen Dawn on vuoden 2006 alussa perustettu aikuisille suunnattu lähinnä MMO-pelejä pelaava suomikilta joka sen jälkeen on muodostunut massiiviseksi pelaajayhteisöksi ja suomiportaaliksi jonka meriitit ovat erittäin vakuuttavia ja peliskaala hyvin laaja. Killan toiminta alkoi pienestä Dungeons&Dragons Online porukasta ja on ajan mittaan kasvanut ja levinnyt niin World of Warcraftin, Warhammerin, AION:in, Lotron, Vanguardin ja Age of Conanin maailmoihin. Jokaista näistä peleistä pelataan vielä (toisia enemmän ja toisia vähemmän) ja tarkoituksenamme on myös jatkossakin laajentaa peliskaalaa tulevien pelien pariin. Tällä hetkellä killan toiminta on aktiivisinta Aion:issa ja kestosuosikki World of Warcraftissa. Jos olet kiinnostunut liittymään Frozen Dawniin kirjoita itsestäsi lyhyt esittely sen pelin "hakemukset"- threadiin johon olisit liittymässä. Ohjeet hakemuksen tekoon löytyvät pelikohtaisilta keskustelualueilta (linkit alla). Jokainen hakemus käsitellään ja jokaiseen hakemukseen vastataan.
      • Friends of Nice and Slow
        Oh, all those corridors and pits and steps and doors and tunnels and pools ... - I get so confused down there. That's why we like to do it nice and slow. We stay together and move as one. No soul gets lost. And if some of us want to count the golden hearts in the hobgoblin chief's carpet then we wait for them. Yes, we know: time is xp. But, you see, there are more important things. Like the person behind that armed character, like roleplaying and solving quests and finding lost treasure and punishing the guilty and having a good look at the scenery and beeing fond of the details (or do you know the colour of an ogre's eyes?). We have no regular schedule. We just come to Stormreach, have an eye open for each other and join whatever questing we desire. FONAS is about freedom and friendly people. We will like you at any age or size or class or alignment. As long as you are a friend of nice and slow.
      • Giant Slayers, Inc.
        We're a medium guild of older and mature-minded people. We have players on every night and raid with allied guilds frequently. We play the game to have fun and respect real-life obligations. Check the House Tharashk Hall of Guilds for more information.
      • Gnome on the Range
        A social guild whose members are focused on learning the game and having fun. Leave no Gnome behind, help out your fellow guildie, and find that shiney chest! Characters of all levels and classes accepted; players with a sense of humour, common sense, and level of maturity required. A finely tuned sense of treasure detection is greatly appreciated. If interested, run with us so we get to know you, and so you can get a taste of our fun-loving nature. Membership is by invitation only as finding the right fit is important to us.
        We are a small group of friends that are looking for a great gaming experience with no pressure or demand on our members. We are self supporting and we already have enough plat to take care of our current needs. We are recruiting, but I would like to make a few runs with you first so both of us can be sure of a good fit. We also do NOT take the game TOO seriously, We do have our egos, but we need not to be reminded that this is a GAME and FUN is our TOP Priority. We all have personal lives and there is no expected guild requirements to attend any event, but we do feel that if you enjoy it enough, you will come back and often! We want to have the best laid back guild on Thelanis and a place where laughter is the most serious thing. We would love you to join our unique family.
      • Greifen des Lichts
        We are a small group of players from germany and we're looking for more german-speaking members. Our playstile is more casual and we're not that experienced yet, but if you look for a nice community that speaks your language send an ingame mail to Merili or Furgas or directly whisper us.
      • Greyhawk Raiders
        Greyhawk Raiders (a moderate RP guild) is looking for some good people. Are you a fan of the world of Greyhawk? So are we! Look for Zerixa in-game or PM Xariama on forums.
      • Guardians of Light
      • Grumpy Old Geasers
        A small-group of old-school players who love nothing better than to get together for quests on Fridays, dreaming of the day when we all achieve the 1750 favor, and complaining of the vast differences between DDO and pen and paper D&D. All races, classes and to a lesser extent skill levels allowed, but idiots taunted on a regular basis. Contact: Waymiest (founder).
      • Gryphons
        Gryphons Guild is a 3 yeas old brazilian guild (as of January 2012). We have been trough a lot of thing and now we are a very selective guild. Our first guild standart was to recruit all the brazilians, but this aint worked very well, because we got a lot of people that are not really good to play with (im not saying that they dont know the game, but they were actually rude). I have a few videos of ours run (one of then with the Reinos Olvidados) So if you want to run a raid if us and want to see it on you tube just send message in game to Deodoro or Milvan.
      • Guardians of the Apocolypse
      • Guardians of the Horizons
        We have a light to moderate roleplaying enviroment, Heavy is welcome but may not feel as immersed as they might like. We are looking for a wide variety of players, would like to have Guildmates from all walks of life.
      • Heaven's Fury
        Our core officers have been around since nearly the creation of DDO. Ask around, No matter the odds we will conquer, no matter the challenge we will overcome. And may i add that we have a hell of alot of fun doing it. We are mainly aussies and Kiwis, but we have a few americans who can survive the hours. Do you dare to investigate the Fury!! The first to draw blood the Last to Fall. Contact: Morpheene, Franzjoseph, Stonecarver. As of June 2009, we are looking for players.
      • HellForge
        We are the left over remains of the Mithral Hall Knights (an all dwarven guild). We decided to open our doors to all comers and are small but dedicated to helping everyone enjoy the game.
      • I Granchi Aviatori
        We are a friendly and active italians guild.
      • Hearts Of Darkness
        Guild Type: Casual, Roleplaying, Team Oriented. We are a casual guild presently looking to recruit and grow. We mostly play U.S. Pacific Standard Time and weekends. We have a small group and would work hard to make you feel welcome in our group. We are old-time pen n paper group of mature gamers. We like to experience the quest, not blitz to the end. Contact(s):In Game - Mordiff, Machiavellii, Santy, Ravenna, Stamm, Slasherchik
      • House of Shadows
      • Independent Freelancers Society
        Casual type play. Open for recruiting, but looking to stay small for the moment.
      • Infamous Flaming Vagabonds
      • Inferus Sus
        We are a guild of adults who enjoy grouping with individuals who are dedicated to having fun, keeping drama to a minimum, and operate on a 'need before greed' basis. We are family and couples oriented and understand that real life comes first. Our member's play styles are varied: from people just joining the game to power leveling with a focus on end game raiding. Inferus Sus has an active raid schedule, 8PM EST to 11PM EST all week, and 11AM - 3PM weekends, but members are not required to participate. We are actively recruiting, please stop by our website and read our guidelines and apply if interested. Please note, you must have at least one character of level 16 or higher, that is at a minimum shroud ready to apply to the guild.
