I have run with many of you. I have to say this is one of the best guilds around! quality players all of 'em!
??* Worth[R]Elf ??* Kittu[R/P]Dwarf ??* Alexo[S]Drow ??* Amida[R]Elf ??* Krsna[R/F]Warforged ??* vainangel[F/W]Human ??* Cundi[FvS]Drow ??* ♪♫.we are sarcastic.♫♪
??* Worth[R]Elf ??* Kittu[R/P]Dwarf ??* Alexo[S]Drow ??* Amida[R]Elf ??* Krsna[R/F]Warforged ??* vainangel[F/W]Human ??* Cundi[FvS]Drow ??* ♪♫.we are sarcastic.♫♪
I have recently returned and realized that I'm really enjoying DDO again. The next step for me would be to join a guild and the MAC looks to be a great match. I am still only a level 3 (pally) but would like to see if there are any MACs in game for random pick ups or just chatting the next time I am online. I am hoping to be available for a couple of hours tonight, what would be the easiest way to find MAC members?
Are you guys still recruiting? It sounds like I'd fit in, granted im not over 40 but I am over 21 and like to play for fun, enjoy teamwork and most of all just would like to have group of guild members to work with rather than joing random groups of undetermined quality in game. I probably wouldn't sign up for a "weekly static group" or anything at this point, but at some point i might be interested. Are you guys typically bringing up characters from low level frequently or is everyone already high lvl?
first and formost, welcome back to ddo!
the best way to find a member in game, is to open your social panel, and click the "who" tab. sort users online by guild, and scroll to "mature adventures club." send a tell to any member of mac and ask them if an officer is on.
hope this helps![]()
Last edited by Shal; 11-18-2009 at 08:33 PM.
Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PDGet your PD on!
more ...
Before I joined MAC, I was honestly feeling like this game was the most unfriendly game I have ever played. I had bad luck with guilds and people were just down right rude. MAC was a place that took me in, showed me how to play, and took the time to explain things when I got confused. The majority of the DDO population pretty much shuns any new players because they don't want to help anyone and just want to run to the end of dungeons so they can get their "phat lewtz." MAC showed me that it's okay to be new and not know much and that it's okay to ask questions and to request that people go slower through dungeons. I highly doubt I would have even made it this far playing if I hadn't found MAC.
Thank you for dealing with my newbishness!
/steps off soap box.
Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PDGet your PD on!
Thank you in your interrest in the guild, please come check us out at themacguild.com. Through reading our posts you will see if we will be a good match to your game style. Once again, thank you for your time.
In the world of the bump market, we as player must keep up the hope that our indevors in forum manipulation will go unnoticed.
Hey all,
I recently contacted Battlemaster (?) in game and stated my interest for joining. I'm 33 and a long time PNP'er that has jumped into MMORPGs over the past couple years. My dwarf on Khyber is currently level 4 and I'm getting the hang of things off of a solid build (due to my years of PNP).
Battlemaster (again not sure if it was master or something else), said that I needed to group with someone, however, in order to get a thumbs up or thumbs down. Since I am in a guild of mature guys in LOTRO I completely understood (because we too have been bit by the idiot member bug before).
My problem is that it is hard for me to find somebody to group with online that is a reputable member for approvals and since Battlemaster is the only one I know is an officer it's a matter of catching him online when he's not doing something else (which for a high level tank is probably unlikely).
Perhaps I can set something up in the forum here so we can group? I am very much like the group member described at the start of this thread. Older, more interested in savoring content than grinding it, and laid back about when things get done understanding that people have lives outside of the game (and wives/girlfriends giving "honey do" activities in the middle of dungeons).
Please let me know. You can PM me here or someone can mail to me in game (Thragin) and we can figure it out.
Thragin Stoneshield - Fighter of little reknown
"If you want it dead just swing an axe at it!"
Bare with us we are actually full. The game will not allow us to admit anymore people to the guild. We have reached our limit for characters. We estimate this to be 1000 characters guilded. We have a strict policy for inactiviety and remove characters after 2 months of activity. So new slots will open I am sure and we will announce when we can accept new memebrship. We are also considering our inactivety policy and making it a bit more strict. Thank you for your patience.
As of the date of this post MAC is full. No more characters can be added at this time. Please check in though if you have interest as our strict inactivity policy will mean spots will open. We prune the guild list for any character that has been inactive for 2 months. Heh even our guild leader lost a little used alt.... LOL.
Everyday we have one or two spots open due to inactive toons or players leaving. We do not have alot of room but you can check with an officer and see if we have had an opening. Many of us have moved our mules and little played alts out of the guild to make room for our new friends.![]()
Last edited by Inc_Doc; 11-04-2009 at 08:49 AM.
Reality is for people with no imagination
HI Everyone!!
I am Dagne/Dangin an officer of MAC. I just wanted everyone to know that although MAC is a great guild for new people who loved D&D in the old days to learn DDO Online. MAC is also a raiding guild, with 2-3 Raids scheduled and run every day.
I run 2-3 runs every day, so if your mature and like running raids with other mature individuals feel free to drop me a line. I prefer to run with an individual in a raid or quest before I give them a recommendation to join. You can catch me online as Cranig/Dagne nightly between 8-12pm est raiding.
MAC has resumed recruiting, however space is limited because of the cap DDO has put on guild size. Please see an officer in game for availability.
Also, MAC's website has a new look. check it out at www.themacguild.com
Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PDGet your PD on!
this from a mac initiate ...
I would like to just put forward my thanks to the guild as a whole. I came aboard a few weeks ago and since then I have realized this guild is unlike any other I have previously been in. I have met players who consistantly are running with me, been able to accomplish new things every night, been alowed to learn and experience, and even ran a quest with the guild leader. While much of this seems normal and standard for many of you I come from guilds in other games that only reitterated why I typically hate MMOs. Thank you for showing me that there are good groups out there, that not everyone is either snide or incompetent.
Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PDGet your PD on!