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  1. #201
    Community Member Kotter's Avatar
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    Default Muhahahahhahahahahaha

    Been fun ran von for the first time... much blowing around and such and those nasty nasty beholders are such a terror to behold. sorrowdusk and 3 barrel cove and the various adventures otherwise. all with the guild and all much fun even with the party wipes.
    (the following statement is the personal opinion of the poster and in no way reflects the opinion of mac or any of it's affiliates) Sooooo much smoother even with party wipes then with pugs I just have to say the over all experience of the guild is astounding!

    Hugs be sure and invite the Vek tonight!! 7k from 9 and so so ready for 10

  2. #202
    Community Member Kotter's Avatar
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    Default Giant hold and Drow area of the desert

    OH OH OH two words "GIant Hold or Desert drow area!" ok so that's like six words but oh yes yes yes I have just recently reached a level appropriate for even thinking about looking at these area's and so so so so so so so so want to go!!! Anybody volenteer to put a group together to go?!! Giant hold because the area sounds cool and Drow area of the desert because I so want a STing Shortsword!!!!! Let me know I'll be on tonight! 062408 Veknesh!

  3. #203
    Community Member Kotter's Avatar
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    Default desert

    had a couple guildies take me to the desert the other night so so fun and thank you for the runs!!!

    Yell if you ever want to do this again and I'm so there!! especially the drow area for that wonderful sting shortsword!!

    veknesh level 7 rogue rogue and level 2 ranger >:


  4. #204
    Community Member Kotter's Avatar
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    Default woot

    made 8th level rogue 2nd level ranger finally

    and pushing 1000 rep

    tell you what MAC is such a good guild it really has made exploring this new game a blast.

  5. #205
    Community Member Affrogate's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Wink hugs?

    I don't mind the huggin just keep your hands where I can see'em buddy! And for the last time I know that wasn't a short sword. MR. (walks away slowly keepin both eyes on you.)

    A proud NON-officer of MAC.
    Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
    I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em

  6. #206
    Community Member Kotter's Avatar
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    Apr 2008

    Default sorry

    they said it was puncturing but dang

    got to do some giant hold exploration stuff!! much fun! now to get a group for the quests....

  7. #207
    Founder Mikotasheka's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Hi, MAC'ers! I'm back in DDO after almost a year's forced absence. Can an old MAC member be reinstated?
    Miko Tasheka
    Halfling Rogue lvl 13
    Khyber server

  8. #208
    Community Member woodspider's Avatar
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    Aug 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Mikotasheka View Post
    Hi, MAC'ers! I'm back in DDO after almost a year's forced absence. Can an old MAC member be reinstated?
    If you have the agreed upon amount of plat. No questions will be asked!
    M.A.C. The only way to go!
    In honor of General Dane McArdy:

  9. #209
    Founder Mikotasheka's Avatar
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    What's the formula to determine that amount again?

    1pp x (TeamFacePlants=N/the number of times Astargras has appeared naked)

    I may be missing part of the equation, but that sounds about right!
    Miko Tasheka
    Halfling Rogue lvl 13
    Khyber server

  10. #210
    Community Member Kotter's Avatar
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    Default Giant Hold

    Ran my first giant hold adventure with villie last night much fun and fear on elite for the first time in an adventure. gaaah still 10th level though bUt will be 11 soon!! it was a blast even if I ddi stay up waaaaaaaaaaaaay too late

    HUGS thanks for the fun my guildies


    8 rogue 2 ranger

    ps... HUGS!

  11. #211
    Community Member Kotter's Avatar
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    Default cool

    well started a mage named vekneesh and been having a blast with much advice and support from the guild. yell if you can use my 10th level rogue but will be on my new mage vekneesh when I can't get a group for my rogue... would love to work some more on giant hold stuff and Tap runs even though I've already got my helmet from tap runs but would love to do some more because for some reason I have much fun doing them

    hugs thanks for letting me in the family

    PSS HUGS!!!