      • Infusion
        Newly formed (as of February 2010), searching for mature, serious but fun-loving players to join. Accepting all classes/races. Contact Uljihn in-game for details. Thank you...and game on!
      • Inglorious Ronin
        Hi we are a month old guild (as of March 2010), with a mix of experienced players and unexperienced of all nationalities (English/American's/Germans/Scandinavians etc) . We are happy to accept new players into our ranks. We have a guild forum and a Teamspeak server. We are looking for players that are looking to learn and most importantly listen to advice. Maturity is key but so is having fun. If you are interested please contact me in game on Monkeee / Fearrlos/ Fearscime / Fearjia/ Feador / Lharry / Fearit or apply via the website, letting me know some details about yourself.
      • Iron Maidens
        All female toons/players.
      • Japan
        'Japan' started as a guild for helping players in the Japan time zone (GMT +9) and the Australian time zone (GMT +10). For Japanese speaking players, we can help with translations and information about DDO. If you would like to join our guild, then send in-game mail or a tell to Koken, Danniela, or Raybeez. 'Japan'はオーストラリアと日本のプレイヤーのタイムラグをサポートします。私達はこのゲーム(DD O)のインフォメーションと通訳をする事が出来ます。参加する場合はKokenかDanniel aにゲーム メールか'tell'を送ってください。
      • Karma
        A small guild of six long-time veterans out to venture away from large guilds and make a name for ourselves. Having left the core of a large guild and subsequently the baggage that it carries, we are now working together in an effort to finish our completionists and skyrocket our guild level quickly. Mostly level our characters alone, but will be leading raids in the near future. -Created- 9 October 2011. Not currently recruiting so that we can take full advantage of our renown bonus.
      • Keepers Of Arcanum
        The Keepers Of Arcanum is a small guild we have about 40-45 active members that play daily. We are more about play style, and helping each other. We are not an elitest guild, but we do want quality players who share the same gaming ideas and ethics as we do. Our potential members ask about our guild as they run with us, we tell them about ourself have them check out our guild forum, and if they are still interested we follow our recruiting policy. KOA is about friendship and we like to say we are family, we know each other by our first names, we have couple gamers, as well as several female gamers. We have made a good home for players who like teamwork, to help out each other, and have fun. We do weekly guild raids, and more will be added to the roster as our guild gets flagged and lvld for the various raids. Our guild is full of people who really like to help each other out, we have no drama, and we focus on fun gaming, and courtesy towards each other and those outside of the guild as well. You don't have to be an uber player, that comes with time, patience, and knowledge of the game - but if you don't know have a good gaming style and you don't have a teamplayer attitude - that can't be taught, it must be inherently known.
      • Kender
        New Halfling guild on Thelanis. Very democratic. You have to be a halfling, because only halflings can be kender. Contact Todoji or any guild member if you are interested in joining. Please let me know if somebody does something that makes you want to ban the entire guild from your lfm's. There seems to be a lot of talk about that on the forums. Rule number one... HAVE FUN! Cya in game.
      • The Kids Guild Age Required
        Currently (as of February, 2011) lvl 12, this a guild I made for my 4 year old to play in so he wouldn't get invites to other guilds. Yes he is 4 and, unfortunitely, he plays better than half the grown ups on this server. We play 2-3 days a week, he has a 14th lvl monk that HE has ran to 14 doing quests with me and those from my guild. His tends to get lost or do sight seeing while questing if in one for first time, but hay, he IS ONLY 4!!
      • Knights of Backmoor
        Knights of Blackmoore is a new player friendly guild. That being said, we also love our veteran players, and returning players. However, we do have a few policies we try to stick by. Take it slow. Whether you're a new player, an old player, or a returning player, don't blast through a quest just for completion. There may be other people in the party that haven't run the quest a thousand times, and don't know it as well as you do. It's fun for everyone to explore the quest, learn where things are, or why certain things are done certain ways. We also aim for all the optionals in a quest (At least, those we're capable of...). We do no not tolerate zerging. New players, and people who want to explore simply don't have any fun with that kind of playstyle. Blackmoore style, all optionals, kill anything that moves, and if it doesn't move, poke it until it does... then kill it. We have a functional website, though as of September 2009 it's not getting much use, its kind of under construction. Vent is something that is being discussed, and will one day be implemented. If interested in a guild that likes to run together, takes things a little slower, explores quests, doesn't zerg, and generally tries to help one another learn the game, check the who Tab and see if anyone's on, they can direct you to an officer. We'd love to run with you!
      • Knights Of Stormreach
        Created on Tharashk when the game first released, KOS started as a Guild of three friends who played pen and paper for many years. A pugging Guild, we have filled the ranks of many other Guild runs sharing the spoils and meeting so many people. Along the way, we have gathered players into our Guild because they enjoy our fun-gaming style. Now a medium-sized Guild on Thelanis with four Officers, we pug as well as lead raids and quests for loot and favor. Though we have never actively recruited, KOS Officers have sponsored new members into the Guild by playing along side them to see if their playing style is a good fit. Always having been an active guild, (dismissing inactive players after three months), KOS has no politics and enjoys sharing our knowledge with new players. Friends with many other Guilds, we have played an active part in vanquishing Evil within Stormreaches borders. See you on the front lines...
      • Knights of the Silver Dragon
        The Knights of the Silver Dragon, is primarily an east coast based guild of mature adult players that have called Thelanis home since 2006. We put a lot of focus on social interaction and teamwork. We have three scheduled guild nights a week, and run ad-hoc guild events as well. Our members are spread across several time zones, so we tend to have players online during most hours of the day. We are very organized in the way we plan, schedule and communicate, but we are very relaxed in the way we play the game. Our members have a very broad range of experience and skills, but we all have one thing in common; we enjoy each other’s company. We don’t “just” tolerate each other, or “just” share an airship. We actually like playing DDO together. If this sounds like the kind of guild you would like to be a part of, you can read more about us on our website.
      • Knights of the Shadows
      • Leeping Rogues Only
        We are a no pressure have fun rogue only guild any rogue welcome to join although since we actually have lives we dont pressure members to get renown or recruit and we prefer )role play above Getting) if this sounds like a guild for you contact (Leeper) or (Nifirtis) with request.
