the durned vidoe has been removed, now how and the hells am I suppose to know what your talking about
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em
So someone got annoyed by my post that brought this thread back to the front page and is was removed and I got a "warning" ok Im warned. Lets see it said my post was to short and was being done to up my post count. Well if you see I dont have many post and I've been here from the begining so its not that. If it that my post was to short ok here we go. Your annoyed now, I'll post this thread everyday talking about MAC and what a great guild it is. Now Im not "annoyed" because someone reported it, this is the kind of stuff I live for, get ready to see it here every day, because if its not me someone else will post here. Still to short, here we go. MAC is a great place to come and learn the game, meet people who are glad to see you when you log on, and ready to assit you in any way we can. you need to get dragon rdy, even though we have ran it a 100 times we'll come and help you get flaged. You need 10 elf relics so you can get Tor flaged no problem let me check my bank Im sure I have some laying around. O' you can use that siver bow I pulled from the chest, sure take it, I got 3 allready. You need a ring of feathers? no problem let me get my farm toon for STK we can run it till you get tired or well pull on. HHHmmmmmm still to short, MAC is one of the oldest, one of the most respected, one of the largest guild on Khyber and as its guildleader Im humbled by the respect and decacation of the officers and memebers of MAC who share my vision and goals. Lastly I'll see you all tommrow.![]()
Reality is for people with no imagination
You could try this link:
"And you ate an apple, and I ate a pear,
From a dozen of each we had bought somewhere;
And the sky went wan, and the wind came cold,
And the sun rose dripping, a bucketful of gold. " - Millay
Hello all i am a somewhat new member of MAC. I have been here aproximately 2 months on game and also in MAC. I am one of the new members that didnt know anything about the game and can attest to what is being said about the guild.....they are truely like family...they complain....whine....get disgusted.....but ya know what all that is about other parts of the game.....the one place we all agree on things is within this truely is "a whole" as in if i need help on my lvl 5 toon ill have 25 people offer to stop what they are doing to help me no matter what lvl they are. The atmospere within the guild is top notch. we laugh and have fun and carry on jokes amongst about ddo (whether it be good or bad) discuss quests and crafting all within guild chat so we all can learn from it. In the past 5 yrs i played that dirty word (WoW) and if i had a question about something more than likely no one would respond either because they didnt know or just didnt care!!! This is the first guild and environment that i have been in that within seconds of a question being asked someone if not multiple people respond with a answer or someone saying they can find the answer. I have tried to return the favor by helping others when i can because after recieving all the help and knowledge without having to ask for kinda feel good returning that favor. As long as someone brings the donuts we are all happy !!! lol. Regardless of size....regardless of guild renown or lvl....regardless of if someone posts a 3 word post on here of 300 ......This is the best guild on Khyber and THE BEST GUILD as far as im concerned on all of DDO. I would much rather have respect and give respect to 10 people who care than 10,000 who dont. I Respect all members of MAC and hope that i am earning theirs in return. FAMILY thats what it boils down too.
MAC is great fun.. Temp spine run with only gear you pick up is what you use (forced last loot). Nice thing is that we blend in diff levels having diff restrictions, so the 8's can contribute with 20's as they have fully gear while 20's are kind not. Total blast, esp 1st fight as the Herozu is the party dps.
Are you a wiz and want to try to tank Sulu? (so far my wiz is 1 win 1 loss... the loss he was basically down to 0, but stupid bats).
(is my post long enough now??)
Flufty, Flufs, Fluffi, Fluffit
oooo 6 more posts and I can beat our founder on forum posts.... (if only I was an officer, I could pimp out our ship for flufty buffs... that would be great..... more dmg, more dmg.. and we would have to have a cabin boy called roger!!!)
Flufty, Flufs, Fluffi, Fluffit
Aye boss!
MAC is truly a great guild, and to have our esteemed leader get a warning for trying to keep his guild thread in the light so to speak is a bit lame. I have seen some serious flames on these boards go on for PAGES go completely unnoticed by a moderator. But a simple bump to bring a long lost thread back to light so some of the newer folks in the game can become aware of what we are about draws a mod's attention?
MAC is a great guild of people. Nuff said!
Gee I hope I don't get a warning... I think I might have bumped this thread back up to the top by posting this...
Today we had an STK run and a new person (notice I didnt say noob) didnt have the quest chain so four of us offered to buy him one (the other person would have also but was out of turbine points) we I bought him the pass so he could play. When we were well into the quest his audio feed back was awful, distracting and annoying (oops I said annoying again) instead of screaming and hollering we stop the quest and took the time to go through ALL his settings so that he had them custom to what he liked and needed. Now what would someone who gets annoyed (oops sorry said it again) have done hhhmmmm? After the quest this person didnt know what end reward he should take so we asked him what his gaols was with his toons and went through his end-rewards to get the best item for his build. Yes thats the MAC way.
I hope this post is long enough, see ya tommrow.![]()
Reality is for people with no imagination
MAC rocks.
I'll second everything on this page, MAC's a great online family, I probably wouldn't have gone p2p if I hadn't found MAC, and if that doesn't make this post worth counting to the forum admin, I don't know what will.
See you in game all, tonight and every night we'll rock Khyber!
Maybe stainer could come in here and post for us. I'm sure his would be "long enough".
And yes, mine is long enough too.
MAC Rocks! Can't wait for GIMP night![]()
"And you ate an apple, and I ate a pear,
From a dozen of each we had bought somewhere;
And the sky went wan, and the wind came cold,
And the sun rose dripping, a bucketful of gold. " - Millay
Dedicated Gimps
Dedicated Perma Death players
Dedicated 'Help lowbies night'
Dedicated Static groups
Shucks - we even have Dedicated Internet Pen and Paper D&D,
and..I think I have seen talk looking for interest in 'Role Play'
Dedicated Guildies - that's what we are.
Guildies grow in an environment built on respect for each other - well done Inc_Doc
We also did a Guild Titan run with only the gear you pick up - It was a blast!
Well the Raid we did use our "stuff" but the pre-raid was hilarious. Thank goodness for radiant servant. Oh we were allowed to keep our underwater action item - need it for the puzzle you know
I think Turbine might make some money in DDO Store if we had a selection of undergear to chose from
Hey boss don't take it personal. I got a warning saying my post was 'degrading' for telling a new person that the manual had the answer to many of the questions he/she was asking.
Oh and yes, mac is the best. the only thing that has kept me playing ddo.