WTB scourge choker send a plat offer& list if u want something.
Named items
dusk heart
White/BLack Dragon Helm
Ring of shadows x2
globe of imperial blood
jorgandals collar
+6 int ring with some clickie
+6 dex gloves rr halfling ml 11
+6 dex boots
+6 str ring open lock+3 rr wf
+6 con belt
+6 int goggles disable devise+3 rr human
+6 int goggles
+6 int ring
25% striding tumble +3 ring
+2 wounding of puncturing dagger
+1 banishing light hammer
+1 banishing maul of bs+1
+1 banishing heavy repeater of some ****
+3 Vorpral Dwarven Axe
+2 Vorpral Dwarven Axe
+1 vorp falchion
+1 vorp silver longsword
+1 vorp battle axe
+1 para kama of maiming
+1 para khopesh of rightousness
+1 para longbow
+1 para light mace
+1 para rapier of vertigo+2
+1 para shortsword
+2 para ga of vertigo
+1 heavy repeater of some ****
+1 kama of
+1 thunda bastard sword
+1 longbow
+2 ghost touch khopesh of smiting
+2 Dwaven axe of smiting!
+1 Frost Dwaven axe of smiting
+1 ghost touch smiting light pick
+1 ghost touch smiting Longbow
+1 smiting Longbow
+1 smiting light pick
+1-2 crippling kama of greater evil outsiderbane
+1 vicious Khopesh of greater giant bane
+2 Vicious battleaxe of greater aberration bane
+1 acid dwarven axe of greater dragon bane
+4 dwarven axe of greater dragon bane rr elf,drow
+1 longbow of greater dragon bane ml 6 x.O
+2 keen longbow of greater undead bane
+1 seeker+4 maul of greater chaotic outsider bane
+1 Axio burst light hammer of greater reptile bane rr human
+2 ghost touch darkwood repeating light xbow of greater vermin bane
+1 Crippiling light mace of greater orc bane
+2 Crippiling longbow of greater orc bane
+1 truelaw short sword of greater orc bane
+2 Ghost touch light xbow of greater human bane
+1 flaming scimi of greater gnoll bane
+2 keen falchion of greater gnoll bane
+2 ghost touch greateaxe of greater magical beast bane
+2 shock khopesh of greater magical beast bane
+3 ghost touch longsword of greater elf bane
+1 thundering warhammer of greater elf bane
+2 seeker +2 longbow of greater elf bane
+1 vicious flametouched iron sickle of greater dwarf bane
+2 seeker +4 longsword of greater dwarf bane
+1 true law greatclub of greater dwarf bane
+2 ghost touch returning dagger of greater dwarf bane
+2 True law scimi of greater gobliniod bane
+2 longsword of greater halfling bane
+1 axiomatic light pick of greater halfling bane
cha x2
int x2
white 8
black 16
blue 3
+1 flaming burst khopesh of enfeebling ml8 lol
+1 Shocking burst khopesh of puregood
Bow of the elements "air"
search,DD gogles
helm of the magi ml 11
helm of the magi ml 9 rr wf
looking for:
large arrows scales stones shrapnel
scorge chocker
pm or/tell Rollex/newmule ty for checking my list & good luck on your end reward!