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Thread: Enchanter Build

  1. #1
    Community Member MrWizard's Avatar
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    Default Enchanter Build

    Enchanter Build

    The Enchanter commands those around him to do his bidding. He brings peasants and kings, oozes and giants,

    to complete servitude. Turning armies against themselves, the Enchanter is both a general and bringer of chaos. The inexperienced will too often find an Enchanter admist as army that may turn upon its commander.

    You will race through dungeons, command legions with ease. An asset to any party, an Enchanter is a harbinger of certain death to his enemies, usually at their own hands.

    Enchanters can bewilder mages and clerics into blabbering infants, cause the most evil fighter to dance as a jester, cause entire mobs to stand dumbfounded.

    Enchanters are the ultimate controllers. Fighters will find their enemies frozen as the Enchanter's compatriots take foes down in critical fashion.

    Reality: Dungeons and Dragons was not set up to have a character fully incorporated into a set school of magic. The spells are just not there.
    his is an attempt to use the Enchantmen spells to come close to a true Enchanter build. The spells listed are ones that do something other than buff or the like.

    In DDO, Enchantment spells focus primarily on Holding, Persuading, Dancing, or bewildering foes.

    The spell list is not very balanced and you should add damage metafeats and minor in Necromancy or evocation. You can be an Enchanter with a minor in Evocation (nuker) or Necromancy (fear/death/stat damage)
    For this essay I shall make suggestions for a Enchanter-nuker and a Enchanter-Necro mage. And as an Add on, will highlight spells of the conjuration class.

    Stats: max intel or charisma. Good dex for AC, some con for hit points, and some stength for running faster, carrying loot, and hitting mobs from behind or while held. No set build needed.

    Enchanter Feats: Enchantment Focus, Greater Ench. Focus, heighten, Spell penetration

    Optional Feats: Evocation or necro focus, meta feats of max, emp, extend, greater spell penetration...or conjuration focus..or even transmutation focus.
    The addition of spell penetration feats will allow greater chance of charming, holding, or affecting Drow, Jarliths, rakshasa and a host of mobs in DDO.

    Enhancements: Spell pen, mana, improved heighten, stat, etc...
    Your main Enchantment based spells

    level 1
    Charm Person Will save
    Hypnotism Will save

    level 2
    Touch of Idiocy
    Otto's Resistible Dance Will save negates

    Level 3
    Hold Person Will save
    Suggestion Will save

    Level 4
    Crushing Despair Will save
    Charm Monster Will save

    Level 5
    Feeblemind Will save
    Mind Fog Will save
    Dominate Person Will saves
    Hold Monster will

    Level 6
    Mass Suggestion will saves
    Symbol of Persuasion Will save

    Level 7
    Hold Person, Mass will save
    Otto's Sphere of Dancing will save
    Power Word Blind
    Symbol of Stunning Will save

    A list of Necro spells found here

    A list of Evocation spells found here

    With the power of enchantment, followed with the focus on conjuration, you will add the conjuration spells to your special powers. Spells like web, niacs, grease, glitterdust, acid spells, and fog/ckill will now be more powerful than ever before. You can still carry damage spells, but your true power lies in completely halting anything coming towards the party.

    Conjuration Focus spells

    Level 1
    Grease Reflex save
    Obscuring Mist
    Niacs Cold Ray Reflex save

    Level 2
    Glitterdust will save
    Fog Cloud
    Melfs Acid Arrow

    Level 3
    Stinking Cloud
    Sleet Storm

    Level 4
    Solid Fog
    Acid Rain

    Level 5

    Level 6
    Acid Fog
    Note: Transmutation is not a bad choice as a minor, although not many spells are in that class...notable and cool exceptions include disintigrate, flesh to stone, slow and ooze puppet.
    Enchantment is not just charming...

    Great things to do as an enchanter besides charming:
    (and you will see why enlarge is one of the best feats, after heighten, as you read this)....

    • Draw no aggro from a beholder and feeblemind him. He will not harm party anymore.
    • Cause enemies to dance, either one or a whole group.
    • Take out enemy casters with feeblemind, touch of idiocy, and more.
    • lay mind fog down so -10 will saves abound.
    • Stunning with symbol or hypnotize is a very powerful way to just bring a battle to a stop.
    • Hold person/monster, even on a mass scale. Allows your fighters to critcally hit the enemy to death in seconds.

