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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twerpp View Post
    Hell yeah! Lets put ten rings on baby! And make Rings of Greater False Life stack! And while we're on topic let talk about magical ear rings, 10 toe rings and belly-button rings! Cap it off at 30 rings though cmon lets be reasonable people.
    I forsee people wanting to get piercings on other - *ahem* - more unique places on their bodies in an attempt to get more rings.

  2. #22
    Founder Alavatar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blazer View Post
    I forsee people wanting to get piercings on other - *ahem* - more unique places on their bodies in an attempt to get more rings.
    +6 CON Prince Albert of Disease Immunity?

    And that list does not contain PANTS! So does that mean there is no magical pants? Or can you use an unlimited amount of magical pants at once? Tight indestructable magical pants covered by shaggy indestructable magical pants!
    Last edited by Alavatar; 08-02-2007 at 09:04 PM.

  3. #23
    Community Member Ithrani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alavatar View Post
    +6 CON Prince Albert of Disease Immunity?
    Well at least you have some serious protection from STD's there. Isn't there a spell in the erotic book that also makes all your zygotes blessed so that no matter what after having relations with a woman she becomes pregnant with a half-celestial. I think it is called Celestial Seed, maybe there is one that does the opposite; that is no chance of pregnancy, not create half-fiends (thats in there too I am sure) call it Blink Seed

    Oh yeah magic pants, hmm Fearsome Trousers of Heavy Fort. Every king should have a pair for their little princesses.
    DDO Completionist-You Win DDO-You Lose Life

  4. #24
    Community Member studentx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ithrani View Post
    We have a thread that has an OP with no knowledge of PnP rules. Read a book, move along.
    Heh, normally I would agree here but DDO is not DnD.
    "Humanity has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature." Tom Robbins

  5. #25
    Community Member Ithrani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by studentx View Post
    Heh, normally I would agree here but DDO is not DnD.
    OMG are you serious. Yes it is, it is Turbines version of the PnP rules, they are the DM. Sometimes they are not a very good DM but none the less. Turbine turned this game into an amalgam of 3.5 rules and MMO's to draw two crowds at once, the DnD players and the MMO gamers. To say this game is not DnD is like saying WoW is not Warcraft, or UO is not Ultima. Right, DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS ONLINE is not DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS...
    DDO Completionist-You Win DDO-You Lose Life

  6. #26
    Community Member ice33b's Avatar
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    So potions of CCW cannot exist in DDO because of the lvl 3 and under rule, but they can exist in NWN 2? I dont get it. If Obsidian/Atari can get away with it, in a game that is far more true to PnP then DDO ever will be, why cant Turbine as well?

  7. #27
    Community Member Ithrani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ice33b View Post
    So potions of CCW cannot exist in DDO because of the lvl 3 and under rule, but they can exist in NWN 2? I dont get it. If Obsidian/Atari can get away with it, in a game that is far more true to PnP then DDO ever will be, why cant Turbine as well?
    Never played that game and I am glad I did not then. Why can't turbine, because they are an MMO and not just a game that can be played multiplayer. They have subscriptions and the DnD players would probably stop playing this game if they continuously break PnP rules and over power characters more.
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  8. #28
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    Default healing potions and extra ring slots

    In regards to the extra ring slots my vote would be a NO as D&D has always restricted the use of more than one ring on each hand as it interacts with the other.

    As for healing potions. I would say that there should definantely be cure critical or pots of heal available for purchase. The price would probably be rather steep though.

    In response to the individual who made a statement regarding people running around with potions all over them. I would agree that there should be a limitation to this. However, thats why there are portable holes, bags of holding, etc. Thats how you would store them.

  9. #29
    Community Member barabel's Avatar
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    Smile Master Alchemist

    There is a prestige class from Magic of Faerun p34 (Forgotten Realms), which allows an alchemist of high enough level to create Potions which store up to 9th level spells.

    Granted this source isn't from Eberron, but the concept is out there from a WoTC 3.0 rule book.

    Not advocating more potions per se but thought I'd toss this out there for people to chew on.

  10. #30
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Normally I say we should stick as close to PnP as possible because otherwise what are we? People by and large come here for D&D and lets make this game as D&D as possible.

    With that out of the way...

    There is no real reason to change the ring rule. Limiting you to 2 rings and 1 of each other type of equipment was a way to limit your power in a reasonable way and force you to make choices. D&D isn't about an all powerful char, D&D is about building an interesting char and making you more powerful in A generally has a cost in B. Let's keep this balance and the 2 ring limit (subject to giving up feats later as other posters have mentioned)

    Cure pots is a different matter. Unfortunatley DDO has turned into an HP fest. If you don't have a high HP build in a fighter at L12-14 you have a problem of survivabilty. D&D never conceived of a 400 hp fighter at L14 and yet we have them. I think allowing cure crit pots would be a good variation from the D&D rules in order to deal with the fact DDO broke HPs. Also, adding these pots doesn't really change game balance, it just means you don't have to chug quite so many pots to self heal between battles. In battle crits vs serious won't make that much difference either way, this is just a convinience thing.

