I am the last Dragon and I posses the power of the glow.
I am the last Dragon and I posses the power of the glow.
If your the last dragon you may know the answer to the question. What was that?! look behind you, it must have been a ghost.
ok here is my situation
was playing city of hero's witha lot of friends and we all came across to try out DDO. well their 10 day trial is over and I'm loving the game so I find myself without a family in a strange land that I'm not even sure of the rules on yet. have cruzed the boards looking for what apears to be a good home and in game with my actual characters... I seem to find either active guilds with unpleasent people through out or friendly guilds that might log in once a week with one or two characters on at most. I so want a large family home that don't mind the red headed step child who doesn't know the rules of the block yet.. So I was wondering if I could have a place at your proverbial table and if so what class of character should I work on for I really don't mind playing just about anything. let me know
kotter, in my opinion, when choosing a toon, pick a toon that fits what you want out of a toon. Should you be a fighter, maybe. Do you like hitting baddies with spells that make them loose bowel control, could be nice. What is your playing style and that should be at least one of your toons. There are so many builds one can choose from. Look around on the forums and you come across build plans for all types of builds. It's really up to what you want out of a toon and if your willing to take that lvl of rog over that lvl of wiz. It's just up to you.
Long live Grunk
well would like to thank MAC for the invite into the guild I've had a blast so far and really enjoy the fun I've had with the members that have taken their time to say hi and get to know me. Hugs much kudo's on the wonder that is your guild.
Last edited by Kotter; 06-04-2008 at 11:28 AM.
Good luck standing us, BWAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em
Come on peeps where are all the good time that we are having no one wanting to discuss them or crack some jokes about them. I for one will say that astar MADE MY DAY with the across the room yelling of my favorite battle cry ever.
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em
I always wanted to read these. Where is the chips and dip? Why does Astargras almost make sense? Is there really a Bizzaro world? Turbine rulz! There, feels more like Dane is around.......or has he really left? All new toons are Shrimpo in one form or another. I know cause they must be. Can you tell I'm bored. The next time Veknesh tries to hug me I'm gonna hug back. As Thagor(Shrimpo?) would say,"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Disclaimer: All opinions on this post are strictly the paranoid ravings of a silly Paladin and do not reflect those of anyone else in the world that I know of.
Oh, Yeah.....and welcome to MAC.........may your faceplants be many and enjoyable..........and Please don't Loot my Nerf tables........
"Like the man said; Don't take life too serious, You'll never get out of it alive."- Bugs Bunny
"Keep Breathing"........reply from oldest person in the world when asked what advice she had for longevity.
Ahhhhhh(Nods head in understanding).........so then who is Thagor?.......Raach maybe?......I'll get the alts straight someday........I'll try to stay up past Midnight one night to run with you night owls..........Cheers
"Like the man said; Don't take life too serious, You'll never get out of it alive."- Bugs Bunny
"Keep Breathing"........reply from oldest person in the world when asked what advice she had for longevity.
And by the way the more and more people I meet from MAC the more impressed I am with the all around good, caring, understanding, people I meet. I'm so glad I have found a home for my characters and thank you for inviting me into the family.
veknesh 5 rogue 2 ranger
veknish 5 fighter 2 ranger
Last edited by Kotter; 06-19-2008 at 09:08 AM.
Affrogate is the 32 build of Thagor Soulreaver. He is bigger,(be it only a inch.) Stronger, Faster, I ain't touchin the whole smarter thing BWAHAHHAHHAH and when Affro is running around It has been said you sometimes hear NANANANANANANANAN!!!!!!! BWAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHA I don't turn the DEAD, I SMASH'EM!
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em
And its good to have you VEK!
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em
My 13th level eleven Ranger (who gets lost easily and is a primary color) should be on most of the weekend. I am asking my MAC brethren to help me get flagged for the Titian and collect enough relics so I can kill some Dragons then do Reaver’s.
Thanks in Advance
I got my flaming burst war-axe, My best friend ain't logged yet, I got no life.
I owe everybody plat, I think dwarven jokes are funny. I got no life
I got a dirty mind, a Gutter mouth, I ain't got time for my wife, so she's OUT!
I got kids I never see, and there momma's mad at me. I got no life
I buy stuff from all the farmers you can add that to my check list. I got no life
Ah the bank just called, The mortgage is late, I spent it all for some +5 fearsome fullplate I DDO ALL NIGHT!
I am watching Leroy on YOU TUBE, wondering if I have ever done that, I got no life
Yea I have checked in all human affection, and asked T for some protection, I got no life
My wife is gone, I am doing fine, me and my guild had a real good time, just last night.
I make my guildies laugh, when I write these stupid songs, I got no life
I never ran the Abbot, but I have blown it with a firewall, I got no life
I got a dirty mind, a gutter mouth, NO time for the wife, so she's out
I aint thie person but i think we all know someone like this BWAAHAHHAHAHA
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em
BWHAHAHAHAHH i gota stop drinking late at night
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em
Ok, drinking at night, is... ok, just stay away from the scotch. (wink ) By the by, "Astargras Right?" brain damage? very possible. Dane is with us, and will always be there. We who knew him and had the chance to group with him, bring his memory with us.
long live grunk
Ok, i would like the MAC to make a new rule concerning the new inductees. To help desensitize them to the ways of the MAC ( ala team faceplant), as well as pay a tribute to the ones that came before. All, new guildies must enter a quest of the officers choice. Yes, of-course the quest should be way to difficult for the group(TITAN if posable). Into which the group will do a face plant, or maybe they will become victorious. The ones that have come before speak of times at the broken pillar or jumping around the pubs waiting for a pug group or just to get there hit points back. Yes, i am talking of pre-mod 4. Featherstone, Ghaldar, Torrentt, Dane, Shrimpo, these names bring up thoughts of the truly bravest of we all. There is nothing like a good guild faceplant to bring a new soul into our guild. You who are new to this guild you must know these tails of suffering and woe. /long dramatic pause (burp) Yes, that was me. I am the Astargras, keeper of the shield poem and i am the naked one. Sniff, sniff, ok now that wasn't me this time. Grashimo!!!!!!!!!!! wipe your butt next time.
Long live Grunk
Last edited by astargras; 06-23-2008 at 01:02 AM.