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  1. #141
    Community Member astargras's Avatar
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    You have two choices, go to the light.

  2. #142
    Community Member Grayleaf's Avatar
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    May 2006


    If you kick real hard he might burp you out....or have gas. That wouldn't be so good for you...

  3. #143
    Community Member astargras's Avatar
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    Default Troubling night questing

    On a long road east of the market, you can hear minitar moaning out it's one note song, you dont feel much like fighting you just wish the fight was thru. Say here i am, in a fight again, there i go, playing cleric again, there i go, turn the page. Well you walk into the pub, strung out from the dessert raid, you can feel the eyes upon you as you shakin off the mummy rot. Most times you can't hear um talk other times you can it that same old cliché, is that a girl dwarf or a male dwarf. You pretend it doesn't bother you, but you just want to explode. Hear i am, playing dead again, there i am /death transporting, turn the tome. Out there in Meridia your a million miles away, the blood pores out your body like the haste pots that you drink. There i am, in the quest again, there i go, being manna pit, turn the tome. Later in the evening as you lie dead in the Abbot, the echos from the bard song ringing in your head, you think about the elf maiden, or the zombie you knew the night before. Say here i am, play a dwarf again, there i am, a meat shield, turn the tome.

  4. #144
    Community Member Grayleaf's Avatar
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    The Day the Devils Came to the Market!

    Shine your blades
    Sharpen your minds
    Watch the devils come
    Form up your lines

    Stand by your comrad
    Here where spells meet steel
    Blood shall fill the streets this day
    It all seems surreal

    There is little time to cheer
    Before the next waves charge
    That is who we are

    We are the wind of death
    We are the first an last stand
    A true hero
    Is he with blood on his hands

    Come you devils, come you all
    We know no fear
    Come you devils. MAC will always be right here.

  5. #145
    Community Member astargras's Avatar
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    Oct 2006


    to roll the dice
    one sees the sun but not the trees
    warm star shine licking at my face
    i truly see the sun

    life, death, release? no need
    D door for the manna
    fighters die
    casters finger
    clerics battle
    such is life
    the rest is silence

  6. #146
    Community Member Affrogate's Avatar
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    I go by the name of Affrogate Bonecrusher, I would like to salute all the Macsters around the World. This one is called Bolt in your Bubblegoose.
    ( DANE where you at )
    Sit right back and you'll hear a tale of a Bard that lived round Grunks way.
    Armor always matched his eye color, One night he fell off his stool, and caught Bolt in his Bubblegoose.
    He caught Bolt in his Bubblegoose, Bolt in his Bubblegoose. You can be at the Lobster just hanging loose
    and catch a Bolt in your Bubblegoose.

    Sit right back and you'll hear a tale, of a Dwarf thats runs around naked.
    Armor always bogged him down, and made him itchy. One night he was running naked through the Orchard and caught a Bolt in his Bubblegoose.
    He caught a Bolt in his Bubblegoose, Bolt in his Bubblegoose. You can be at The One Foot Inn,
    and catch a Bolt in your Bubblegoose.
    (This one is for the people. Hell Yea!!)

    MAC 10!!!!!
    Last edited by Affrogate; 03-29-2008 at 04:42 PM.
    A proud NON-officer of MAC.
    Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
    I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em

  7. #147
    Community Member Cap_Man's Avatar
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    Ooooookayyyyyy [smiles, nods and backs away slowly from the crazy naked Dwarf]

    Hmm, this is starting to look like the 'Medicated Adventures Club' lol

    Great Guild!!! Just don't turn you back on the crazy naked dwarf

  8. #148
    Community Member woodspider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cap_Man View Post
    Ooooookayyyyyy [smiles, nods and backs away slowly from the crazy naked Dwarf]

    Hmm, this is starting to look like the 'Medicated Adventures Club' lol

    Great Guild!!! Just don't turn you back on the crazy naked dwarf

    Dude you got that right, and half the members are so old that the only way the are living is because of medication.

    Matter of fact, my dad just started playing and I am 33, so you do the math.

