Dragon Killers Inc. N ew Guild, just started. There is only three of us, but w still count!
"Work is the curse of the drinking class."
-Oscar Wilde
Drunkards and Dragons-
We enjoy beer and/or liquor, and DDO. However, you have to know someone to get in.
Sanctuary. Been around for a while.
Small group of friends in the EST zone (Canada and US). We are mature players with warped senses of humour.
All female toons/players. Not sure if here, I didn't read entire thread.
Jesus saves, Buddah enlightens, Cthullu thinks you taste good with mayo.
Swimming is not a sport, swimming is a way to keep from drowning.
Hi there! Serendipity was created by a few friends, and we've been getting more and more friends into the guild. Most of the players have been playing the game since beta (or darn near close). We appreciate experienced players that work well with others. We dislike drama, and it won't be tolerated. Mature players is a must - mature in nature, not necessarily in age.If you know any of us and would like to be a part of it, we don't expect you to bring all of your characters right away. A lowbie or just one character is fine while you take us for a "test drive". We are not actively looking for new members, but we rarely turn any of our good friends down. So come and find me in-game or send me a PM!
RaynheSnuggleezToesocksSnugglezzSnuggled ... of Thelanis
Fairly small guild with lots of friends.Made so everyone in the guild has a place to talk to friends.
I apologize for not reading the original post all the way through, and only today saw the part about guilds that have blended into others.
Well, here's a list of all the guilds that merged / blended into X since X's first days on Xoriat back in 2006 ...
Newbswelcome, (merged into X November, 2006)
BOA (disbanded December 2006, majority joined X)
A Hymn Before Battle, (merged into X April, 2007)
Lighthouse Heroes, (merged into X May, 2007)
Hells Bells, (merged into X May, 2008)
So, why is X not super-large with all these joining? Because we have spawned other guilds!
Guildies of X have left to form the following guilds:
Unbound, (later merged with Ba'al Verzi)
Soulstone Express, (disbanded circa summer 2007)
Oblivion, (still going strong)
Hope this helps, if you have any questions, contact me or check out our "Glorious History of X" on our guild forum, address below.
Officer of X since Beta, now on New Xoriat, (a.k.a. Thelanis)
Plumwine, Elriq, Icewine, Shadowwine, Mythrylwine, Spiritwine, Neowine, PlumwinezMule, Starwine,.
Since 2 of the 3 founding members left DDO to make their wives happy, the Silver Waffle is no longer adding new members. Higher level Waffles have joined Giant Slayers Inc, our long-time allies. Lower level members remain and the guild will be kept, just in case GSI gets wise and kicks us out...
Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle
"You assume that Clay is an ass because he's Legion..." Shyver
Ummm... Our 2nd In Command "Drewid" Left This Game About 12 Months Ago, Because Of Obligations To The U.S Army, He Was The Big Nerd And Did All The Forum Shananagians... Heh Well With That In Mind, I Get To Be The Nimrod Who FINALLY Posts This...
Cataclysm: Guild Leader- Frier/Akroma/Travisty/Roxxor/Silentsong/Superb/Arsnic/Serraphine/Akashaa
A Small Guild From BETA On Tharashk(Now Thelanis), Ranging From The Crazy Uber To Casual And Part-Time Players, Just Wanting To Have Fun On A Great MMO, And A Nicer Bunch A People You Hope Youd Never Met. If You Need Help Starting Up(Even If Your Not Interested In A Guild), Just Looking For A Good Time Or Need A Hand With A Particular Quest/Raid, Look Us Up, Theres Almost Always One Person Online!
Last edited by Inspire; 05-17-2008 at 07:41 PM.
Thanks all for the updates, I'm just back from holidays and updated the post, sorry it took so long!
My bad, I apparently mislead you, or more likely, wrote my post so bad, you misread it. I should have said "Some" guildies of X have left to form the following guilds. I added that list to show you how several other guilds on Thelanis were started by X-er's. Again, my bad.
So please put X back on the active list, and list the other guilds as having blended into X.
Do you need the paragraph about X again? Let me know, I'll go find it if you do.
Officer of X since Beta, now on New Xoriat, (a.k.a. Thelanis)
Plumwine, Elriq, Icewine, Shadowwine, Mythrylwine, Spiritwine, Neowine, PlumwinezMule, Starwine,.
Titans - no description given, but we exist.
There's a 70% chance I was drunk, 20% hungover, 90% drinking, when I posted this. I think that's 185% alcohol is involved. You do the math, my grammar is immaculate.
To further explain much of what happens in X, or with X, know that we do not put pressure on people to play the newest content, or to loot, or to share loot. We don't force you to bring all your characters to X, leaving all other guilds. We know you are here to have fun, and we are not here to change that. We are here to help you have MORE fun, and to HAVE FUN with those that want to have fun with us. While the 2 leaders of X (real-life brothers) do have characters that are maxed out in XP and level, we don't focus on playing those characters.
Officer of X since Beta, now on New Xoriat, (a.k.a. Thelanis)
Plumwine, Elriq, Icewine, Shadowwine, Mythrylwine, Spiritwine, Neowine, PlumwinezMule, Starwine,.
I wanted you to add to the list our guild, "The Mithral Phalanx". We are a small but growing guild that seeks to embody those qualities we all like to see in groups & players. Generosity, competence, commitment. About 30 or so toons strong, we will leave our mark on Stormreach.. We have some great people with hearts of Mithral.
Silvereal Nessemil
Welcome all who wish to break free from hopless grouping! We are a small (for now) guild that is here for fun before all. We are actively recruiting all who wish to play in a relaxed and non hostile manner. We hope that you will enjoy the company of the guild knowing that no matter what you are going to level up, our idealology is that "you win some, you lose some" then laugh it off no worries here. You will find exceptional players in our guild that fully embrace the concept of teamwork. Hope to see all soon!
Last edited by Tomandrobyncasey; 06-09-2008 at 09:43 AM.
Last edited by Rendigar; 11-23-2008 at 05:43 AM.
Healbots R Us-
made up entirely of clerics & healing bards, call on us for all your healing needs. please keep in mind though, that alot of our guildies are squishy and are only healbots (hence the name- Healbots R Us). all healers welcome to join, please send tell or mail to Yomahma Sofatte