How did you get a hold of my pic? I told them not to post that picture!!!!!
Was going through some screen shots tonight and I found a pic from the MAC winter Gala awhile back. Thought I would share.
Look who was in the group with me!!! Was an awesome night.
Then here is one from the Market invasions.....MACSDF in action capturing prisoners to be interrogated.
/Edit Post 699 in this thread, why is this interesting number? Because it represents myself and....never mind.
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em
This is the thread that keeps on spamming. I'd hoped it would be moved to Guilds (where I think it belongs), but I'll give it another /bump. It's been a few minutes, after all.
The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu
the khyber guildlisting forum is for advertising your guild, as its description implies ...
this thread is merely a thread full of friendly and harmless banter.Khyber Guilds Looking for a guild on Khyber? Want to advertise your Khyber-based guild? This is the place to do it!![]()
Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PDGet your PD on!
The original MAC thread was around before there was such a thing as a guild area. This new thread circa post forum purge could very while predate the guild area as well, I am not positive on that one so I wont claim it(It most likely does though). This thread represents a lot of history of MAC as well as forum fun MAC has had with the rest of the server. Look through the thread and you will see a record of a lot of the forum personalities that have come and gone. This thread has transcended a simple recruitment thread. BTW our official recruitment thread is found in the guild listing for that reason. This thread is now just a hang out place for fun posting etc. MAC is OG Khyber and so is this thread.
Now are the two dorfs astargras and affrogate spammy nonsensical idiots, most would say yes, I just think they smell.
As far as spam.......what is and is not spam is in the view of the reader. I could argue all day that most of this board is simply that as well. But who gives a ****. Server forums are about fun and drama. While some have drama in some threads this has always been a fun thread. Now for some reason I feel as If you are looking to stir the pot. I will give you the benefit of the doubt, though. Good day to you and thanks for the /bump. Pass the ale.
We can always have Tolero move the thread if we really want by sending her a pm.
The evolution of DDO: Stormreach to Eberron Unlimited to Dungeons & Dragons Online
-1--2 -3 -4 -5--6 -7 -8--9--10 -11-12 13 14! 15 16 17 years & still spawning kobolds
From Turbine to SSG, who are the devs anyway? DDO Peeps Tracker
Certainly those who write spam don't regard it as spam; they regard it as important information that it's their obligation to inform people of. Similarly, those who call your home at dinnertime are only doing so because of the great opportunities you're certain to miss if they don't communicate with you, personally.
I remember this Thread from long ago (if you'll check my join date, you'll see that it precedes the creation of the Guild Forums, as well), but with its title, it seems inappropriate.
MAC is a great guild with great people and I've yet to have a notably bad experience with anyone from MAC. Having said that, this thread has gotten to be the MAC popup advertisement of Khyber.
That may be a little harsh, but being stuck at my parents' house until tomorrow night, I'm even more short-tempered than I am, normally.
The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu
Well, the delay for mod9 is good for me at least, means I'll have time to go from 11 to 16 on my wizzy, and close to that on my cleric (lvl 7 now I think).
Fighter: Stormn, Timid | Sorcerer: Tims the Enchanter | Cleric: Timing is Everything | Archer: Timbow | Ranger: TL
Pally: Timely | Monk: Tarro | WF Wiz: Tymn | FS: Timmel | Barbarian: Timgar
Are you freaking up tights kidding me?
dude this is all about fun, I pay my fee's sorry I didnt join the forums right away I was busy playing the game. I picked up on the store shelves the day it hit and been loving it ever since. The forums are many things to many people but don't start telling me what I can or cant write about as long as it fits within the whats acceptable for people to handle. Dear lord if this thread BUGS you hey DON'T click the freaking tab and read it, Or if you really feel the need to get all I'm your in game BOSS and over LORD go run for political office so you can really push your own personal agenda To the masses, till then SPAMS for eating silly!
have fun in game.![]()
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em