    Welcome Cowpoke to the new world order...... Wait that is a different speach. Welcome Dad!
    M.A.C. The only way to go!
    In honor of General Dane McArdy:

  9. #149
    Community Member Grayleaf's Avatar
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    We have a Bowvine...and now a COWpoke...I guess I should say COWABUNGA! to that. Best advise Cowpoke, stay clear of that naked dwarf. He likes to dance with Rusties in the middle of the night. Hard for a Bard to get any sleep with all that noise. If you need pills, Dktr will hook you up : ) He keeps the good stuff under his pillows. As for Grunk, he is cool to hang around with, but he never makes any sence...Don't allow him to pick up your pets. Affrogate...he wishes he were a Bard I think.

    You are with the perfect guild. These guys are the best, if a bit strange sometimes, but I wouldn't ever want to be anywhere else. It's how we roll so to speak. As for myself, I am there for anything you need, just shout my way when ya see me log in, but be warned...I tend to be the one that is most likely to lag into a hole or off a cliff : )

    Do the disco! BARDS ROCK!

  10. #150
    Community Member astargras's Avatar
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    Exclamation Defend the Dwarf

    Red Dragon
    the swarms of undead
    The running of the menitars
    All these things can catch a caster sleeping. At the same time would it be nice to have a "buffer" zone as it were? /late night infomercal voice, Well now you can. Just roll up your own personal meat shield. Or call for The Astargras. Tired of taking slashing damage? Not a problem when you have (french hornes and a magical tone) your very own meat shield. Meat shield! From the people that brought you the Tin Can, Mr. Roboto, Manna Pit and who can forget that age old fav. The Haste Monkey. Thats right folks, it all from you firendly sess pool, WEDIEALOT inc. Here at WEDIEALOT inc. we strive to produce the finest meat shields stormreach has ever seen. In days gone by WEDIEALOT inc. have brote you Torrentt, Ghaldar, Featherstone, and Dane. All of which have satisfied your hopes and dreams. However, LOOK NOW PEOPLE TO THE SEWERS BELOW YOU FEET. CAN YOU SEE HIM? I KNOW YOU CAN SMELL HIM. OOOO MY, HERE HE IS THE NEW MODEL FROM WEDIEALOT INC. (smoke and lighting effects go off and illumenate the stage) The Astargras Unknown!!!! you want a manna pit, Astargras can do that. You need a sacrifice to turn a wheel and then get crushed by a titan. Astargras looks great thin, or flat whatever your needs are Astargras can fill them. How is he at being a meat shield you say. Well I'll tell you, I've seen him aggro the intire map in Irestone, Neked!!! Unbeilevable you say!! You want one you say. Well just send you spare shields to Astargras care of Grashimo, or po box 42 steps East of the market 44321 stormreach. You can see the true Astargras at his many personal apearances around stormreach. Just look for the pink ball rolling your way. (and hold you breath he hasn't washed...ever)

  11. #151
    Community Member Affrogate's Avatar
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    Default Sounds almost too good to be true!

    Thats almost too great of a deal, Lets make it even better. You throw in a Bangum "the dwarven scout", and a Healing chest and Brother, You got a deal! I will bring along my Wacky, Wavy, Inflatable Flailing Arm Guy and Buddy we got a party.
    A proud NON-officer of MAC.
    Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
    I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em

  12. #152
    Community Member Grayleaf's Avatar
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    if you order right now, you will also recieve a limited time offered Poster of the legendary general Dane McCardy an Pudding mix. This is too HOT an offer so order now while supplies last...

  13. #153
    Community Member astargras's Avatar
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    yes I am The astargras. It is true that i can be used as a window cleaner, soap dispencer. I have had my turn in a scrap or two but i always manage to get out without too much broken. Ok, there was that one time when my shield was eatten by a rust monster and i had to wait three day to get it back. Have you ever seen rusty excrament? It kinda looks like baby poo and it sticks to everything. Anyways, i just want to wish all of you a great day and happy questing.
    Last edited by astargras; 04-03-2008 at 07:53 PM.

  14. #154
    Community Member Grayleaf's Avatar
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    I am only happy when it rains. I am only happy when it's set on elite. I know you can't appreciate it, but it's more xp for me. I am only happy when it rains. You know I love it when the party is wiped. It feels so good to be so sad. I am onlyy happy when it rains.

