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  1. #321
    Community Member astargras's Avatar
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    Default Humble Pie

    Ok, (big swallow) I have changed my tune concerning the new Noobie area. Some of you may have read in the forums that i kinda bashed the new look of the character generator. Yes, I still think Turbine peppered in a little of LOTRO into the generator and nerfed it into a likeness volume of Character Building for Dummies. Sure the crunchiness has been taken away, a little, and replaced with a more Noobie friendly build guide. To beat you to the punch. Yes, it's great for me. The speed at which you can build up a toon and get it in world is much improved. I like it. The guided build templates optimize your toon into what you have in mind for your build plan. Easy to navigate and still, however subdued, the option of getting "crunchy". The new path of tutorials are very fun and emphasize the nature of group play and cooperation. I roled up a Bard song chanter and was into lvl 2 quests before i knew it. But whats with the binding,,, are those things stuck on us for all time? Or is this what their answer is to the over equipping of lowbies. Maybe it's to weed out the nasty spamers? This dumb dwarf cares not, but i would like to have that pack space back at some point. I was happy to see that some of the maps had not changed but at the same time the play was a little hooky. A Fish behind the secret door where a slime was? A load of Defenders where there used to be a few scorps. With the upgrades in the hardware, i was able to see a marginal change. The quality of game experience had improved. The sounds where clearer and the fights ( in quest ) were smoother. Even with the slamming the servers took today I was able to zone around without too much trouble. Loading screens that would take 2 to 3 mins took half the time or less.
    The new Content was... lets just say i have not dived in to deep on that front. Put on the protection item on and have no fear. ASTARGRAS is licking his two +3 vorpals to get a shot at the new content.

    So, yes I like mod 8. No, I will not belly ache about the beefed A.I. I know it's so we can have hirelings, at a later date. Yes, I might just keep building toon and killing them just so i can run and try out mod 8 lowbie stuff.
    Coodos Turbine! And Thanks Mr. Snook for getting the Devs to talk. Yea DDoCast and crew.

  2. #322
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    Smile Flashback!

    Anyone remember how exciting it was when 5.25" floppy drives replaced the old tape drive in computers?

    Countless hours (and nights) spent playing Questron, Legacy of the Ancients, Phantasy, Bard's Tale, etc, etc. (OK, I think Bard's Tale was actually on 3.5"... but yeah.)

  3. #323
    Community Member ShrimpO's Avatar
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    Default Old games

    Try and beat this one...
    I had 2 games for the Trash-80 (TRS-80 Color Computer II) namely "Pyramid" and "Raaka-Tu" which were text adventures. They were distributed on casette tape. I had a freakin' casette tape player hooked to my computer to play those games.

    "Bard's Tale" was indeed great as was "Phantasie III - The Wrath of Nickodemus" both of which I had for the old Amiga 500.

    Moving into the future my favourite game on new media was "Star Control 2 - The Ur-Quan Masters" which was distributed on CD but only ran under DOS. If you were running windows you had to create a boot disk with an autoexec.bat and config.sys which loaded only DOS into HIGHMEM and a CD driver. But what a game! They recently released it for free in a way that can run on modern OSs. Check it out here:
    and consider playing a little before you get the walkthrough.

    Cheers for the walk down memory lane!

  4. #324
    Community Member ShrimpO's Avatar
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    Wink New emote

    Affrogate, Turbine needs to add a new emote just for you!


  5. #325
    Community Member grimblackblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShrimpO View Post
    Affrogate, Turbine needs to add a new emote just for you!

    Does this mean they already have one for /burp ? I have to check.
    Fighter: Stormn, Timid | Sorcerer: Tims the Enchanter | Cleric: Timing is Everything | Archer: Timbow | Ranger: TL
    Pally: Timely | Monk: Tarro | WF Wiz: Tymn | FS: Timmel | Barbarian: Timgar

  6. #326
    Community Member astargras's Avatar
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    Hold on i think i have it saved on my computer... Sorry got to load in the start up disc... now program disc... memory disc... /load saved information /run emotes /run burp (Emote): astargras farted. Wait what? dammit wrong disc. /load start up disc /run program /run memory / run emotes- burp (emote):astargras burps a loud and smelly burp. There you all go.

  7. #327
    Community Member Affrogate's Avatar
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    Default Bwahahahhahah

    Ah good times, good times, indeed. Speaking of old games I think my 1st computer game that ran of the Ole' big black floppy was some of the gold box DnD games. along with So you want to be a Hero, from good old sierra.
    A proud NON-officer of MAC.
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    I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em

  8. #328
    Community Member Affrogate's Avatar
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    Default /puke

    Ah come on turbine, if some ppl can have there own Ham why can't i get a simple little emote, like you drank WAAAAAAAAAAAAY to much scotch you get to /puke

    A proud NON-officer of MAC.
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    I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em

  9. #329
    Community Member grimblackblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Affrogate View Post
    Ah come on turbine, if some ppl can have there own Ham why can't i get a simple little emote, like you drank WAAAAAAAAAAAAY to much scotch you get to /puke

    I'll second that.