  12. #212
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    Thanks to MAC members for the PoP rescue last night.

  13. #213
    Community Member Affrogate's Avatar
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    Default 911

    Quote Originally Posted by Madalive View Post
    Thanks to MAC members for the PoP rescue last night.
    Just feel free to call out a 911 call when you need that little special help. I think thagor started it A LONGGGGGGG time ago so I kinda owe everyone it to everyone that needs it as well.
    A proud NON-officer of MAC.
    Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
    I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em

  14. #214
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    I was wondering you still looking for new members? I am new to DDO but not to D+D played alot of pen paper AD+D. I have a character named Shulgar Thunderfoot. Your good sounds like it would fit my playing style great.
    "Of course its evil, kill it!""What do you mean, how many hit points do I have?""Was that thunder, or were you rolling damage?"

  15. #215
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    I saw we (MAC) added some poor fool the other day.

  16. #216
    Community Member astargras's Avatar
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    Default Do the Dew

    In the new life of the earth there was water. Water it did stay for many moons. One day, in dumb happenstance, Saphiro the red wizard of the eastern land, mix the right amount of juices of the gods. A dash of that a pinch of this and made a potion that gives us the power and mental concentration to quest through the night. This green liquid of +2 mental clearity ( caster lvl 1 ) make it possable to have marithon questing. This juice of the Gods cures the mental fog that pluages us all, after the 11 th or 12 th hour of the questing. With the might and power that can ony be comparable to the great western mountains. When this magical liquid of wonder hits your lips, one can feel the freshness that the morning dew brings. So consume this liuqified gold and be clear in your mind. That way when a Mindflayer comes calling he has something nice to chew on.

    Long Live GRunk

  17. #217
    Community Member Grayleaf's Avatar
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    Welcome to all our new members and those yet to join. It is always great to see new faces. I would like to share with you a few words of advise on the Mac way. Take this advise as you wish...

    We at Mac take Faceplants as a very serious matter. We recommend a faceplant at least 1 out of every 3 runs or more pending on your limitations. Be sure to get a good Pug faceplant in when you can also for good messure, these often lead to multiple plantage however. Remember, do not Faceplant if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. Ask your doctor to see that a faceplant is right for you. You may even choose your first faceplant to be with someone experianced in faceplants. I would suggest Astargras who seems to do them naked and very effectivly. Should he be busy, Shrimpo or Affrogate should be cusulted in finding you expert Faceplant help.

    Again welcome to Mac and it's affiliates MACSDF and Team Faceplant : )

  18. #218
    Community Member astargras's Avatar
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    Yes, it is true, I have been known to "Faceplant" from time to time. I do make it a point not to faceplant from the hours of 6:00pm to 6:10pm and I always faceplant with consenting partners. Now, when one does faceplant it is a good point to have some style. Find new and better ways to faceplant. Take Ghaldar for an example. While six manning against the red dragon our man Ghaldar( fine player that he is) found a new and some what creative way to wipe the group. While trying to type a reply to a meassage Ghaldar activated he auto run and ran off the bridge and fell back to earth dooming the party. This creative and somewhat unknowing style of faceplanting is highly recommended. Ghaldar has always had style. One might call him the Miles Davis of the face-planting. Well, thank you for reading this adendom and remember PLANT WITH STYLE.

    Long Live GRunk
    Last edited by astargras; 07-18-2008 at 02:10 AM. Reason: spelling

  19. #219
    Community Member JoxsTrapp's Avatar
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    Hello M.A.C.

    I am a new player to the Khyber server, but not to DDO. I ahve been playing off and on, on the (now) Sarlona server (don't ask me what it was before the server merges, I don't remember, LOL). But to date me, I have been playing DDO since the level cap was 12. I am now getting back into the game and looking for a good guild to join. Below are some "traits" I have that tend to get me the "denied" statement from other guilds...

