I am an ooollllddd PNP player and have been looking for people to "ADVENTURE" with I will definately look you up in the game.
Well with choices like that I am not sure what to do.
/put on dr. phil hat of capt. obvious) Enough of the Hamster Talk, we need to move on with our lives.
This from the dwarf that runs around naked all day.
I have recently discovered a item of massive power. More so infact than that of your precious Kool kawfee or your powerful puddin. It hasbeen sent to me from the very Gods themselves. It is Pinto Bean. pronounced,Pinto BEEEEEEEAAAANZZ. Even though it is but one. And I have it. Only myself and T have ever seen such a object, but alas, it is MINE. I shall soon rule over all of Kyber with the power this artifact holds. BWAHAHHAHAHHAHa victory shall be mine!!!!!!
So much for that Hamster...Grunk just squished it by accident. Warforged can't pet squishies Grunk!!! dang.
And can some one PLz get me outta this dragons belly, Its dark in here and I dont think I am alone
A proud NON-officer of MAC.Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em