      • The Legends Guild
        Legends have moved over the ocean from Keeper (Europe) and have set up a new home in Thelanis. We play mostly in the European time zone, but we do have players that span a few timezones. We are a light RP guild that loves to laugh, as such the RP tends to focus more on friendly banter than serious stuff. We have some members that have been playing the game since its first beta, so there are plenty of brains to pick if you're learning the ropes. At the moment were busy building our characters up, we will do end game raiding when we get back there but it will be on a casual basis. We value a good sense of humour in our members, and also the ability to work together. When things go pear shaped we pride our selves in dusting ourselves off, cracking a joke then trying again. Our player base ranges from power gamers to casual gamers, VIP to F2P. If your interested look us up in the who list, any legend member thats not being chased round the waterworks by a pack of rabid kobolds or who has not wondered away from their keyboard to find something to drink will be able to answer your tells and check for an officer. We like to do a party or two with applicants, this lets us and you get a feel for each other. My characters so far are Graunch, Grrfump, Gonnagle and Uncashamus.
      • Legion
        One of Xoriat's original guilds, Legion is an exclusive group of skill-focused and strategy-oriented players with a long history in DDO and an impressive trophy case of achievements to show for their efforts. Membership is by invitation only and all new recruits undergo a probationary period. A small but tight knit guild of elite players and haters, Legion is not about community building, roleplaying tea parties and other mamby pamby nonsense seen when Thelanis was merged into the New Xoriat. Legion is about gathering upper tier, elite players that want to have no-drama fun being the best in the game, with the best equipment and builds, and a common drive to run everything on elite in five minutes, including your Mom. Contact: You don't find Legion, Legion finds you.
      • Legion of the Six
        We're a guild comprised of mostly mature working adults so for those who cant play regularly we understand, We expect all members of Legion Of The Six to be courteous, helpful and respectful to, not only members of our guild, but EVERYONE who interacts with us on DDO. We also STRONGLY suggest the use of a headset/mic, tho it is not required for attaining membership with LoT6. Our objective is to cover as much of the content as possible, obtain all the awsome gear and most importantly have a fun time doing so
      • Les Mongreles
        Leader: Kiwimarshall. Main goal: To have fun and learn about the game. We all have lives outside the guild but play a lot 'cause we're fun to play with. No drama, which is rare but most excellent. People on from AUS to NZ to West Coast to East Coast to Germany.
      • Little Snickers
      • Lords of the Bickerstaff clan
        All dwavern guild, a group of knowlagble players, layed back, and mature players. Looking for more people that are the same way.
      • Lords of War
        We are light hearted and easy going. We help other players on quest raid together and play to have fun. thank you for you time. Lords of War "die well just live better"
      • Loreseekers
        Thelanis branch of a Khyber guild.
      • The Lost Kings
        The Lost Kings is an awesome guild founded on the Thelanis server. Founded by Thereeper back at the beginning of June 2010, the guild has had one mission in mind, TO HAVE FUN. we are now currently up to well over 200 members in this guild. We also have a wide array of friendly and helpful officers who are always available when needed. We are currently recruiting anybody who is looking for a fun and very active guild. Contact any Lost king member in game and tell them you want to join today. You can also apply on our website.
      • The Lunchbox
        Howdy! We are a small guild of solid players with the hopes and dreams of one of those medium-large sized raiding guilds with none of the drama. We're currently recruiting all races and classes played by mature and fun minded people (Age 18+ only). If you're interested in joining feel free to fill out an application at our website or contact Blurk in game.
      • The Madborn
        We are a mid-sized guild of mature relaxed individuals who play to have fun. We do have raids but we are not a raiding guild. Recruitment is more by word of mouth.
      • Maelstrom
        Focused on raiding and high end content. Peak times on weekday evenings (eastern) and weekends.
      • Manacircle
        A small but active leveling guild
      • Merc's Only
        A PuG only guild. Our job is to get "hired" and finish the job. No cop outs. We fill in Guild runs and generally help out the larger guilds with expirianced people. We also there for the new people in the game and help them out. We lead PuG quests and raids and generally make PuGging a joy rather than a pain. Contact: Ashnod (leader), Trissa (second), and any other Merc's Only Member for information about joining or help with a quest.
      • Merlion Syndicate
        Singapore based guild. Recruiting +8GMT or similar timezone players. Friendly, quest oriented and high level of activity. Send a /tell to Kristalyn, Wallas, Meleriel or Baleof ingame.
      • The Militia
        The Militia is a friendly, established guild with a large group of knowledgeable players. We've been around for awhile and have a reputation as a group of solid players who get things done in a friendly manner. We are more interested in having fun than being uber, but we still run raids and loot regularly. The best way to join is to find a Milita member (not hard, there's almost always at least one of us online) and run some quests with them. If you have fun, play smart and are generably sociable, you just might be a perfect fit! Your main Militia contact will be your sponsor and they will need to send a request to an officer to get an invite.
      • Mindflayers
        We are a founding guild from Xoriat. The guild was formed during beta and has been active ever sense. We are a small but raidful guild based on having fun and helping each other out. Our forums are always open and our parties are always running. Contact: Ulasht (leader).
      • The Ministry of Destruction
        We are a high-level guild that focuses heavily on endgame raiding, epic questing, and frequent guild TR Trains. We're based in the US, and at our most active in the evenings. Our guild has a very friendly, team-oriented, laid-back atmosphere, and our experienced "MoDies" are always willing to lend a helping hand to our fellow Thelanians. If you're involved in the Adepts program, you've probably seen quite a few of us giving advice (or cracking a joke) there as well. We are accepting applications! Players interested in joining The MoD are welcome to view our Guild Policy and submit an application on our GuildPortal forum. Applicants are required to: (a) Have at least 1 Capped Character (Lvl 20+), (b) Have a reasonable understanding of basic game mechanics, (c) Be Very Active, Sociable, Fun-Loving, Open-minded, and Helpful. See you on Thelanis!
      • Mithril