    1 - I hate playing with minors. In all my MMORPG playing, there has only been 2 kids (one 14 and the other 17) that have truely impressed me with their playing ability. Other than that, whenever I put up a LFM for a PUG, I ALWAYS add the comment, "NO KIDS". I don't hate kids in general, just prefer people mature and know what they are doing instead of someone that's out to get themselves the best loot, xp, and screw everyone in the process.

    2 - I have a twisted sense of humor and my mind is almost always in the gutter...something that usually isn't tolerated with guilds that have minors. "You can't say that in guild chat". Sorry, **** **** and **** are not cuss words. I'm 34 years old, born in 1974, and served in the Navy for 6 years and the Marine Corps for 4 years so I that "sailor's mouth" (more ways than one...sorry, mind in gutter again) and tend to use such language when the party wipes, etc.

    3 - If you ahven't figured it out from the above note, I'm gay. I'm proud and don't deny it, but I don't flaunt it. I don't ask your permission or your acceptance. Just your tolerance...after all, its not like I'm gonna ask your name, number, and address and start stalking you. I/We are here to play the most awesome of all RPGs (PnP still rules though), not start a dating service. Because of this, I hate it when people use the phrase, "...that is so gay..." When I hear this, I usually tend to ask the person what's so happy about it...

    4 - I'm old, not ancient, but I am set in my ways. I play how I always play. If I build a ranger for DPS melee, don't expect him to be in the back ranging, I'm gonna be toe-toe with the mob helping the team. So don't give me **** about a ranger is not a melee class, if it wasn't, they wouldn't get the two weapon fighting feats and such automatically to begin with. I've got diplomacy, and I know how to use it. And no, I'm not crazy enough to roll a ranger, they're too squishy for my taste. No offense to any MAC rangers out there.

    5 - I typically play a bard or rogue or paladin. I also enjoy being a cleric. Both in DDO and PnP I enjoy the support classes more than the main classes. I can do fighters, but not wizards/sorcerers. I am much like a bard, a jack of all trades, master of none, but don't be surprised if I draw aggro because of the DPS I put out...again, I know how to use diplomacy and I know when/how to play my class, but I am open to advice/pointers, but don't talk down to me like I'm a 5 year old.

    That's about it.

    Only real question I have, is Khyber the permadeath server? I know the servers, even Sarlona, have permadeath groups that run, but is this an automatic thing on Khyber? I would just hate to come to a server that has that as a "server rule". I enjoy playing my characters, not rerolling them. LOL

  20. #220
    Community Member astargras's Avatar
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    "Only real question I have, is Khyber the permadeath server? I know the servers, even Sarlona, have permadeath groups that run, but is this an automatic thing on Khyber? I would just hate to come to a server that has that as a "server rule". I enjoy playing my characters, not rerolling them."

    As far as permadeath goes, No. This is not that type of server, as far as i know. although i do spent a lot of time dead or dieing. =) The members of the MAC would be more than happy to add you to our ranks. But be warned, we are all a little bit tweaked the the brain pan. The application is in the form of an short interview with a officer/officers. For the most part the MAC is only selective to adult people that want to have a good time and enjoy interacting with people that aren't overly... Well lets put it this way, as a MAC member I and the people i run with don't really care if we wipe or that we do everything the "right way". We are all Mature enough to know that there is many different ways to doing thing and we are willing to try any new ways of questing. The knowledge of the MAC is vast and free flowing. Questions about builds are widely discussed but in the end your build is your build and no one will tell you, you HAVE to re-roll any of your toons. In the end it's your time and your toons rollum how you want them and lets all discover build and new ways together. Plus, If you need help with anything in the game, just ask. Need some Plat for a auction item, just ask, and as long as you help the next guildie everything will be good. The MAC is a place where mature gamers play and have fun doing it. As long as you act in a positive and helpful way the MAC will love to have you. By the By, we can also be one of the silliest group to run with, but in always the nicest ways. Jokes will be made and fun with grease will happen but always in good fun. Please drop into a MAC group and see for yourself.

    Long Live GRunk
    Last edited by astargras; 07-20-2008 at 02:26 AM.

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