It must be known that I have never met a cupcake I didn't like
It must be known that I have never met a cupcake I didn't like
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em
As with Astargras, Cupcake6 has a deep rooted phobia of the metal eating beasties. Obviously! This fortress of healing as a few weak points and those oxidizing mean things go against all of his programing. He will flee at the first sound of " phissssst". What was that, RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
I was just checking out the forums and there is a nice post showing RL pics of people playing ( Noticed that they were comparing the thread to our little old MAC thread here. Didn't even realize we had a long thread.
...they should see our Guild website, now that's a lot of postings![]()
Fighter: Stormn, Timid | Sorcerer: Tims the Enchanter | Cleric: Timing is Everything | Archer: Timbow | Ranger: TL
Pally: Timely | Monk: Tarro | WF Wiz: Tymn | FS: Timmel | Barbarian: Timgar
So we are monster's huh well if you wanna see a monstrousity get ready to behold every PARADY i have ever written, It's coming and you should be AFRAID, very AFRAID.
(in yoda's voice.) YOU WILL BE.....................
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em
You see what you did you have upset the mighty Affrogate! He now will descend upon us with firewalls and barriers of blades. No one can escape the power that will be brought down on us. What have you done. clearly you have no clue. You have doomed us all. Doom, that was a fun game. BFG anyone, anyone?
Ok, people i know that this thread has been distilled into a dribblings of one or two mad drunken dwarves, but come on if you got something to say, say it. Even if it's to tell Affrogate and I to shut up. LETS try to keep the thread on the front page. as it is right now the thread is on page two.
I remember playing Temple of Apshai on my Atari 800 computer... had to load it with my cassette drive connected to the computer.
Because of the limited memory, they provided booklet with the game. When you moved into a new room, it told you a page and paragraph to read that described the room you saw, like a DM would do.
I had to wait 30 minutes for the game to load from cassette, and it would somtimes crash after 10 minutes of play. But it's all I had and it was fun.
I also remember getting a Microprose game called Darklands back in the day that came on Eleven 5.25" floppy disks... PITA to install.
Is coming strak, It's COMIN!
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em
Witness what was Fore seen By the Mighty Astargras, He told of the comin dOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooOOM, And I have Broght It. HA HA HA strak I brought down the entire server network, with a mere utter of dwarven revenge. Behold The Might That IS Affrogate, BEWARE OF the hold on, wait a minute my wife is up stairs screaming at me, I will have to get back to you on this matter, until then BEWARE OF THE Affrogate! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em
I had a Texas Instrument TI 99/4A with a cassette drive. I was about 8 or so and started learning how to program in Basic. There was the ability to 'draw' by providing code that identified the pixels in a cube that would be lit-up, and what color they would be (this is coming from memory so don't remember everything).
Anyway, I had this great idea for a AD&D game. Using taped-together graph paper I mapped out this really cool 3-D AD&D game title then it would go into the game. The logo was huge and the initial dungeon was cool, with interesting pixel-beasts.
I got to the point where I could move the main guy around and that's when I ran out of memory. Apparently the AD&D logo took up about 80% of the memory available. I can't even remember the vast amount of time it took to do even that and the time waiting for the tape player to transfer the data each time. And to think that logo would take about 5 seconds today using just your standard WordArt.
Once a geek, always a geek I guess.
Fighter: Stormn, Timid | Sorcerer: Tims the Enchanter | Cleric: Timing is Everything | Archer: Timbow | Ranger: TL
Pally: Timely | Monk: Tarro | WF Wiz: Tymn | FS: Timmel | Barbarian: Timgar
Yeah, I was on earlier and kept hitting these invisible walls. It was maddening - I was 2 explorer points away from finishing the desert and couldn't get the 20 feet to the one point. I tried running around it, dropping down to get under it, nothing worked...
I curse you Affrogate!!!!!
You and that darn virus your spreading. Madness indeed.
Fighter: Stormn, Timid | Sorcerer: Tims the Enchanter | Cleric: Timing is Everything | Archer: Timbow | Ranger: TL
Pally: Timely | Monk: Tarro | WF Wiz: Tymn | FS: Timmel | Barbarian: Timgar
Have Turbine said anything about what really brought down the world? Do you guys think it was the Hirelings and the issues that brought the servers down?
The might that is Affrogate, cannot be summed up in mere words. You must adventure with him to fully appreciate his Power.
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em
**** you scotch for loosing my lips, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em
Thanks to those that took me along on the new content the other night, looks nice... But them **** Giants got some payback comin in the form of a four foot tall ANGRY little dwarf with a bad loud laughing habit,..... BWAHHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA see ya soon.
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em