        We are a Founding Guild formally of Tharashk. We are friendly to RPers, New/Old players alike, and the Mature Gamer. We operate on a Need before Greed basis and like to enjoy the exploration of a quest in addition to the Exp/Favor/Gold. We are not a 'strict' guild as we understand this is a Game, (Life is hard enough no point in adding more frustration). We work as a Team and wish to group with prospective members before accepting them to the guild. If you would like to see if we are a fit for you and you are a fit for us please contact any of our Members/Officers, or visit our forums. We only accept mature gamers to Join the ranks of Mithril.
      • Mostly Harmless
        Borrowing a motto from "Economy of Scale" on Khyber - "A guild for those that want the benefits of guild renown, without the structure of a guild." Basically, we don't organize runs, we don't talk much in chat, we just play the game. We're in the guild because Turbine basically forces us to be in guilds. Which isn't to say that you aren't welcome to set up guild runs or use guild chat, it just isn't the main focus and don't expect everybody in the guild to want to do that stuff. Membership open to all. The only thing that will get you kicked out is being a poor citizen - of the guild or of DDO in general. There will be no purging of inactive toons unless we hit guild cap. To join send mail to Kantana or Topazzan.
      • Natural Twenty
        Basically new, been around for two months (as of March 2010) and are growing steadily. Any and all player types are welcome, just want to build a player base to enjoy all aspects this game provides.
      • New World Dominion
        New World Dominon was formerly a private guild with very limited members and requirements. Due to the original owner no longer playing the game, we are now opening the guild up to everybody with no requirements other than being respectful of others and a general love of the game! All levels and classes are welcome to join and can utilize our airship and friendly chat. We are a very laid back and very casual type of guild.
      • No Politics
      • Occam's Razor
        Here at the Razor's Cutting edge, you will find a group of Master Questors who excell at reaching Victory and achieving the end rewards. We also have many aminities to support your questing and help enhance your DDO experience: Exclusive to the Razor's is a Guild Favor reward system that promotes the guild event calander. Ventrillo VOIP servers, Guild Bank (for sharing and trading items), and Questing information such as maps and puzzle generators. We have guild only events scheduled almost every day of the week ranging from Lowbie Leveling Quests to Pre-Raid and Raid Quests. The guild also runs guild only reward and role-playing events. We enjoy each others company and play in a manner that helps each other advance (either with XP or desired loot). Most importantly, we are a group of people that have the feel of family without the drama. If you want to experience adventure in its purest form, to feel you are part of something bigger than yourself, we are the Guild for You! We (as of February 2008) have 73 active players, allowing us to have 8-20 members on at all times day or night. We are always looking for new members who have a good attitude. The most important aspect to our "play" is that we all get along and enjoy each others company. Group with a Razor and see if you fit!
      • Old School Gamers
      • Open Palm Adventures
        A friendly roleplaying guild focused on rp-questing. (Yes we do run out of character as well.)
      • Order of Holy Crusader
        We're a Thelanis based raiding guild comprises of mostly mature working adults. We're going for most endgame content & converting players to this game all are welcome casual/hardcore/softcore/newbie we're hiring now to fill the ranks. So if you're English speaking folks with pleasant disposition contact us ingame and we'll setup an interview or visit out website.
      • Order of the Asylum
        The Order of the Asylum is a fun and moderately active older Guild. As of May 2009 we have 25+ active members. We seek new members that have good attitudes and just love to get on and have fun. If interested in joining feel free to let Stormslayer (our Glorious Guildleader) or Hartwind (Our Loyal Second in Command) know. New and Old players are Welcome!
      • The Order of the Black Serpent
        We are the fastest growing guild in stormreach. We started 5 days ago and we have 300+ members! (as of October 15th, 2009). We believe in protecting and supporting our guildmates, and destroying anything that gets in our way. We quest, roleplay (optional), party, host guild events, and we even are in the process of making our own website. Join The Order of the Black Serpent today! There are absolutely no requirements, (except respect to fellow guildmates) and you should contact Vanne or Rajong to join.
      • Order of the Burning Rat
        Really casual guild I started up for those that like Solo play but want some guild benefits. We can also group up if we every cross paths. Currently The guild is @ Lev 7. Help me build that renown, and maybe we can eventually get an airship! Look me up as Bartaan on Thelanis
      • Order of the Flame
        We are always looking for new players, we are a small but friendly guild looking to get bigger & new to the u.s ddo but have played for some time in europe. We welcome anyone thats looking for a guild and would like to learn about the game, so send a tell to our leader Ominul (wizard) or an officer Chuggers (cleric), Enocc (ranger), Layonhanz (paladin) & Alzbud (paladin/rogue). We are here to enjoy the game as it is just a game.
      • Order of the Imperial Dragon
      • The Order Of The Sword and Rose
        A guild for mature roleplaying gamers and storytellers!
      • Order of Zeh
        We are the home for almost all Brazilian players in the server. The guild is oriented to helping new players, raids and starting this month live events. Currently we only have Brazilians in our roster, mainly because the guild chat is 100% in portuguese. Contacts: Strahdbr, Chapadaum, Rhilune, Eddiemund, Simbull, Rouki, Howzito.
      • People With Mics
        PWM is a guild of casual, easygoing people who enjoy talking rather than text chat. All speech is in the English language. We are very selective about our guild members, and hope you enjoy your time with us. We are a guild of character developers, social players, and are using the game to escape the real world and have some fun. We believe a game is about relieving stress, not causing more of it. We will always group with similar guilds and individuals, so we hope to see you in there!
      • Pestilence
        With a strong emphasis on looting we at pestilence like to consider ourselves the horeist loot hores of Thelanis. With an active officership weekly grinding to keep a guild bank full of plat and mneumonics we enjoy tackling raids on elite to keep our skills sharp while keeping our clerics and casters from going broke. While most of our guildies are what others would consider power-gamers our main criteria for membership is a willingness to aid each other out and to have a fun loving spirit. Pestilence also has an active vent server and website for it's members. Currently (as of September 2008) we are open for membership and would like to build our late night community stronger.
      • Prox-xii
        Founders Guild from Thelanis and still around. Not recruiting since been away playing other platforms. Will become more active in near future to catch up on leveling Toons. You can check out our Website and we use TeamSpeak2 as our muli-platform communications. We hope to see you arround soon.
      • Quebec Nation