    Poor you mana out, poor your mana out on me...I am only happy when it rains. I feel good when things go wrong. I only leisten to the sad bard songs. I am only happy when it rains.

    I only smile when the lights are out. My only comfort is the heros crying in the black. I did'nt accidently forget to heal you like that.I am only happy when it rains.

    Poor your mana out, poor your mana out on me...I am only happy when it rains. I feel good when things go wrong. I only listen to sad bard songs. I am only happy when it rains.

    I am only happy when it rains. I know it is a strange obsession. Do you really wanna hear my confession. I am riding high on a deep depression. I am only happy when it rains.

    lol. okay as you see we at MAC are a bit off the wall, but this is where the fun is.

  15. #155
    Community Member Affrogate's Avatar
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    Default You aint kidding

    Dude the ballad of astar is coming, almost done gimme till tuesday, its to the buck cherry song. Crazy Bit@#. F$%#^^% funny I tell ya.
    A proud NON-officer of MAC.
    Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
    I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em

  16. #156
    Community Member astargras's Avatar
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    The songs of the Astargras can not be given just one, the bards sing of his deeds from market to the far reachs of the giant hold. His abilities are world known. Wait, scratch that, as a meat sack that is used to gather the agro than yes he is world known. So throw him my friends into the frey. His sent will draw all the evil in the room and safe will keep you.

  17. #157
    Community Member Affrogate's Avatar
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    Default Tis true

    Quote Originally Posted by astargras View Post
    The songs of the Astargras can not be given just one, the bards sing of his deeds from market to the far reachs of the giant hold. His abilities are world known. Wait, scratch that, as a meat sack that is used to gather the agro than yes he is world known. So throw him my friends into the frey. His sent will draw all the evil in the room and safe will keep you.
    That being said I think I have found Another song to Twist the lyrics to and get some more guildies into as well. Don't wanna leave any Face PLanters out(hint hint) BWHAHAHAHHAHAHHa beware of the Affrogate.
    A proud NON-officer of MAC.
    Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
    I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em

  18. #158
    Community Member astargras's Avatar
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    all hail the Green Cube for all of it's wisdom and guidance.

  19. #159
    Community Member Affrogate's Avatar
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    Default I'll be doing This till Dane Comes Back Bwahahahahaha

    Aaaaaaaalllrright....Ya broke me down, I'll take Astargras.
    We are gonna run the Raid, and please don't Freak me out.
    You fight so well, You got it made, Mobs are almost dead. Hey what did you just do!

    Hey you're a Crazy Dwarf, But you fight so well I'll put up with it.
    When I see you getting naked, I scratch at my eyes to get over it.
    Hey you're a Crazy Dwarf, But you fight so well I'll put up with it.
    When I see you getting naked, I scratch at my eyes to get over it.

    Keep it on. Its your Armor dude. Don't jump All the way down, I can't heal ya from here.
    You're a Tuff little Dwarf, But don't get lost. Thats Bangum's job, But don't tell'em to his face.

    Hey you're a Crazy Dwarf, But you fight so well I'll put up with it.
    When I see you getting naked, I scratch at my eyes to get over it.
    Hey you're a Crazy Dwarf, But you fight so well I'll put up with it.
    When I see you getting naked, I scratch at my eyes to get over it.

    Outta make a Video, You fight so Good.
    Make a Video, Put it one You Tube.

    Crazy Dwarf
    Crazy Dwarf

    Hey you're a Crazy Dwarf, But you fight so Well I'll put up with it.
    When I see you getting naked, I scratch at my eyes to get over it.
    Hey you're a Crazy Dwarf, But you fight so well I'll put up with it.
    When I see you getting naked, I scratch at my eyes to get over it.

    Astargras.... You Crazy Dwarf. If you want The Star you'll have to keep your Armor on.
    I said Keep it on. Just keep Swingin.
    You're Crazy but i Like the way You Fight For Me.
    A proud NON-officer of MAC.
    Trust me, I cannot be Trusted!
    I don't turn, the dead. I smash'em

  20. #160
    Community Member astargras's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    /rock fist in the air Dude that f*&%^& rocks!!!! great job.

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