    They can duplicate the effect the created for rage, but instead of red, it shows a sickly green.
    Fighter: Stormn, Timid | Sorcerer: Tims the Enchanter | Cleric: Timing is Everything | Archer: Timbow | Ranger: TL
    Pally: Timely | Monk: Tarro | WF Wiz: Tymn | FS: Timmel | Barbarian: Timgar

  10. #330
    Community Member astargras's Avatar
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    OK, so then your screen goes green, and you suffer a will check roll, (1d6) 3 or higher or your will be enfeebled. As well as you will have the same effect as trog stench. Thoughts?

  11. #331
    Community Member grimblackblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by astargras View Post
    OK, so then your screen goes green, and you suffer a will check roll, (1d6) 3 or higher or your will be enfeebled. As well as you will have the same effect as trog stench. Thoughts?
    We've identified the after-effect. I think we need to finalize the benefit.

    My thinking is drinking X of this turns all avators you look at into a female/male (checkbox in Options) elf/drow. Same as beer goggles. It will also drop your CHA, INT, WIS and DEX, but add to your STR and CON. Using a straw hat (i.e. lampshade) gives a 1/day Otto's Dancing Sphere (i.e. disco ball).
    Fighter: Stormn, Timid | Sorcerer: Tims the Enchanter | Cleric: Timing is Everything | Archer: Timbow | Ranger: TL
    Pally: Timely | Monk: Tarro | WF Wiz: Tymn | FS: Timmel | Barbarian: Timgar

  12. #332
    Community Member astargras's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grimblackblade View Post
    We've identified the after-effect. I think we need to finalize the benefit.

    My thinking is drinking X of this turns all avators you look at into a female/male (checkbox in Options) elf/drow. Same as beer goggles. It will also drop your CHA, INT, WIS and DEX, but add to your STR and CON. Using a straw hat (i.e. lampshade) gives a 1/day Otto's Dancing Sphere (i.e. disco ball).
    Sounds great, but now we have to name this elixir of high potency. mim lvl 11. Lvl 11, well you know we can't have kids getting plowed. Responsible drinking please. Unlike the drunken dwarves running around, o-wait, thats me! Still, i don't want those kids drinking up my stores. sod off you kids, and stay off my lawn!
    Last edited by astargras; 11-04-2008 at 08:21 AM.

  13. #333
    Community Member Affrogate's Avatar
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    Default BWAhHAHAHAHah

    Quote Originally Posted by astargras View Post
    Sounds great, but now we have to name this elixir of high potency. mim lvl 11. Lvl 11, well you know we can't have kids getting plowed. Responsible drinking please. Unlike the drunken dwarves running around, o-wait, thats me! Still, i don't want those kids drinking up my stores. sod off you kids, and stay off my lawn!

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHH i like that
    A proud NON-officer of MAC.
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    I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em

  14. #334
    Community Member Affrogate's Avatar
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    Default Another funny song, thanks Jay-z! BWAHAHAHAHA

    If you having Lag problems, I feel bad for you son.
    I got 99 Problems but Lag ain't 1. (Hit Me)
    I got 99 Problems and Lag ain't 1.
    I Got the MAC patrol, on My auction patrol, To stop the fools who wanna Keep My bankroll Low.
    All the Pure Clerics wanna tell me how I should roll.
    I am From Khyber stupid, What kind of facts are Those.
    If you Grew up around Dwarves, Then you would Know.
    We can do Any, Be Any ... Thats How We Roll!
    And to all the Battle Cleric critics, You can kiss my whole arse hole.
    And if you Don't like my Lyrics, Then you can just Start to scroll..

    I got Beef with the venders, Cuz I don't buy there scrolls, So I stop in With Gtar for some wands, and scrolls, SOooo....
    Guildies never Try to use my Dwarf Arse, To save some Cash.
    I don't know What you take Me as, or understand the Wisdom, That Affro has,
    I'm from Padded to Full plate.
    I ain't Dumb, I got 99 problems, but Lag ain't 1.
    99 problems but lag ain't 1.
    If you're having Lag Problems I feel bad For you Son.
    I got 99 problems but Lag ain't 1. (Hit Me)