        Quebec Nation is a guild of french and english member recruit all class and race of 4 and + level [Quebec Nation est une guilde de francais et anglais nous recruitons tout les classes et races de niveau 4 et plus].
      • Rebel Iron
        We are a small family guild that does a lot of dying and if we post a group and you like to have a good time...come along we'd love to have you!.
      • Reinos Olvidados
        An old guild founded on Devourer (EU server). All people are welcome, experienced players and newbies, you only need to listen and learn how to play without language restrictions. All here are spanishspeakers, the only one rule in Reinos Olvidados is that, your first language isnt a problem, while you can speak a bit of spanish.....
      • Remember Honor
        Remember Honor is a medium sized active guild for 18+ players with a sense of humor. We are here to have fun, so we don't like drama. We are always there to help our guildies as we are a need-before-greed guild. We take our time, learn the quests well so that we can help others. We are open recruiting, so if you are interested in joining talk to a member, we always want to play with a persepective member before we send you an invite. Most of all, we like to have fun, we realize that real life comes first, and we think of each other as friends.
      • Renowned
        Renowned is an elite raiding guild on the Thelanis server of Dungeons & Dragons Online. As our name implies, we're renowned. Renowned for knowing the game and quests, and more importantly, for having a great time playing it with each other. If you're interested in joining, browse our site, fill out an application and drop us a line in game. Renowned ; Where impossibly high standards of play are actualized ... daily.
      • R.O.T.T.
        We are a small guild of real life friends and family. If you see us on and need some help, ask. We are easy going and always remember, this is only a game. Have fun and enjoy.
      • Rough Trade
        Rough Trade is a GLBT guild that is very casual guild for casual gay lesbian bi and transgendered players. We welcome open minded and mature gamers of any level and class to enjoy the game in a comfortable environment with like minded gamers. We have helpful players and officers who look forward to promoting a great gaming experience.
      • Scourge of Xoriat
        We are a mid-sized guild of powergamers. Quests are mostly run with guild only however questing outside the guild is not frowned upon. We do not actively recruit but will consider anyone who is not guilded who seems to match our playstyle and can deal with our sometimes abrasive personalities. We raid on a regular basis seems to be anywhere from 3 to 10 raids daily at different hours of the day. If you have complaints about our guild members we don't care, we take care of our own. If you have questions about our guild feel free to ask, I (Yori Firebeard on the forums) will answer any and all questions.
      • Scurvy Scallywags
        Avast matey! We be a guild of pirates! Pirate fans are always welcome to join. So grab yer parrot and a bottle o' rum and plunder Eberron with us! YAARR! (Pirate Roleplaying is highly encouraged, but not required). We are recruiting new members.
      • The Self Preservation Society
        A small guild of casual players, not currently recruiting.
      • The Semicasual Geeks
        A small easy going guild, not currently recruiting.
      • Shadow Knight Consortium
        A small family oriented guild for all ages. Kazh is the guild leader. Hawkeyetim is a secondary contact.
      • Shadows of Serenity
      • She said she was level 19
        A small group of imports from Mabargonessen with a great guild name.
      • Siberys Touched
      • The Silver Dragon Kindred
        The Silver Dragon Kindred is a guild for those who love to get into the story of their characters, and play out that character from story's perspective. We are all about the characters! New and advanced players alike are welcome to submit an application on our site. Please visit our site to learn the story behind the Silver Dragon Kindred, and our purpose in Eberron! We are mature and family friendly, and accept players of all ages provided they act appropriately. As leader and administrater, I am very involved with my guild, and dedicated to making it a great place for players to get the most out of their gaming experience! We play at all ours of the day, but mainly in the evening, US Eastern time. Please PM Hexenblut with any questions.
      • Silver Waffle
        Silver Waffle has made a return! Led by Ringos, the Silver Waffle boasts two total members...if you include Ringos. In the near future, guild raids will be minimal. Friendly and helpful, the Silver Waffle would be glad to add players that fit the mold. Contact Ringos or Kongzilla, the other player.
      • Smokey's Guild
        Hello my name is SmokeyTurtle Leader of Smokey's Guild. We would like to welcome all Levels/Classes/Races to our family. You say what is in it for me at Smokey's? Well I say Fellowship and a place where everyone knows your name. We also have a website. So you can share your best moments here at Smokey's Guild.
      • Snow White and the Seven Elves
        We are a small group of casual gamers. We have a regularly active player base (someone is on almost every evening). We have a broad range of classes and levels and we try to schedule regular raids throughout the months. We don't actively recruit, but just ask that people group with us and see if playstyles are compatible.
      • Solid
      • The Soloist
        We are a friendly guild that does not like to be forced to party or raid.
      • Sons of Xen'drik
        Sons of xendrik is a very active guild that recruits anyone who would like to join, we are more than happy to help new players so they enjoy DDO at first taste. We also have a group of elite players for permadeath type of play. Check out our forum! Leader: Salaheddine Elayoubi.
      • SoulReavers
        The guild SoulReavers has been around for about 6 months (as of February, 2011) and we have a small group of players (but are considered medium in guild size) that like to try and play together as much as possible. We like to have fun and joke around with each other. And especially like to brag when we pull loot that someone else needs :P (in a non-guild run of course). The most active players in the guild know and are flagged for most raids and are very willing to flag others in the guild and help them learn the ropes. We are currently recruiting looking for more higher level characters to fill in all of our questing/raiding needs. Right now we are looking for more endgame ready players (Although everyone will be considered) that can join our fellow level 20's and TR's in loot hunting or xp grinding. Send an in game tell to either Leader: Iparadox or Officers: Zendrin, Supercharged, Valz, or Healthpoint if interested.
      • Stalkers
      • Stormfist company
        Simply wanting to see more RP in what's supposed to be one of the unofficial RP servers. There don't seem to be a lot of active RP guilds around. So, as the saying goes, when you want something done, its better to do it yourself. Leader: Kuriane Tsuya.
      • Stormlords