    The real power lies in the use of charm and persuasion. Red names are not usually affected by enchantment spells, but the 20 or 30 charmed monsters will definitely keep him off you as you throw your few damage spells at him.

    The art of charming, and it is an art, is somewhat complicated and takes a while to figure it out. Many times you may over charm, while other times you may not charm enough. Suffice to say though, the worst thing your party will be doing is healing while waiting for a charm to break.

    By using individual charm spells like cham monster and dominate person, you ensure a long time before a monster breaks and that they will not all break together. This is important and an awesome way for your mobs to rack up kill counts.

    Enchanters do one thing more than any other kind of arcane.....they will save the cleric a ton of mana and wands. Although fighters may dislike charming, you will find clerics eagerly wanting to join your parties and have fun with you. This ensures you will get a cleric quickly while other LFMs are all sitting there waiting for a cleric.

    This is absolutely true.
    Although there is much debate on the good and bad of charming, clerics do like to not spend money and die because they are out of mana.


    With your minor in Evocation, you will find your damage spells work well.
    With transmutation minor and spell pen, you will never miss stoning a giant in the pre-reaver raid.
    With your necro, you will FOD anything that moves, if it does not have deathward.

    This 'non-nuker' status, raid or non raid, will be balanced out by the fact that you can carry any party through just about any dungeon with ease. This will ensure the final battle with the red names will find your cleric at full mana and wands, your party still fresh and ready to go, and you can work as a team to easily take out the end boss.

    The dungeon is yours to command, do not be afraid.
    Cannon fodder build The Stalwart Defender, Raid Tank
    Worst Shroud PUG EVER!!!!!! Epic Fail (started 1/13/10, necro'd 3/9/10, 4/20/10, raised dead 3/ 9/11, necro'd 4/9/11, 5/28/11, fame petition necro 8/5/11, necro'd 9/30/11, KIA 10/3/11, True reincarnated famed (by cleric Cordovan) 10/4/11,

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    All of this is great advice...

    But...uh...where's the build??? hehehe

  3. #3
    Community Member Rameses's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    All of this is great advice...

    But...uh...where's the build??? hehehe
    duh,... here's your stats Asp

    Str 8
    Dex 30
    Con 6
    Int 11
    Wis 17
    Cha 10

    standard caster numbers there.
    Argonnessen's only Halfling Paragon.

  4. #4
    Founder riexau's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Friends don't let friends charm mobs.

  5. #5
    Community Member Lehmund's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Dude. Its the greatest thing ever. I've had group members praise me for making a quest so easy by charming the mobs and putting aggro on the opposition. I've also had group members, normally melee characters complain about it too, and I usually oblige when they ask me not to do it for the good of the group.

    Since my main character is an Enchanter, I've had alot of experience in both situations and I can tell you that groups that let me do my thing have much more fun in the quest we're in. We laugh at situations where I'm able to charm the whole room except for the red named person and we just sit back at the entrance and watch the guy get pummeled to death, making comments like "DDO is a spectabor sport" and stuff like that. Hilarious.

    Of course most of the time when some mobs are charmed, we have fun attacking the non-charmed mobs too of course. Its all about having a good time, since the bad guys have their attention on each other lol. Rogues particularly LOVE this tactic as they can really kick arse with sneak attacks. Spellcasters save lots of spell points, arcane and divine and repair costs at the end of the quests is much lower.

    On the downside, enchanters are generally weaker at dealing lots of damage so as suggested in this thread, I would agree that its a good thing to have a secondary specialty. I would go towards Necromancy or Transmutation, which covers lots of spells that stop indiviudal mobs in their tracks. Since at higher levels your enchantments take care of groups pretty well, you still want to be able to deal with harder individual mobs that were not charmed, or are immune to mind-affecting spells.

    My personal fav is necromancy as a subspecialty as you can "charm" undead using it and Finger of Death is one of the most useful single creature spell in your list.

    For feats, I encourage the use of Heighten to up the DC, and spell penetration feats to increase that. Spell focus: enchantment + greater focus is great.

    Have fun

    Quote Originally Posted by riexau View Post
    Friends don't let friends charm mobs.
    Avid online games player AND Owner, CEO and Lead Game Designer at Sylien Games

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