    The year is 06 and My finger is Raw, Up in my chat box is The freakin G.M.
    I got 2 choices y'all, I can Answer his p.m. or Bounce on the Quit and Just Plain old hit Relog.
    Now I ain't tryin to play Chase for the day, and I got some time, So I guess I can Hear his case.
    So.. I.. Answer the p.m. I hear "Son do you know Why I Sent You a Tell?"
    Cuz I'm Old, and a Dwarf, and I happen To be Naked?
    Do I look Like a Mind Reader, Sir I Don't Know.
    Am I getting Banned, Or should I guess Some more?
    "you're accused Of throwing out heals with A wand and Not your scrolls."
    "I would Like to Hear You're Side and Please break party. I would Like to Ask you Some More questions, Are you over 30? I know Alot of you MAC are."
    I ain't Answering Sh$# My Game is Legit.
    "Well do you Mind If I Question your party Members, Alittle Bit?"
    Well The Leader is my Friend, So is the Tank, and the Wiz, Come to think of it, Its all guild so they Got My back. ( Ha Ha)
    "Well Aren't you Sharp as A tack, You some Type Of Lawyer, Or something, Somebody Important or Something."
    I ain't Passed the Bar, but I know alittle Bit, Enough that you won't keep Up This sh^&.
    "We'll see How Smart You are when My Boss Comes."
    I got 99 Problems, But Lag ain't 1. (Hit Me)
    99 Problems but Lag ain't 1.
    If you're Having Lag Problems I feel Bad for you Son, I got 99 Problems but Lag ain't 1.
    If you're Having Lag Problems I feel Bad for you Son, I got 99 Problems but Lag ain't 1.

    Now once Upon A time Not to Long Ago, A dwarf like Me had to strong Arm my Bro.
    Now This isn't a Bro in the since of being my brother, But my buddy not wanting To play,
    What a Wussy.
    I tried to ignore Him, He would just Keep on Talkin, I asked Him to Play Again, But some fools just cant be reasoned with.
    You know the type Loud as Hell, But wouldn't throw down cuz he's scared as hell.
    The only Things going to happen Is I am going To get Drinking and I am going to be Yackin From The Captains.
    There I go Drinking Again, Pretty soon I will Be Puking Again.
    All over the floor, T's snapping pic's for the Forum's again. 50 bucks to buy Them back from Him, All Because I will be embarassed Again, All because It's happening Again.
    He's got his money, To hold His Tongue.
    I got 99 Problems but Lag ain't 1.
    99 Problems but Lag ain't 1.
    If you're Having Lag Problems I feel Bad for you Son.
    99 Problems but Lag ain't 1.
    If you're Having Lag Problems I feel Bad for you Son.
    I got 99 Problems but Lag ain't 1.
    A proud NON-officer of MAC.
    Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
    I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em

  15. #335
    Community Member grimblackblade's Avatar
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    Very nice Affrogate, I can see this being an immediate hit!
    Fighter: Stormn, Timid | Sorcerer: Tims the Enchanter | Cleric: Timing is Everything | Archer: Timbow | Ranger: TL
    Pally: Timely | Monk: Tarro | WF Wiz: Tymn | FS: Timmel | Barbarian: Timgar

  16. #336
    Community Member astargras's Avatar
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    The talent of this guild is only matched by the number of drunken dwarves and faceplants.

  17. #337
    Community Member Affrogate's Avatar
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    Default The scotch was flowing tonight

    BWAHAHAHAAHH i liked it . coming soon affro's greatest hits, BWAHAHAHAHAHA
    A proud NON-officer of MAC.
    Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
    I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em

  18. #338
    Community Member astargras's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Affrogate View Post
    BWAHAHAHAAHH i liked it . coming soon affro's greatest hits, BWAHAHAHAHAHA

    For the low low price of forty two payments of forty two PP, you to could have this awesome collection of all time favorites. For a limited time only these recordings a available to the public. So act now. Limited time only! Call immediately for the next available operator. On sale today but act fast supplies are limited so do wait.

  19. #339
    Community Member Affrogate's Avatar
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    Default Bwahahahah

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAH oh you like the songs and YOU know IT!
    A proud NON-officer of MAC.
    Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
    I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em

  20. #340
    Community Member astargras's Avatar
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    Default Prophecy of the Mystical Cupcake VI

    I hear till of a creature from the east, who life force runs strong. So much so that it has been know to spill onto and into the mortals in it a surround. A giant in comparison to man. In it's cavernous eye ports lies the knowledge of the healer. With a steady flow of force which only can be matched by it's magic touch, it aids the mortals and brings precious life back into wounds of the fallen. It's body, cold and hard, radiates the essence of protections. Those that befriend it's nature gain the protection of it's life. Hard are it's ways, ever searching for the peace that can only be glimpse at the re****l places of peace. It is said, that it;s touch bring those who are at the very cusp of the abyss know as death, back to the light. It's hands lay on the wounds of the mortal and with the quickness of the lighting flash, ones life force is brought back to it rightful place. You may cast your eyes on to its shape. You can reach out and touch it's cold metallic structure. this creature is in fact is a friend to all the mortal creatures it travels with. At the end game of this tale, this creature with healers friend can save you from a un-natural doom. However, as in all things it's not without it's own limitations. It's tires quickly and does not more quickly, but as the mountain is strong and on-wavering. So too is the creature known to some as, Cupcake VI.

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