Guild's name:Embassadors Of Eternity (yes i know it is mispelled it's on pupose)

Guild's type: mostly just comrades to each other,if stable players and good human relations are your favorite while playing,you should consider joining us.

Accepting lvls: 2-14

Accepting class and race: all,including multiclassed.

Basic requirements:

1.know you class and what is that class's role in a group\raid. age limits though most of the players are adults.

3.we are looking for polite nice and humoristic players, who consider DDO as only a game and not trying to suicide for every 3kxp they lose

4.i happen to like new players, allways good to see an unfamiliar face, but the vast majority of us are former PnP players and playing DDO for over 6 months so it might be hard to fit in,if your new and want to learn the game we are allways looking to help. must understand that he don't have to get along with everyone in the guild,or be an experianced player to play with us. racism! we happen to live in peace with each other, any racist tell,post,or action should get you kicked without any considration,racism is illegal and unaccepted.

*recently there was a character&guild copy from argonessen to risia so now we exist in both servers and recruiting

**the guild's leader in argonessen is eluny-a drow cleric and on risia the leader is thailian-a human fighter.

***here's a list of the officers on both servers:eilily,xinvade,thalindar,minfeto,darkinah, and arphur.

*#*I Hope to see you with us soon.*#*