        A fairly large guild who helps each other out with items, favor, raids. We do a lot of raids when enough people are on and love to offer spots when spots are available. When the reaver first came out we offered a lot of loot to random people online who could benefit. The guild has been around for a long time and is always recruiting new people. We like to see people in action before recruiting to make sure you're a good match for the rest of us, but we love loot, adventures and leveling. We have people in the guild from all levels in every class. We also take good care of our clerics <3. Our favorite raids are Titan, Reaver, Shroud, you'll always see some StormLords outside of the Reaver or Shroud raid every 3 days =^_^=
      • The Sublime Permadeath Guild
        DDO's original permadeath guild.
      • Sword of Forgotten Heroes
        We're a close nit guild (but always recruiting) where everyone in it is family.
      • Tannhauser Gate
      • TheEmpire
        The guild started aprox 1 and 1/2 yrs ago in the game Deicide. From the beginning our aim was to achieve power but always to do so with honour. Over time many have come and gone - some guilds have merged with our and others have gone off to make their own guilds. Towards the end of our time in Deicide we were the strongest guild on our server yet we always maintained our honour. We made many friends in other guilds this way. When Rohan open beta opened some of us had already played closed beta and said what a good game was and for most the time was right for a new challenge. When we moved to Rohan we met other ppl from Deicide who have since joined us. Don't be surprised is we sometimes use different names for some ppl as we know them primarily from Deicide. There is no reason that if we maintain our core values of Honour and Power (but honour first) that we cannot own Torian server. We are not a "war guild" but a family guild where we all try to help each other and others. If you continue these traditions the path to power is assured. Now we Stride to join The Dungeon and Dragons Online Community and Server Thelanis and maintain our core values of honor and power, we already have 25 members and 5 officers (as of October 2009) and we strive to grow larger.
      • Thinkers
        We're a fairly new guild, small but constantly growing (as of October, 2010). Always recruiting players who are looking for a casual, friendly, mature, drama-free environment. We just recently hit level 25 and purchased the Stormglory Bolt. Just send one of us a tell if you're interested. Leader: Zarooth. Second in charge: Miipt. Officers: Renyth, Xanadell, Erutai, Callyflower, Seyari
      • The Tigers of Shu
        We are a highly team oriented guild with a very fluid synergy. We believe through a strong bond between fellows, that we can conquer anything. It's worked so far, so, we find no sense in changing that. That being said, to join up with us, you have to be one of us. If you want to be a Tiger, we run with our recruits to make sure that the guild is a good fit for not only us, but for you too. In the end, we find that, though this, we can keep guild drama and egos down to a minimum, and focus on what's really important: Having fun. It's what we're all here for, and it's good to play with those you can do such with. Currently, our numbers are small, due to the assurance that our recruiting brings with it, though our strength is tightly knit. That said, we, at times, short-man raids and work to help each other get what we need. Also, particularly with the last update, we have been hitting guild leveling hard, and have obtained the first airship with, no pun intended, the Stormglory upgrade waiting in the wings. If a core group of players that play the game to have fun, rather than to be the most uber person on the server appeals to you, feel free to contact myself or Jundak here, Housetharashk, or in game! Contact(s): Aexicas, Aislynn, Iocaine, Lythea, Strain; Jundak, Xarma, Crase, Valimay, Quintan.
      • Timidus Tenebris
        We`r small Polish guild, playing generaly for fun and concentrating on end game content. After some changes in recruting policy we`r also open for expirenced players who cant speak polish (but ofc it would be usefull since we use polish on our guild voice chat). Guild rules are simple- be nice for every players not only from guild (ofc if players is also nice for u) rude ar arrogant players will be kicked after warning.
      • Tuesdays Gone
        Tuesdays Gone is a motley crew of castoff veterans from many of Thelanis' more "respected" guilds. We are mature (er..well somewhat mature), foul mouthed and vastly incompetant group of pikers who hold full realization that this game is supposed to be fun. We play in CST generally in the afternoons and run all sorts of content. See yall in game!
      • Two Kings
        2man guild PuGing thelanis for 2+ years! We raid and quest daily. We are knowledgable, experienced, and not afraid to lead. Obviously, we are not looking for new recruits, now or ever.
      • Umber Hulks
        Our motto is "We understand life agro." Which is our way of saying we don't take gaming "seriously" even though we love playing. Our doors are always open to new members so long as you are friendly and fun loving. We pride ourselves on no drama and no BS. We do have guild raids and events but they are fairly uncommon.
      • United
      • Vega's Castle
      • The warriors of the silent lands
        A fairly open guild , we take adult players from east coast usa to uk europe areas as long as they are active players.If you want to pug , thats fine too. ("play unguilded"in lfm) We have been trying to build a strong guild for raid groups and epic runs of course.We are more than happy to help each other out in advancing in ddo. Most everyone is english speaking. Not much else to tell, other than cya ingame all..XD
      • Warriors of Valhalla
        We are a new guild, and we are still pretty small but we are growing (as of March 2010). We have very friendly players. We enjoy running quests together, although most of us arent raiding level yet so we dont really raid together. We have a couple rules to help make sure everyone in the guild is happy. If u would like to join contact Teriusan, Sidiom, Opej, Bergofihn, or Jesseica in game.
      • Wayfinders of Kapairian Nanwel
        Wayfinders of Kapairian Nanwel is a new guild formed by most of the old core officers of Ironwolf. We are a mature guild that just wants to have fun. We are more than just a guild, we treat each other like friends and family. We are looking for mature like minded gamers that just want to have fun and work as a team.
      • The Wild Bunch
        The Wild Bunch is a relaxed group of players that enjoy laughing, talking and just have fun. We like to focus on helping Guildies with what needs they have in game. It's an adventure game and we like it, come and have fun with The Wild Bunch!
      • X
        To further explain much of what happens in X, or with X, know that we do not put pressure on people to play the newest content, or to loot, or to share loot. We don't force you to bring all your characters to X, leaving all other guilds. We know you are here to have fun, and we are not here to change that. We are here to help you have MORE fun, and to HAVE FUN with those that want to have fun with us. While the 2 leaders of X (real-life brothers) do have characters that are maxed out in XP and level, we don't focus on playing those characters.
      • The Xen'Drik Guard
        ~TXG~ is a guild new to the ranks as of Feb. 2010 hoping to make a lasting stand. We are a group of players who enjoy adventuring in groups rather than alone. Any Player from any Place of any Age may join. To join just send tell in Game aswell as Apply to the Website.
      • xX See No Evil Xx
        Mature solo oriented guild looking for more members.

