Just wanted to say how deeply sorry I am for those of you who feel a sense of having lost a part of themselves. Having watched you guys for a month+ (more like 2 months+ at this rate) I had a very first-hand look at just how close knit things were on your respective home servers. I can completely relate to those who feel that they are losing their identity, for you all had worked hard to build something special that was your own.
I am looking forward to this new page in our DDO lives together. Will I miss the way things used to be? So far as the sense of community goes, yes. This does not mean that I don't feel the angst or uncertainty from those of you who see this merger as the 'end times.' Personally, I know that the face of Thelanis will be changed by this. So many more faces. So many different personalities. So many different ways of handling the same game, or new slang to hear of, etc.
I know there are those of you looking at this merger as being 'assimilated' into Thelanis, and I feel that won't be the case per say. This may still have the name 'Thelanis' over it, but this Sea of players will now have a whole new mess of fish to swim around with. That in and of itself will have consequences.
The one thing I will say for all of us in this is that so many of you, despite your losses (home world name or otherwise in the forums), you're ready to rebuild something new together. Ready to meet what will be your new 'countrymen' as it were. Ready to go from tiny Sparta and little Ithica and teeny Athens into one big Greece (yeah my husband didn't buy me 300 the other day or anything)
DDO has one of THE most beautiful and glorious communities I've beheld in some time. The capasity to be 'one' extends beyond mere guilds or even server.
This is the Week of Mourning, and when it is over, new nations will be born. Stronger. Bigger. More proud than ever.
... and I can't wait.