  11. #31
    Community Member Mizyrlou's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ithrani View Post
    Isn't there a spell in the erotic book that also makes all your zygotes blessed so that no matter what after having relations with a woman she becomes pregnant with a half-celestial. I think it is called Celestial Seed, maybe there is one that does the opposite; that is no chance of pregnancy, not create half-fiends (thats in there too I am sure) call it Blink Seed
    Oh please for the love of all that's left in the world that's good, please tell me that's a joke. Not the book of erotic fantasy, but spells of that sort.
    I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.

  12. #32
    Community Member Soul-Shaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ice33b View Post
    So potions of CCW cannot exist in DDO because of the lvl 3 and under rule, but they can exist in NWN 2? I dont get it. If Obsidian/Atari can get away with it, in a game that is far more true to PnP then DDO ever will be, why cant Turbine as well?
    NWN is built upon DnD but they dont stick to pnp rules. Lots of the spells arent in PnP core.
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  13. #33
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    POtions that incorporate spells of higher than 3rd level are no longer under the perview of Brew Potion they become Wonderous Items. Thus you have Elixirs or other one/limited use Items. So in theory you could have a Elixir of Cure Critical Wounds if you so felt like it... its just really pricey.

    Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
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  14. #34
    Community Member Ithrani's Avatar
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    Default Thats fine

    Quote Originally Posted by Aesop View Post
    POtions that incorporate spells of higher than 3rd level are no longer under the perview of Brew Potion they become Wonderous Items. Thus you have Elixirs or other one/limited use Items. So in theory you could have a Elixir of Cure Critical Wounds if you so felt like it... its just really pricey.

    Works for me, if you can back that up with some PnP text that states it. Or are you just stating that any spell over 3rd must be turned into a Wondrous item for anyone to use, so it is possible according to the PnP Wondrous item creation rule that you could make cure crit single use items such as ointments. Cause the later I assume would be fine.
    DDO Completionist-You Win DDO-You Lose Life

  15. #35
    Community Member Ithrani's Avatar
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    Default No BS

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizyrlou View Post
    Oh please for the love of all that's left in the world that's good, please tell me that's a joke. Not the book of erotic fantasy, but spells of that sort.
    No the spell celestial seed is no joke. Whats crazy about it is a paladin in my PnP party is dying to mate with a dragon with this spell active so he has a Half-celestial half-dragon child. Of course there is a lot more to it then that, see the rogue in the group made a bluff check the pally failed the sense motive check, the rogue bluffed that human women lay eggs when giving birth. The pally RP's him like a naive moron so human anatomy and child birth is kinda unknown to him (yet he has like 10 ranks in heal, to much fun though) Well my fiance plays an elf ranger and told him that women do not lay eggs. He is determined to prove her wrong by having a child with a dragon since the dragon would lay the egg at birth if in dragon form... We have alot of fun with our stupidity. The whole reason the laying egg thing came up was because the pally was never with a women, for RP purposes I had a female paladin come on to him, they spent the night together. The next day they leave her keep to find a dragon to kill, on the way the rogue tells the pally that now Karistyne (yes from Greyhawk) is pregnant and will give birth in 2 days laying an egg, bluff check.... good stuff, I hardly have to do any RP work with that group they just run it all on their own Wait it gets better, they return to the keep and he asks where his child is, she is confused and annoyed at the question and storms off, turns out her lover went missing a long time ago and the reason she slept with the pally was because she needed some comfort. Her more trusted lieutenant told him this, it broke the pally's heart. So now he role-plays as a misogynist, his cleric of Heronious father put him in place once, but... he went back to hating on women.
    Last edited by Ithrani; 08-06-2007 at 07:43 PM.
    DDO Completionist-You Win DDO-You Lose Life

  16. #36
    Founder Ziggy's Avatar
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    Well technically you can have this item.
    Hand of GloryThis mummified human hand hangs by a leather cord around a character’s neck (taking up space as a magic necklace would). If a magic ring is placed on one of the fingers of the hand, the wearer benefits from the ring as if wearing it herself, and it does not count against her two-ring limit. The hand can wear only one ring at a time. Even without a ring, the hand itself allows its wearer to use daylight and see invisibility each once per day. Faint varied; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate dead, daylight, see invisibility; Price 8,000 gp; Weight 2 lb.
    and i say no to the cure crit potions.
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