    • ===========================
    • Guilds recently marked as inactive or disbanded
    • ===========================
      • DarkThornSociety (disbanded)
      • Dungeons and Dragons Anonymous (disbanded)
      • Free Thinker's Union (inactive)
      • Immortal Sovereigns (inactive)
      • Legends of Zen (inactive)
      • Insanity (disbanded)
      • Legione Alpha di Eberron (disbanded)
      • Onyx (inactive)
      • Petawawa Boys and John (inactive)
      • ROX (inactive)
      • Silverthorne (inactive)
      • Stormhaven (inactive)

    Last edited by tihocan; 12-01-2012 at 12:36 PM. Reason: Updated up to TitoFireKnife
    DDOWiki - Sharing DDO knowledge
    I am currently inactive -- I may not answer pms, sorry!
    Personal message: ESO_tihocan1979_it_is_me

  2. #2
    Community Member Syriania's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Last edited by Syriania; 03-15-2008 at 07:19 AM.
    Nereid || Seraphimn || Disir || Syllph
    The Infamous Flaming Vagabonds

  3. #3
    Stormreach Advisor

    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Syriania View Post
    I just left Dread Moon 3 weeks ago, I can tell you that they are very much still around.
    Thanks, updating!

  4. #4
    Community Member Montrose's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006


    (Posting so as to include link info)

    The Militia

    The Militia is a friendly, established guild with a large group of knowledgeable players. We've been around for awhile and have a reputation as a group of solid players who get things done in a friendly manner. We are more interested in having fun than being uber, but we still run raids and loot regularly.

    The best way to join is to find a Milita member (not hard, there's almost always at least one of us online) and run some quests with them. If you have fun, play smart and are generably sociable, you just might be a perfect fit! Your main Militia contact will be your sponsor and they will need to send a request to an officer to get an invite.

  5. #5

    Default Champions of Stormreach

    We focus on freindly gameplay with experienced officers for leading quests and powergaming. Newbies are gladly accepted as well as people that are tired of looking for someone to group with and want to travel with the same companions every night. We play nightly after 8pm Central and weekends.
    Thelanis Server, Champions of Stormreach Guild
    Randz Stormbringer(lvl16 Sorcerer) Randale Stormbringer(lvl15 Sorcerer)Reddrick Stormbringer(lvl14 Fighter) Elagon Stormbringer(lvl12 Cleric) ReaperX(lvl5 Sorcerer) Mowse Stormbringer(lvl3 Rogue)

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Oct 2006


    Dreadmorian Knights is a casual group of friendly people dedicated to the concept of having fun in DDO. All guild events are voluntary. We strive to create an atmosphere of respect, courtesy, and accomplishment. We welcome newbies and veterans alike.
    Previously of Xoriat.

  7. #7
    Stormreach Advisor

    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Thanks all, updated!

  8. #8

    Default Please Add OSR!

    The Order Of The Sword and Rose

    A guild for mature roleplaying gamers and storytellers!

  9. #9
    Stormreach Advisor

    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Probably last update for today.

  10. #10

    Default Hells Fury

    Coming from Tharashk
    We are a small, but very active Guild
    Casual Community type grouping

    Thanks for doing this.


    Ladies - Mediclady, Elspyth, Warchantress, Bittt, Julez, LilBitt, Bucketoboltz, Skitty, Kerro, Wyntermoon, Kethrey, Kethree, Selany, Gypsie, Cassyopeya, Tinkerbelle, Dyanya, PallasAthene

  11. #11
    Founder Shadow_Flayer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default We are the Village Green Preservation Society ....

    er ... I mean 'Knights of the Short Bus'.

    We are a small guild of real life friends, most of us living in or about Rhode Island (the state, in the US, not Long Island which is part of the state of New York ... very different places, though in close proximity). We've shortmanned all of the raids but we are not power gamers and aren't uber loot chasers, though most of us have three or more capped characters. Taking it slow or zerging is fine for us, as we will adapt to the group. Our humor is often dry and biting, and people either love us or hate us for it. Being US East Coast, members can normally be found on line between 6pm EST and 10pm EST.

  12. #12
    Stormreach Advisor

    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Thanks, updated.

  13. #13
    Community Member xanrez's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default My guild leader doesn't go on the forums much so...

    Inferus Sus.A group of friends from other guilds banding together to have fun,and insult each other.
    **We don't want loot...we want rewards for a job well done.**

  14. #14
    Community Member Ezimachia's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default A question... and an update request...

    Hi Tihocan!
    Wow, this is a great thread! Thanks for posting! And thanks for adding Disciples of Dol Arrah for us!

    I went to go look at the thread that inspired this one and noticed it has a lot more guilds listed. My question is... does this thread represent just those guilds that moved over from either Xoriat or Tharask? Or is this a listing of all active guilds on Thelanis--meaning that all those listed on the previous thread that aren't listed here are inactive?

    Also, we'd really like to have people contact us for membership. Can I add a listing of who to talk to ingame? See example:

    "For membership inquiries about the Disciples of Dol Arrah, please see either Godar or Zuul ingame."
    Kat (Ezimachia)
    Thelanis - Aeosen L17 Ra/Ro/F; Serehfina L15 C; Ellohwynn L10 C/Bd; Jor L10 Bb/Ro; Zolielle L6 P/Ro; Si`Eleneth L6 C; Eah L4 FS; Sisken L4 FS

  15. #15
    Stormreach Advisor

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    Jan 2006



    Quote Originally Posted by Ezimachia View Post
    I went to go look at the thread that inspired this one and noticed it has a lot more guilds listed. My question is... does this thread represent just those guilds that moved over from either Xoriat or Tharask? Or is this a listing of all active guilds on Thelanis--meaning that all those listed on the previous thread that aren't listed here are inactive?
    The last edit on that thread is more than one year old... most guilds listed there have now disappeared from the surface of Thelanis. I went through the whole list and checked all websites (most were down). I copied only those guilds with a working active website, or which I knew to still be active. Of course it is very likely that I missed some guilds, and I apologize for that. Hopefully someone will post here to get it fixed
    There are very few guilds from Xoriat/Tharashk, because I found no such guild listing in their respective forums. However, I checked recents posts from guilds advertising for recruitment and added them. Obviousy most merged guilds remain to be added (but I know some have a rename pending too).

    Also, we'd really like to have people contact us for membership. Can I add a listing of who to talk to ingame? See example (..)
    Of course, it's been added! I didn't include it in the default template because I know from experience that such contact information can change rather often, and it can be simpler to just redirect applicants to the website, where they can introduce themselves and/or learn more about the guild.

  16. #16
    Community Member Rilen's Avatar
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    Sep 2006

    Default Companions of Destruction

    Companions of Destruction (formerly on Xoriat)

    A Mid-size group of mostly experienced players. We renamed as the Companions in March 2007 -
    but much of the guild membership dates back to around May of 2006. We're probably best
    described as your Neighborhood Bar & Pool Hall (meaning: no kids, locals that go way
    back & best bring your A game). Apx. 35 regular members, multiple 14th level toons per member
    are common. Mixed east / west coast playtimes. Interests vary. We tend to run first with guild but
    will regularly PUG just to meet new people. I'd say you would find us to be patient, knowledgable
    & helpful if you are competent - your milage may vary. Membership is open at this time.

    Best regards,
    Last edited by Rilen; 08-03-2007 at 12:29 PM.
    Rilen | Celana | Declen | Naelius | Whisky | Leighroy | Shortribs | Spareribs | Diani | Oui | Owe | Lei
    Member, L E G I O N on New Xoriat

  17. #17


    Update for Umber Hulks

    Our motto is "We understand life agro." Which is our way of saying we don't take gaming "seriously" even though we love playing. Our doors are always open to new members so long as you are freindly and fun loving. We pride ourselves on no drama and no BS. We do have guild raids and events but they are fairly uncommon.
    Former Host of DDOcast
    Member of The Madborn of Thelanis
    Streaming sometimes on twitch as SigTrent

  18. #18
    Community Member Ezimachia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by tihocan View Post

    The last edit on that thread is more than one year old... most guilds listed there have now disappeared from the surface of Thelanis. I went through the whole list and checked all websites (most were down). I copied only those guilds with a working active website, or which I knew to still be active. Of course it is very likely that I missed some guilds, and I apologize for that. Hopefully someone will post here to get it fixed
    There are very few guilds from Xoriat/Tharashk, because I found no such guild listing in their respective forums. However, I checked recents posts from guilds advertising for recruitment and added them. Obviousy most merged guilds remain to be added (but I know some have a rename pending too).

    Of course, it's been added! I didn't include it in the default template because I know from experience that such contact information can change rather often, and it can be simpler to just redirect applicants to the website, where they can introduce themselves and/or learn more about the guild.
    Thanks so much! I really appreciate you doing this. I feel pretty confident about naming those two people to contact for DoDA because like me they are co-founders. It'll probably be a quite awhile before one of us founders leaves. I don't remember there being a guild listing on the Xoriat forums. I could be wrong, but if there was it's gone now anyway with the pruning mishap. And btw... have you thought about requesting this thread be stickied to the top like the other one is so that people know this is the most up-to-date and formalized listing?

    Really great job! Thanks again!
    Kat (Ezimachia)
    Thelanis - Aeosen L17 Ra/Ro/F; Serehfina L15 C; Ellohwynn L10 C/Bd; Jor L10 Bb/Ro; Zolielle L6 P/Ro; Si`Eleneth L6 C; Eah L4 FS; Sisken L4 FS

  19. #19
    Stormreach Advisor

    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Ezimachia View Post
    And btw... have you thought about requesting this thread be stickied to the top like the other one is so that people know this is the most up-to-date and formalized listing?
    Yes, I pmed Quarion about it, but I'm not expecting a fast answer. Hopefully by next week
    Thanks for the support!

  20. #20
    Community Member Nimblefinger's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    Defenders of the Forge

    Formerly of Tharashk, Guild Leader - Sy
    Server - Thelanis - Formerly of Tharashk ~ Guild: Defenders of the Forge
    Tachyon - Warforged Fighter -Lvl 14 ~ Baldegur Stonefist - Dwarf Cleric - Lvl 11 ~ Galadriel the Mad - Elf Wizard - Lvl 14 ~ Yrrtriss Claddana - Drow Paladin Lvl 7 Nimblefinger - Drow Ranger/Rogue 2/1 Server - Mabar ~ QuarkPrime - Warforged Wizard/Fighter Lvl 2

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